Why does not the beard grow on the cheeks? What to do?

With the advent of great freedoms, looseness in society, with a return to the roots, the beard again became of interest to secular fashionistas, brutal bikers and esoteric gurus. However, not everyone succeeds in achieving the desired results, as often in many men the beard on their cheeks does not grow well. It is about this pressing problem that will be discussed in this article.

Men's fashion cycling

From time immemorial , hair was a sign of masculine power and Slavic wisdom. A man with a voluminous beard was considered healthy, handsome and respectable. But all this has sunk into oblivion with the advent of the decree of Peter I on the exclusion of beards according to the European model. In case of disobedience, the man had to pay a tax to the state for wearing a beard. This fashion for short beards and a bare face has survived until the beginning of the 21st century.

the beard does not grow on the cheeks

Today, in pursuit of a brutal male beard, the stronger sex is ready to go to any trick. When finding out the reasons why the beard does not grow on the cheeks, a general picture of the modern world pops up in which, in addition to the general natural attitude, there are also actions of people with whom they unknowingly harm themselves. But first things first.

Genetic predisposition

The presence of a thick beard is a sign of the strength of the genus. If the father and grandfather have good data, then their heir will be the owner of a chic hairline. In the case of rare manifestations of a severe masculine image in the gens, the descendant's ability to possess the desired beard decreases, since the beard on the cheeks does not grow at all.

National and Ethnicity

Contrary to the popular belief that the Slavic people since ancient times could boast of a noble beard, not every Rusich or Viking managed to grow a noble beard. Such "hairiness" is more likely inherent in eastern nationalities and African-Americans. The northern peoples, the Chinese and the Japanese are the owners of a smooth chin.

The beard does not grow on the cheeks? Think About Men's Health

An important role for hair growth is played by the hormonal background. It's no secret that men with low testosterone levels more often notice that the beard on their cheeks does not grow well. What to do in such cases? Of course, the answer is simple: seriously think about your health and take the necessary measures to increase testosterone levels. These include proper nutrition, healthy sleep, lack of stress, an active lifestyle.

the beard does not grow on the cheeks what to do

As for nutrition, here you need to adhere to clear rules:

  • Eat as little sweet as possible. Sugar thins the hair follicles and hair roots, since by definition it does not carry any value for our body, it only selects the vitamins we need and is deposited on the bones.
  • Drink as much water as possible. The beard does not grow on the cheeks also due to insufficient moisture and saturation of the hair with minerals and vitamins, which are well absorbed due to the frequent consumption of water.


During the period of growing a beard, a balanced diet should be followed, which includes polyunsaturated and fatty acids, proteins and oils, since all these components serve for the growth of healthy and beautiful hair. How to make a beard grow on the cheeks?

You must eat fruits and vegetables with a high content of vitamins A, C, E:

  • Vitamin A (retinol) helps to normalize the condition of the scalp and hair, helps eliminate dandruff and dryness. You can find it in the following products: broccoli, carrots, herbs, meat and fish, pumpkin seeds.
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) increases immunological processes, accelerates blood circulation, due to which the hair bulb is saturated with nutrients. Ascorbic acid can be found in cabbage, citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, apples.

when the beard begins to grow on the cheeks

  • Vitamin E (tocopherol) provides better blood circulation. This component transports oxygen and other nutrients to vital organs. Do you have brittle hair, split ends and no shine? It's time to take care of taking vitamin E. Tocopherol can be found in the following foods: green vegetables with leaves, peas, walnuts, linseed and olive oil.

In order for a beard to grow on the cheeks, it is necessary to saturate the hair follicles with B vitamins

  • Vitamin B1, or thiamine, provides rapid hair growth, because it is involved in maintaining lipid-protein balance. You can find it in legumes, cereals, herbs, meat, cottage cheese, eggs.
  • Vitamins B3 and B5 contribute to improved blood circulation and flushing of hair follicles. To get the right elements, consume in moderation chicken and beef, cereals, avocados and milk.
  • Vitamin B6, the same pyrodoxin, establishes metabolic processes. If your body lacks this component, dandruff and weak roots can be observed, which leads to hair loss. You can find it in germinated cereals, hazelnuts, potatoes, walnuts, cabbage and avocados.
  • B7, or biotin (the same H) is the main element for healthy hair. It accelerates growth and contributes to their thickening. Want a beard to grow on your cheeks? Eat more foods that are high in biotin, such as mushrooms, liver, spinach, eggs, tomatoes, and soy.
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid) provides strength and density to the hair. You can find acid in nuts, legumes, cereals, green foods and brewer's yeast.
  • Vitamin B12 nourishes the hair with oxygen and other nutrients. A large content of this element can be found in fermented milk products, soy, green vegetables, beef liver, and yeast.

the beard does not grow on the cheeks at 30
Of course, all of the above vitamins can be purchased at a pharmacy or specialty stores, as well as in the form of dietary supplements, but a greater effect can be achieved by obtaining important components through the digestive process, because they are absorbed much better and faster. The application of masks, gels and shampoos generally rarely dramatically affects the condition of the hair, mostly their effect is negligible.


