Indoor plants: what are, what types exist

The world of indoor flowers is huge. Every year, new indoor plants replenish it . What are and what species do they belong to? Let's try to understand these issues.

All existing plant species are collected in families, and those in groups. They are united by the rules of care, reproduction, they can vary in type, appearance, but have similar characteristics.

Indoor plants what are


What are indoor plants, what families exist?

What are indoor plants

There are several large groups of indoor plants. It:

  1. Amaralis - they include amaralis, hypeastrum, eucharis.
  2. Agave. This group includes more than three hundred plant species. Representatives of home-grown are: agave, yucca, kartelin, sansevier, dracaena.
  3. Acanthus - perennials with inflorescences in the form of an ear. Representatives of the group are: hypoesthesia, crossands, tunbergia, beloperone, fittonia.
  4. Aralievs - representatives of the group are sheflera, ivy, fatsiya, etc.
  5. Aroid - this group includes more than a hundred births. Most often, monstera, dieffenbachia, alocasia, feces, anthuriums, caladiums are grown indoors.
  6. Balsamic. Representatives of the group are balsamins and impaties.
  7. Begoniaceae. This group includes only one genus - begonias. They can be very different, from deciduous to beautiful blooming, able to please with plentiful flowers all year round.
  8. Bromeliads. Representatives of the group are plants that have a weak root system. These are guzmania, cryptanthus, bromeliad and many others. In total, there are more than 1,500 species.
  9. Heather - it is more than a hundred genera, including several thousand species of plants. At home, rhododendrons, dabecia, and agapentes are most often grown.
  10. Verbena. Bright representatives of the group are clerodendrons and lanthanum.
  11. Geraniums. This includes familiar geraniums, pelargoniums.
  12. Gesnerovye. These are episcia, gloxinia, achimenes, eschinanthus, senpolia, streptocarpus.
  13. Labial. Coleus is usually grown indoors.
  14. Cypriot. A prominent representative of the group are fuchsias.
  15. Kutrovye. The group has more than 170 births. What types of indoor plants are in this group? The most unusual and so far rare are catharanthus, oleanders, periwinkles, adeniums.
  16. Shaped. There are more than 2,000 species of various genera, among them hoya.
  17. Liliaceae. The group includes: aloe, gloriosa, haworthia, chlorophytum.
  18. Malvaceae. Most often, hibiscus and abutilon are found.
  19. Arrowroot. This includes only three species: arrowroot, calathea and ktenanta.
  20. Euphorbiaceae. The most beautiful representatives of this group are codeums and pointes.
  21. Orchidaceae. The group includes more than three thousand different plants. These are not only phalaenopsis and dendrobiums, but also cymbidiums, cattleya and some other representatives of the group.
  22. Compositae. This is the largest group in which more than a thousand births. Representatives of the group are cineraria, chrysanthemums, ginura.
  23. Crassulaceae. They are annual and perennial. These include Kalanchoe, Sedum, Eonium. In total, there are about 1550 plant varieties in the group.

It is impossible to remember what houseplants are, their names .

What house plants are photos

Therefore, for convenience, all plants can be divided into decorative foliage, decorative flowering, succulents and cacti, fruit types.


All representatives of the group with proper care are able to maintain their decorativeness for many years. Almost all year round green leaves remain. What are some decorative indoor plants?

What house plants are

This group includes the most diverse members of the families:

  • Aglaonems.
  • Dieffenbachia.
  • Arrowroot.
  • Calatheas.
  • Begonias, etc.

In each genus there are several representatives that are classified as decorative leaf.

Decorative flowering

All indoor plants that bloom for a long time with beautiful flowers are decorative-flowering. This group includes plants of different genera. These may be some representatives of gesner, orchid, begonia.

What are indoor plants - names

The image will help you figure out which house plants are. The photo will show some of the most attractive and common types of decorative flowering plants.

What types of indoor plants are

Succulents and Cacti

Cacti and succulents are also indoor plants. What are the representatives of this type? This includes all species of indoor plants that are highly resistant to drought. The most beautiful and still rare are species and hybrid adeniums. And most often among lovers of indoor flowers there are different varieties of Kalanchoe, Aloe, Agave, Crassula, Euphorbia, Guernia, Haworthia.


This is a relatively small group in which several plants are grown at home. What fruit house plants are there? These are lemons, tangerines, pomegranates, pineapples, kiwi, peppers. Recently, breeders have bred new varieties of eggplant, tomato, and cucumber, which can be grown indoors. Connoisseurs of natural food on their windowsills grow micro-greens, onions.

What plants are there - lemon


When choosing a plant, it is necessary to take into account its growing characteristics. Some of the indoor flowers love the sun, while others in direct sunlight receive severe burns and lose their decorative effect. There are plants that are located on the northern windows, shade-tolerant. Some plants have an unusual aroma. It can come not only from the flowers themselves, but also from the leaves, stems. Some of these are pelargoniums, geraniums, hibiscus, indoor roses, citrus fruits. In the latter, the aroma comes from the leaves, if they are slightly rubbed.


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