Why do you feel sick and dizzy after training - possible causes and solutions to the problem

A visit to the gym is an excellent prevention of not only being overweight, but also depression and feeling unwell. But what if physical activity does not provide relief after class, but, on the contrary, well-being worsens? In this article, we’ll talk about why you feel sick after exercise. About the reasons that can cause deterioration of health, and about what it is fraught with. However, we hasten to reassure you. Not always the answer to the question of why, after exercise, you feel sick, are health problems. Perhaps you are just doing the exercises incorrectly or not eating right on time.

why do you feel sick after training

Sport for everyone

A moderate sports load has practically no contraindications. If a person is overweight, problems with the cardiovascular system or other chronic diseases, then the only thing is to choose the right training regimen. Thus, sport is a universal treatment for all diseases. Of course, with the right dosage and careful approach, and sometimes - exclusively with the trainer or under the supervision of the attending physician. However, if you feel unwell after class, it means either you are not doing it right, or you need to change the level of exercise. Let's talk about the reasons why you feel sick after a workout in the gym.

why do you feel sick after training in the gym

Types of Training

Training can conditionally be divided into power and aerobic. The first type of physical activity is associated with breath holding. So, under power exercises most often means exercises with weight. A great example of anaerobic training will be weightlifting, exercises of bodybuilders or powerlifters. This can be squats with a barbell, bench press, work with dumbbells and weights. There is another type of load - aerobic, it is associated with continuous rhythmic inhalation and exhalation. An example of aerobic exercise is running and brisk walking, working with an ellipsoid, riding a bicycle, swimming. Professional athletes and amateurs, as a rule, alternate both of these types of load.

Why does a headache and nausea after training ? Could this be if a person is healthy? Let's deal with each type of stress and the causes of poor health after them.

Feeling unwell after strength training

That's right, even a perfectly healthy person, according to medical indicators, may feel bad after intensive work in the gym. Do not rush to the doctor, analyze all the possible reasons why the headache after training or is sick.

why after training you feel sick and dizzy

The most common cause of discomfort is overtraining. Most often, this affects the stronger sex, that is, men.

Do not overdo it in the hall!

The desire to become larger in volume and stronger makes men lift more and more weight during classes. This contributes not only to micro-ruptures of muscle tissue, which subsequently leads to an increase in muscle mass, but also to the development of the useless hormone cortisol. Otherwise, this hormone is called the stress hormone, and its excess leads to the fact that you will feel bad even with good health, from the point of view of medicine. Coaches around the world recommend not overdoing it, since “more” does not mean “better”, as for the results of strength training.

Even professionally performing bodybuilders know the measure and train, albeit often, but with less weight or a small amount of time. Do not sacrifice your body and do not put it on the embrasure of beauty. Exercise no more than three to four times a week, and you can give one exercise to aerobic exercise.

Adequate Nutrition Before Strength Training

Those who often go to the gym know that eating before a workout is quite uncomfortable. It’s more difficult to warm up to a full stomach, exercises are more difficult, as a result, many visitors to the halls try not to eat 4-5 hours before visiting a fitness club. Sometimes an athlete cannot have a bite for reasons beyond his control. For example, if you have to go to the gym immediately after work.

As a result, after a heavy load, a healthy person may feel dizzy and nauseous. The point is the lack of energy provided by food. Thus, the answer to the question why is sick after exercise, headache, will be "malnutrition . "

why after training headache and nausea

The solution to this problem is the use of liquid foods, such as protein shakes. Protein is a complete digestible protein. If you do not want to eat the usual cereal with meat or other solid foods, then replace the meal with the described cocktail an hour before the start of classes. You can add whipped banana to milk and protein. Thus, you will nourish the muscles, and you will ensure good health after class.

Improper exercise technique

You can masterfully master the technique of handling dumbbells or the bar, but if you breathe incorrectly, then provide yourself with a migraine or nausea after a workout. Anaerobic exercises require not only the correct setting of the legs and back, but also the rhythmic inhalation-exhalation.

Many professional athletes and ordinary visitors to gyms sin by simply not being able to breathe. As a result, all power exercises are performed in one breath. Why does a headache make you feel sick and dizzy? Revise your breathing technique while you exercise. Think not only about keeping your back “locked” or keeping your knees out of the line of socks, but also about rhythmically breathing in and out. You will see that, firstly, you will gain strength during the lesson, and secondly, you will feel cheerful after the training.

why headache after training

Why does a headache occur after attending aerobic training ?

We figured out the reasons that can cause headaches and nausea during weight training. But what if you visit the gym for treadmill training? How then to explain the discomfort after class?

First of all, analyze if you are taking any medications. Some pills can cause migraines due to the expansion or narrowing of blood vessels due to the additional load. If you do not take any medicine, there may be another reason for the headache. From the fact that the heart works in an accelerated mode, it distills a much larger volume of blood than at rest. Because of this, the blood vessels dilate. But then you finished the training, the heart began to beat in the usual rhythm, and the vessels can not decrease in size as quickly. This may cause dizziness or nausea.

How to get rid of discomfort?

The easiest way to get rid of nausea or headache directly in the hall will be the following options:

  • Lie so that your head is in a position above the placement of the heart. This will contribute to the narrowing of the vessels, and the unpleasant sensation will pass very quickly.
  • The second way to restore the norm is to have a snack with something quickly digestible. A great option would be an apple or a banana. These high-carb foods will make up for decreased glycogen stores, and discomfort should go away.

Why is exercise sick after exercise? Another reason may be a banal lack of potassium and magnesium in the body. Drink vitamins, best complex, for 2-3 months.

why does a headache occur after attending training

However, there is reason to be agitated if nausea and migraine become something familiar and regular after exercise. In this case, the answer to the question of why you feel sick after exercise is the recommendation to consult a doctor. There is a risk that you have a disease of the cardiovascular system.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K375/

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