In adolescence, when a beard begins to grow on the cheeks of 15-year-old youths, even with all the rules of a healthy diet and active lifestyle, an unstable hormonal background slows down the manifestation of secondary male symptoms, that is, a beard. And this is quite normal - the body has not yet fully formed. But if a man does not grow a beard on his cheeks at the age of 30, then you should already sound the alarm, as this is a signal that development is delayed. At this age, this indicates either a malfunction in the hormonal background, or vitamin deficiency.


Insufficient supply of follicles with necessary acids, fats and oils leads to weakening of the hair and, in the future, possibly to their rapid loss. Therefore, at the first signs of vitamin deficiency, it is necessary to consult a doctor about scheduling proper nutrition and exercise.

Wrong shaving

If you shave incorrectly, the hair structure is damaged, follicle growth is slowed down, which greatly complicates the process of growing a beard. To avoid the negative effect of using razor tools, it is necessary to thoroughly steam and moisten your face with water, apply a shaving cream and carefully remove the hair with a razor in the direction of their growth, then rinse your face with water and use a balm after shaving.

The beard does not grow on the cheeks - what should I do?

Use masks of folk origin to activate the growth of hair follicles.

Eucalyptus Oil Solution

Eucalyptus oil is an excellent moisturizer for your beard. To prepare a nutrient solution at home, you need to take eucalyptus and warm water in a ratio of 1: 4. It is necessary to moisten the cotton wool with a solution and apply it with light movements on the skin. In case of irritation, discontinue use of the solution.

If even after all the manipulations you are still wondering why the beard on the cheeks does not grow well, then the following recipes are for you.

why the beard grows badly on the cheeks
Mustard and Amla Butter

Hair follicles need to be moisturized by natural methods, to which a solution of mustard and amla oil was assigned. This type of fat is one of the most useful natural oils for maintaining the growth and strengthening of hair follicles.

To make the solution, you will need to mix about 60 ml of amla oil and 3 tablespoons of mustard powder, mix until a paste, put on the beard and do not rinse for 20 minutes. This mixture can be used a few days after preparation. Such a mask will only improve its properties if grape seed oil or jojoba oil is added to it. The action of fats should be limited to 20 minutes, this is enough to absorb into the skin.

If it’s difficult for you to prepare such recipes, you can buy ready-made mixes for growing a beard with a complex composition in a pharmacy. If the beard does not grow on the cheeks, ground cinnamon will help.

poorly growing beard on the cheeks what to do
A solution of ground cinnamon and lime juice

Try using a solution of ground cinnamon with lime juice. To stimulate hair growth, such a composition must be applied to the skin 2-3 times a day. To prepare the mixture, you need to take 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon and 2 tablespoons of lime juice, make a mask from these ingredients and hold it on your beard for about 30 minutes. In case of irritation, stop using the solution.

Medical preparations

You still do not grow a beard on your cheeks? What to do in this case? Scientific progress allows us to improve all areas of our lives. Now literally from head to toe you can rejuvenate. Medications can also cope with such a problem as slow hair growth. Usually, these remedies are relatively inexpensive, so everyone can afford such treatment. But before buying any medication, you should consult a trichologist. This will protect you from the negative effect of this type of treatment if there are any contraindications.

So what drugs should you pay attention to?

  • Minoxidil ("Minoxidil") is a remedy that fights hair loss and helps stimulate it. Usually it is prescribed for hair on the head, but it is also great for the beard area and is especially effective when hair grows in shreds with bald patches. Squeeze a little preparation on the arm and massage it into the skin on the cheeks with massaging movements. Before use, we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor, as side effects are possible.

so that a beard grows on the cheeks

  • The market for hair care products offers another great tool for men - Finasteride. This drug to stimulate hair growth raises the level of male hormones and saves the strong half of humanity from baldness. Finasteride increases the concentration of male hormones in the body by about a quarter. It is available in tablets. Vitamins Vitabeard. They include such components as vitamins A, D3, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, B9, B7, B5. This drug also contains zinc, which is simply essential for beard growth. Thus, thanks to the use of VitaBeard vitamins, there is no need to take zinc separately. A whole range of B vitamins contributes to the abundant growth of facial hair. Many people have tested the effect of this drug on themselves and left a lot of positive reviews about it.


Very carefully and consciously approach the choice of drug treatment, since the following side effects are possible: weakened libido, impotence, and a decrease in the volume of ejaculate. Patience and prudence - and your work will certainly be crowned with success!


Of course, you do not have to resort to the help of all the above methods to stimulate the growth of hair on the cheeks. It is natural enough to maintain a favorable atmosphere for this. All additional manipulations are needed in extremely neglected and complex cases. But a way and a way out can always be found. Every effort must be made to achieve the desired sideburns. And remember - do not rush to give up!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3739/

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