High-protein gainer: suitable for whom, effect, reception scheme and rating

High-protein gainer is an elite class sports nutrition. Its composition contains high-quality proteins. Powerful protein base supplemented with carbohydrate compounds. Thanks to the unique formula of the drug, you can achieve a good anabolic effect and effective muscle growth. High protein gainer has a ratio of proteins and carbohydrates in a ratio of 1: 2 or 1: 1.

gainer cocktail

Who needs

If an athlete wants to build muscle, but is prone to fullness, he is often recommended to use a gainer with a high protein content. There should be enough carbohydrates so that the protein is absorbed, going to build muscles, and there is no excess of calories that will be deposited in fat.

A high-protein gainer is an excellent assistant in case there is no way to fully eat, and you do not want to eat harmful dishes. Due to its balanced composition, it is considered a good dietary substitute for food.


When choosing a high-carb or high-protein gainer, you should first of all pay attention to the manufacturer. After all, each brand has its own cocktail composition. For example, whey isolate or protein, casein, and egg protein are often sold. The same applies to carbohydrate components, which are complex elements with a long assimilation period.

Also in any tool there is a certain amount of amino acids, minerals, vitamins. Thanks to the components, the athlete achieves his goals.

protein shake

Effect of application

High protein gainer is useful for those who have a slow metabolism. It is important to pay attention to minimize carbohydrates. Such a cocktail allows you to quickly increase muscle mass, and without the formation of fat folds. Also, it is used by people who have an ectomorphic type of physique, who are having difficulty gaining muscle mass. In this case, the problem is solved only by means with the maximum amount of carbohydrates. A pure protein product will not bring the desired result, since the protein is quickly absorbed and cannot penetrate the muscles in the right amount.

Also, a high-protein gainer is useful for long workouts and when you need to gain weight in accelerated mode with a minimum amount of subcutaneous fat. This tool is not recommended for use in diabetes mellitus, obesity, as well as athletes who do not need to gain additional muscle mass or conduct training to lose weight.

There may be certain side effects when taking a cocktail. For example, a digestive disorder associated with intolerance to a component. There may also be a problem such as an increase in the amount of fat in the body. It occurs due to excess dosage. After all, a high-calorie cocktail. If such a nuisance happened, the dosage of the dry powder should be reduced, and the drink should be taken no more than 1 time per day.

Top gainers

There are many high-protein gainers, the rating is presented below:


The ratio of protein to carbohydrates per serving

1. Iron Mass Arnold Series MusclePharm


2. Pro Complex Gainer ON


3. Mega Mass 2000 Weider


4. Elite Mass Dymatize


5. True-Mass BSN


6. Up Your Mass MHP


7. ISO Mass Xtreme Gainer Ultimate Nutrition


When choosing a gainer, it is important to pay attention to the glycemic index. The higher it is, the worse. He points to a parameter that shows that complex, slow-breaking carbohydrates are included in the powder.

high protein gainer

Mode of application

The optimal portion is the following - for 400 ml of liquid, 150 grams of the product. It is better to use a shaker when mixing dry powder with water. A cocktail is taken at least 3 times a day - in the morning, one hour before and after exercise. To obtain the maximum effect, the gainer is used even on rest days. The dosage is the same, but the cocktail is drunk twice a day. It is worth noting that replacing a meal with such a cocktail is not worth it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3751/

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