Natalia Kozelkova: biography, personal life. Work on the project "Boys"

All fans of the TV show "Patsanka" are familiar with Natalia Kozelkova. This woman teaches future ladies the correct speech and manners of communication. In addition, Natalia is a fairly well-known actress and talented TV presenter. Today we offer you an acquaintance with the biography of Natalia Kozelkova, the personal life and career of this amazing woman.

Kozelkova Natalia


Natalia was born on September 23, 1963 in the most ordinary family - her parents were engineers. A girl was born and raised in Moscow. Here she graduated from the most ordinary school. Her career in the media, Natalia began in the ninth grade - when she was 14 years old, she became the leading and correspondent of the popular program "Peers" on All-Union Radio. By the way, at the same time she made her film debut - Natalya Kozelkova played the main supporting role in the series “Krosh Holidays”.


After graduating from school, Natalya managed to go through a creative competition at once in two theater universities. The girl was ready to accept the Higher Theater School named after Shchepkin and the Theater Institute named after Shchukin. Natalia made her choice in favor of Sliver. Six months before the release, the girl passed another contest and became the announcer of Central Television. In 1984, Kozelkova received a diploma in "Actress of Drama Theater and Cinema."

Natalya Kozelkova

TV career

On television, Natalia Kozelkova was waiting for a large number of interesting projects. Among the programs that she led were Goodnight, Kids, Radar, and Vremechko. At the same time, Natalya masters the profession of a television journalist. In her new capacity, she made her debut in the program "Today" on NTV. Natalia worked in such projects as “I love the traffic police”, “Dialogue with America”, “Sing, friends!” and many others. By the way, Kozelkova is also a bard - in her repertoire of more than fifty copyright songs.

Natalya Kozelkova, taking the post of deputy chief editor, took an active part in the creation of the 365 Days Channel, Russia's first historical channel. Six months after its launch, 365 Days was recognized as the fastest growing channel and received a prestigious European award.

In 2003, Natalia discovered a new direction. She began to work in the field of voice communications. Natalia Kozelkova created an original author’s course in speech technology. Today Natalia teaches at the Higher School of Economics, the Moscow Institute of Ostankino. A woman and her school of communication opened, where various trainings and courses are held - team building, acting and oratory. In addition, Natalia has her own channel on Youtube. Here are the best video lessons on public speaking. Kozelkova continues to work on the set. She starred in various films and series, for example, in the series "Trace", "Bear's Skin", "Before Judgment."

Personal life

Spouse Natalia Kozelkova - professor of political science Nikolai Baransky. Nikolay is a member of the International Academy of Radio and TV.

Natalia Kozelkova biography personal life

Appearance in the television project "Patsanka"

The appearance of Natalia Kozelkova in the "Boys" did not surprise anyone. After all, Natalya is a member of The Orator Club Moscow, which means she can teach girls the correct self-presentation. Natalya is able to introduce future ladies to the rules of communication, to help them get rid of internal barriers. This woman can be called a professional in the field of communications. It is the communication skills, in her opinion, that the project participants lack: their obscene expressions and completely incoherent speech become the cause of this shock.

Like other teachers of the School of the Lady, Natalya is very strict, and sometimes even categorical. Kozelkova herself notes: her favorite method of work is the carrot and stick method. She is able to hear a person, you can agree with her - most importantly, do it competently!


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