What does tiger mean in a dream?

Now we will talk about what a dream with a tiger means. There are many interpretations.

For a long time, a meeting with a tiger in a dream was considered a very bad sign, because a proud and graceful animal symbolizes an ardent enemy with a very strong spirit of malice. Cats always in a dream played the role of a secretive, but reasonably calculating foe, and tigers in this hierarchy occupy a royal place.


If a huge tiger in a dream growls or suddenly attacks, it is necessary for the beholder to gather together not only courage, ingenuity and will, but also clearly understand the full degree of seriousness of the situation. Dreams are not just empty frames during the night rest of the whole organism, but also a qualitative analysis of what is happening with the person during the day. Many psychologists advise listening to such stories, because images and signs often have a serious foundation.

Negative subtext

tiger in a dream

What does tiger mean in a dream? In fact, this beast belongs to the group of strong signs. It is a sign of global power, treachery and undeniable power.

Positive interpretation

But like everywhere else, a tiger in a dream can have a positive connotation. If the beast is grinning out of the cage, the dream portends a victory over enemies, but it will not be final. For complete superiority over hypocrisy, a person needs to accumulate all his strength and deliver a crushing blow, otherwise the tiger will break free.

If the animal is affectionate or dutifully sits next to the sleeping one, such a dream indicates a successful resolution of the problem. That is, enemies admit defeat, while becoming faithful guards. If the tiger fins or licks a person’s hand, then such a plot helps to assess the strength of the enemy’s hypocrisy, because the royal animal rarely drops to kiss.

Sign of stability

To see a tiger in a dream humbly walking nearby is a pretty good sign. In reality, a person needs to stock up with inhuman patience, because in the fight against the enemy there will come a moment of dialogue, the outcome of which can be decided by patience and a cold mind. A beast at rest is a sign of stabilization of the situation, but you should not lose vigilance, because deceit is also inherent in this cat.

see a tiger in a dream

The colors of the beast and the interpretation of the dream

An important aspect of the meaning of sleep is the color of the tiger:

  • black or brown spots symbolize a rebellious spirit, anger and a hurricane of internal negative qualities, such an animal makes clear the hidden potential of a person, which will be very difficult to control;
  • a white tiger in a dream - a glimpse of good luck, a surge of unexpected luck and enlightenment of any difficult situations or thoughts, to see a peaceful animal in front of a difficult decision is a good sign;
  • the blue tiger is a messenger of generosity, peacefulness and majestic humanity;
  • albino in a dream promises a surprise or unexpected news, which is significant in life. With the advent of an unusual beast, life will surely be filled with colors and new impressions.

see a tiger in a dream

African opinion

The inhabitants of Africa believe that seeing a tiger in a dream is an honorary sign, because the animal is the unity of the power of creation and destruction. Dreams dictate to man the way that he should go in the future. If the tiger hunts hard or seeks out some paths, you should carefully look at the opportunities that open up. If the beast shies away or tries to find a way out of the trap, it is better to suspend its activity and begin to analyze its own mistakes. A sober mind is a distinctive feature of this species, so wise and calculating animals not only conquered the world of animals, but also achieved respect among people.

European opinion

Europeans consider the appearance of a tiger in a dream a very sad sign. The growling evil tiger, in their opinion, brings the news of the destruction of all plans. The previously accepted line of behavior is erroneous; in reality, a person should reconsider his desires, principles and aspirations. A leisurely analysis of allies, assistants and the closest circle will give him the missing information, which will help to correct the situation in his own favor.

what does the tiger mean in a dream

Freud's view of the dream

The great Freud believed that only sexually unsatisfied or rejected by a partner can see a tiger in a dream. The predator in his understanding is a symbol of hidden sexual violence or thirst. People who are not able to throw out the accumulated emotions may feel disappointed with the usual intimate affairs. In such situations, Freud advised to conduct therapy for the couple, if an open conversation could not solve the difficulties. A tiger is the master of his tigress, therefore, in reality, the partner’s temper can cause a man to have a conflict of concepts and needs.

Miller's opinion

Miller argued that the appearance in a dream of a representative of the feline kind promises only the danger that sits in the immediate environment of a person. A tiger, running away from a man in a dream , predicts the possibility of strengthening positions. After all, only a strong and hardy person with a direct mind can scare the beast.

white tiger in a dream

Predator in the house

If, in a dream, a tiger is in a person’s home and does not express any aggression, then in reality he can expect significant profit, but to get it you need to spend a lot of strength and patience. The result is fundamentally able to change the course of life of the one who saw the beast. If the tiger growls and proudly lifts its head, one should expect new career opportunities, but the authorities need to prove their readiness for a new responsibility.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3742/

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