How to act in advertising: necessary skills, requirements for candidates

With the advent of televisions in the homes of most people, it became possible to watch not only your favorite shows and films, but also advertisements for popular goods and services. Since that time, the dream of many people to become part of the screen world has come true. Since filming in a commercial often requires non-professional actors, but only a certain type of appearance. You will learn how to star in advertising and what you need for this right now.

Base cast

One of the easiest and most logical ways to become an actor in a commercial is to join a special database of beginner movie actors. As a rule, these bases consist of thousands of people who dream about filming anywhere and just wait for their finest hour. Today, there are many advertising agencies that are ready to take your professional photos for a fee and enter your data into a file cabinet. Unfortunately, employees of such agencies are never deprived of work. After all, gullible people are ready to give anything in order to get to the casting and star in commercials without experience.

Filming in advertising

We want to warn you and remind you that bona fide agencies will never demand money from you until you get a specific job and your fee. And only after successful cooperation and filming, the agency that recommended your candidacy is entitled to a small share of your earnings. As a rule, this is not more than 15-20%. Be vigilant and do not agree to the sweet speeches of unscrupulous advertisers who promise you the main roles in all the advertisements on our television after placing them in a paid database. In 99 cases out of 100, such agencies are crowded with dissatisfied aspiring actors who once believed in the same promises.

Portfolio for free?

The second important point for those who do not yet know how to appear in advertising is the creation of a portfolio. Here it is very important to clarify that when “enrolling” in the database of actors, you can be asked for high-quality photographs taken by a professional photographer. At the same time, they will certainly offer to make such a portfolio in their own agency for a "low fee." Take this offer as a clear sign of fraud and a motive to immediately leave the organization. Large agencies will never do anything like that, but rather, they will take your photos without any payment for them.

Always remember that a high-quality advertising agency is not interested in your money, but in the search for the original person and type. Therefore, think 100 times before you are planning to give your hard-earned money to someone who has not yet provided you with work.

What photos are needed to become an actor?

If a professional portfolio is a plus, but not at all optional, then you should still have some photos. So, what photos are needed to be invited to the casting and to appear in commercials?

In fact, you only need a few photos taken with a good camera. Today, even the capabilities of phones are quite suitable for creating your mini-portfolio, for which you will need a photo in ordinary clothes in full growth on the most plain background. It can be a wall of a building, a fence, etc. As well as a photograph of your face and shoulders without bright makeup and with an ordinary hairstyle. The third photo can be taken in profile with the same conditions as the full face. Remember that the use of "Photoshop" and other image processing is unacceptable. On them you should look exactly the same as in life.

Portfolio photo

In general, these three photos will be quite enough for you to qualify for the job in the shooting of the commercial. If your type is suitable for this work, you will certainly be invited and, if necessary, take additional photos.

Send your photos to several places

When your photos are ready, select some worthy agencies and, having found the coordinates of assistants, send them to them. Do not be afraid to make yourself known. In a letter with a portfolio, tell a little about yourself and your skills. If you have already happened to star in some films, even in minor roles, then be sure to indicate this by attaching a video clip with your participation. In this case, your knowledge will be useful in order to act in commercials. And perhaps this is what will play a decisive role in making a positive decision by the director regarding your person.

Shooting on camera

Good luck loves aspiring people

If you seriously decide to star in an advertisement and go to auditions in Moscow, we recommend that you take care to increase your chances of success. After all, just imagine how many non-professional actors are dreaming of fame and big fees. However, many of these people do not take this matter seriously. And, having sent some of their photos to a couple of agencies, they sit down to wait for that treasured hour until they are invited to the casting. We recommend that you do not sit back, but look for courses in acting. This is especially true for those who dream about their child taking part in the filming. Acting in commercials is much more difficult for children than adults. Indeed, not everyone can remember the text and play the necessary role. In this case, acting will teach him some of the subtleties and, possibly, will attract him into the world of creativity and art for many years.

Acting Courses

Today in the capital there are many courses where, for little money, they will teach you how to control your body, express the necessary emotions without a mask of tension, and also behave correctly in front of the camera without fear of it. Actor’s school is a great way to bring the chances of going to a casting in Moscow and appearing in commercials.

They called you ...

So, let’s imagine a situation when a call was received from an extras agent with a proposal to come to the casting. Your actions must be consistent and confident.

First of all, you need to put in order your appearance. If you don’t have much time for training, we recommend taking a cool shower. To make your skin look fresher, use a face and body scrub. