What is a button accordion? Learn slang online

The Internet is a territory with its own rules, language, communication style, and more recently, laws. It so happened, but many newly-minted users may remain at a loss after communicating with inveterate Internet scribblers. It is, first of all, about the use by the latter in their language of slang, which is not accessible to everyone who first opened the page of any forum.

what is the button accordion
As a rule, communication in the network takes place in a peculiar language, a striking feature of which is the use of various kinds of abbreviations and familiar words in a different sense. One of the most common such expressions is the word "button accordion". Many might think that this is the name of a musical instrument. Yes, it is, but not in the global network. About what a button accordion on the Internet will be discussed below.

What does the button accordion mean?

Often on the forums you can find this unusual expression. As a rule, it is expressed not by those who started the discussion, but by commentators. What is a button accordion? This expression means that the material provided by the user has long been known to the public. That is, the person who wrote such a word has already seen similar information before. This may be due to the fact that he is more experienced and knows much more on the Internet than his opponent.

What does the expression "button accordion" apply to?

In general, each user has the right to say about the irrelevance of the material, but he must be completely sure that this is true, because some other participants in the discussions prefer to first read the comments and only then study the topic. And if he sees the word โ€œbutton accordion,โ€ he may not be interested in information, although this material is really unfamiliar to him.

what is the button accordion on the Internet
This example is a vivid illustration of the misapprehension of textual information as an accordion, because this is the most difficult form of providing information. Bayans are pictures, videos, articles, news, in other words, everything related to media content.

The history of the button accordion

It is clear what a button accordion is in slang, and now weโ€™ll try to figure out why this word acquired such a meaning. In general, for the first time it was used on a humorous portal in the comments on the joke โ€œMother-in-law was buried - two button accordions were tornโ€. The author of the joke was called a button accordion player, and the joke itself was called a button accordion, which later spread to all that was old and irrelevant.

Where to use this expression

Many users, knowing what a button accordion is, often use this word in communication in various forums, in chats, blogs, and discussions. As a rule, it arises when someone from communicating tries to present information to the public, but many already know it. Often they ask a question about what a button accordion in VKontakte is. Actually, the same thing as on the whole Internet.

what is a button accordion on slang
In โ€œVKโ€, any post that has already taken place can be considered a button accordion, and it is given out as fresh news. It is easy to see that most of the records in the VKontakte groups are button accordions.

How to use the word "button accordion" in communication

If you know what a button accordion is, then you can safely use this word in your vocabulary. In most cases, it will be used in communication on the forum. So, there are several rules on how to use this expression correctly.

Firstly, even if you find a button accordion, but someone already wrote about it above, you should not inform the public again. There are several reasons for this. The first, and most important, is that the topic will gather messages and rise to the top, and this is not good, since it contains old and well-known information.

Secondly, if you were the first to find a recurring topic, you need to provide evidence when writing the word "button accordion", for example, a link to a similar topic, but created earlier. It is important to note that if the time difference between the first and second message is no more than three days, the information is not button accordion.

Expression fame

In fact, this word entered the usual Internet slang not so long ago, and the impetus for its use was given in the show +100500. Its host, Max +100500, used this expression in the disclaimer, after which it entered the vocabulary of the most popular class of the Internet community - youth - and then actively spread in social networks and forums.

what is the button accordion in vkontakte

Now many even in everyday life use this word to mean something old.


Now you know what a button accordion is and how to use this expression correctly. Unfortunately, many users, not knowing what this word means, use it, distorting the meaning or calling up-to-date and fresh information a button accordion. Proper use of Internet slang is primarily a guarantee that you will remain understood and convey information to other users exactly as it should be perceived by them. Remember that the ability to communicate competently is always a sign of education and upbringing and arouses respect, but here the Internet is no exception.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3754/

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