The ideal character of the heroine in the novel "Eugene Onegin". The image of Tatyana Larina

“Eugene Onegin” is a novel in verse. If not the best, then one of the best works of the great Russian classic. A.S. Pushkin for the first time reveals the image of a Russian woman, Tatyana Larina, who is an ideal for him, which he gently, lovingly sings with love.

It is believed that the prototype of the heroine was a real woman who left behind her husband who was exiled to Siberia.

The ideal character of the heroine in the novel "Eugene Onegin"

Pushkin calls his heroine a simple and at the same time very common name - Tatyana. Her character is sincere, folk, natural, but nevertheless she cannot be called a simpleton. The sincerity of the heroine is combined with the extraordinary depth of her soul.

She is a big lover of books, brought up on them and the stories of her nanny, different from her surroundings. Tatyana was not used to fondle with her parents and play with other children, like all her peers. She appears before the readers of a girl somewhat alienated from the whole society. For Pushkin, this is the ideal image of the heroine in the novel "Eugene Onegin."

She loves nature and lives according to her rhythms and laws, feeling her unity with her.
Public opinion is not so important for a girl. But she lives in a world of ideals, sincere sincerity, high spiritual morality and purity.

She likes village life, closeness to nature, which she feels and loves. Then, having married, living in St. Petersburg and leading a secular life, she will longingly recall the life that she had in her beloved village.

A.S. Pushkin, Eugene Onegin: Heroes and Their Love

Pushkin Eugene Onegin Heroes

Pushkin describes in his novel two vivid images of the main characters. These are Tatyana Larina, Eugene Onegin, who are opposed to each other and at the same time attracted. The pure and sincere soul of a girl comes into contact with a young man who has seen a lot in his life and who has become disillusioned with life. The mental emptiness of Onegin and to the brim filled with soul Larina dramatically revealed in the novel.

It would seem that love should work miracles, and Tatyana, who was strong and sincerely in love, could definitely change everything. Eugene Onegin, however, rejects her after recognition and leaves her completely at a loss. Was it love or passion? Tatyana, being a dreamy girl, fell in love not with a real person, but with the image she invented, which she painted in her dreams.

The young man who attracted her with his detachment and mystery, those features that were inherent in herself, inside, however, turned out to be the wrong romantic hero from her dreams and dreams. He turned out to be empty, disappointed and even corrupted by the high society life of the capital. But, despite this, noble nobility lived deep in him, and Tatyana did not become deceived. Eugene Onegin left, leaving the girl in utter confusion.

Eugene Onegin novel in poetry

He had a chance to change and gain the soulfulness that once was. But it was too complicated and incomprehensible for him, and the young man or "young old man", as critics sometimes called him, decided to simply retire and continue his usual way of life.

Much later Tatyana Larina, Eugene Onegin will meet in St. Petersburg. And then the fire of passion will no longer burn it, but Onegin. Tatyana, in turn, becoming a lady of high society, will not lose her ability to love. However, this time she will reject Eugene - not in order to avenge or follow the norms accepted in society.

Tatyana Larina Eugene Onegin

She loves him, no matter what, and does not hide it from him. But she continues to be guided in life by her high spiritual and moral principles and cannot break the vow given to her husband, destined for fate. At the same time, she understands that it is not true love that drives Onegin, but passion and selfish pride. And how could she answer otherwise? Decide on an extramarital affair? By doing so, she would not only defile her love, but betray herself, giving up her internal rules of life.

V.G. Belinsky about Tatyana

the perfect character of the heroine in the novel eugene onegin

The ideal image of the heroine in the novel "Eugene Onegin" was described in detail by V.G. Belinsky, calling him the image of the truth of a Russian woman, and the novel - a real encyclopedia of Russian life.

Tatyana, in his perception, is a deep and strong woman, without the painful contradictions of complex souls, which sometimes they themselves can not figure out. She is a whole, single and pure nature. And it does not matter who she is today: a secular lady or a simple girl from the village. Wherever she is, she does not leave high spiritual integrity, and whatever happens to her and what happens, she is guided by the moral ideals and values ​​living inside her.

Tatyana Evgeny Onegin

Tatyana and Olga

Tatyana - the perfect character of the heroine in the novel "Eugene Onegin", is the exact opposite of her sister Olga. The latter is a windy girl with a careless and narrow-minded disposition. Her image in its entirety is revealed in a dismissive attitude towards the young man she loved, Lensky, who, due to her frivolous behavior, challenges Onegin to a duel and dies there.
Tatyana cannot sincerely be friends with her windy sister, she needs the depth and meaningfulness of her and other people's thoughts and actions, which Olga cannot give her.

Natural image

Tatyana is able to contemplate beauty, feel harmony, understand the language of nature and love the world. She loves to meet the sunrise and think about the moon, walk in the fields and meadows, admire the beautiful natural scenery, especially in winter, and even Epiphany frosts.

Her image is close to pagan, when people lived in unity with the outside world, with nature, not distinguishing themselves from it and finding in nature all the answers to their questions. Tatyana believes in superstition, signs, fortune-telling and dreams. And this faith further strengthens its connection with nature.

Social image

Social life burdens the girl. Her deep inner nature resists the falsity of social life, but she is forced to come to terms with her and live as fate ordered her to. Towards the end of the novel, a naive village girl learned to put on a secular cold mask and walk in it, like all the people around. But, despite this, she does not lose her essence and spiritual qualities.

Eugene Onegin quotes

Favorite quotes

Those who read, taught and went through the school novel "Eugene Onegin", quotes from it can remember all my life. Thanks to the beautiful and easy syllable of the great Russian poet, poetry is remembered quickly and for a long time: "Wild, sad, silent, like a forest doe is afraid ..."

In the novel “Eugene Onegin”, quotes characterizing the image of Tatiana, vividly and simply painting the Russian female soul, while remaining in the memory of young people, help in understanding the mysterious Russian soul and a deeper understanding of ourselves.


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