Dream interpretation: cherries. Interpretation of sleep

If in his night vision a person noticed something strange, then in the morning, most likely, he will open a dream book. Cherries ... What, for example, can be expected from a dream in which these berries were present? There are many interpretations. And the most popular ones are worth listing.

dream book of cherries

Numerological book of interpretations

This is what this dream book says : cherries that seem wilted foreshadow the emergence of new promising opportunities. Most likely, a person will not consider them as such, but you should not refuse offers. Especially if they relate to work.

Two cherries on the same branch indicate that the dreamer is too concerned about his finances. And because of this, he abandoned self-development, education and other useful things.

A good dream is considered in which a person saw unripe, very green berries in large numbers. This usually portends luck. If a person plucked green cherries, it means that he will either be returned an old, long-forgotten debt, or he will receive a well-deserved reward.

True, according to the Moonlight Dreambook, unripe berries promise only disappointment, unfulfilled hopes and the collapse of plans.

flowering cherry dream book

According to Miller

This dream book can tell something useful. Cherries are a harbinger of the popularity that a person will gain thanks to his selflessness and friendliness.

If a person ate these berries on both cheeks, it means that he will receive some very desirable object for use. Were the cherries large, ripe and juicy? Someone will love him very much, and not for appearance, but for generosity and kindness.

Did a man see a tree with green berries? Most likely, soon a wonderful acquaintance will happen in his life - with who will become his “soul mate”.

But this is not all that the dream book tells. Cherry on a tree, which is not possible to reach, portends plans that are difficult to translate into reality. Of course, you can implement them, but you will have to make a lot of effort.

But then the vision in which a person gathered cherries is a harbinger of the onset of a white strip. The days will be filled with joyful and pleasant events, and the news will cease to upset.

dream book cherry berries

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

This book of interpretations should also be addressed. This is what this dream book says: cherries, which a person eagerly ate, portend the arrival of long-awaited guests.

Did the bone accidentally enter the stomach? Also a good sign - in a serious dispute a person will be able to defend his point of view. Was the berry alone? A man will receive a long-awaited call. Was there a few cherries? Soon there will be a chance to improve your health. Did the dreamer treat the berries to his friends? In the near future there will be some joyful event. Perhaps a person will gain the long-awaited peace of mind.

The dreamer cooked a compote of cherries, and then drank it with pleasure? Soon he will have a good time with his friends, and will remember this event for a long time.

But the most pleasant thing is the dumplings with cherries that appeared in a dream . They are the harbingers of profit and wealth. If a person did not eat them, but sculpted them, it means that all his plans and ideas will be successfully embodied in reality. The main thing is that the cooking process is not a burden. Because in this case, nothing but the obstacles that arise on the way to the goal, you will not have to wait.

dream book ripe cherry

According to Freud

Some people do not dream of the berries themselves, but a tree - a blossoming cherry. Freud's dream book assures that after such a vision a wonderful feeling of mutual, sincere love will descend on a person.

If the tree showed ripe, juicy berries - he will enjoy physical proximity with a recently appeared partner. And the whole charm of the relationship will be precisely in the novelty.

The main thing is that the tree does not look wilted and unviable. This is a loss of feelings and hopes for the return of former, once passionate relationships.

Modern dream book

Cherry, whose berries were bright red in color and literally barely kept on the branches of trees because of their weight, portends either unexpected joy or respect for the “right” people.

In a vision, a man climbed a tree? Then one should expect a happy turn of fate, which in a good plan will turn his whole life upside down.

Blooming cherry portends happiness in all areas of life. If a person is actively picking berries - it is to pleasure and joy. The same means a dream in which he plucked a flower from a cherry tree.

A meal with such berries promises well-being. But if they were sour, then minor troubles were coming.

Did people pick berries from the ground? Perhaps he will succumb to the temptation to enter into a secret romantic relationship. In a vision, a man sawed a tree? This means that the expectations with which he lives in reality are vain and unrealizable. But if in a dream he planted a tree, a bright streak of luck is coming.

dream book cherry on a tree

Esoteric Book of Interpretations

If a person had a chance to eat cherries in a dream - a dream book advises to recall its taste. Sweet berries portend the embodiment of dreams and desires in reality. Bitter - to tears and disappointments. Sour - to the chagrin, which, most likely, bring close and dear people. But dried berries promise joy.

Important is their color. Dark, almost black cherries are considered the most delicious and sweet, but in a vision they symbolize the betrayal and deception of a loved one. Red berries, on the contrary, speak of fidelity and devotion to the “second half”. And green ones are for luck.

Had to make jam? And did it turn out sour? Typically, this vision reflects the dreamer's pessimistic view of life. It would not hurt a man to cheer himself up.

If the dreamer picked berries, picking them from the tree - soon he will enter into a relationship that will be tied only for the sake of physical proximity. The more berries he spills, the faster the romance ends.

Book of Interpretations Medea

It is worth noting the attention and what this dream book tells. Ripe, large and beautiful cherries can mean a lot. But if a person ate it, and it suddenly turned out to be acidic, something bad will happen soon. And the trouble will come from where no one could wait for it.

But if the berry, which seemed ripe and sour, turns out to be juicy and sweet - a thing that is not particularly promising will turn out to be a tremendous success for the dreamer.

The girl was a dreamer, and she watched her lover eat cherry with appetite? So, someone laid eyes on him. Moreover, the young man knows about the existence of a rival, but does not tell his beloved so as not to upset her. The main thing is that the girl does not dream of a stranger eating cherries. Since such a vision portends a betrayal of the chosen one.

But if the dreamer was a man, and in his daydream he treated the stranger with berries, he would soon have a stormy romance. And not temporary, but serious. But if a married woman treated a stranger to such berries, she should expect conflicts with her husband.

eat cherry dream book

Other interpretations

A sad dream is a vision in which the cherry is dried up, overripe, rancid or rotten. This is to fading the senses.

Sour cherry, which a man, despite its taste, continued to eat, portends tears and sorrows.

Frozen and canned berries symbolize repressed sexuality. Cherry pies indicate that all relatives and friends carefully hide something from the dreamer. And this is far from a pleasant surprise, but some unpleasant truth, which he will have to find out for himself.

And finally, cherry juice. If a man drank it and accidentally spilled it on himself, he will have to face lies, slander and unfounded accusations. To clear your good name, you will have to make a lot of effort.

However, even if the interpretation is not encouraging - do not be upset. Sometimes dreams are just figments of the imagination. Maybe a person just wanted cherries?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3747/

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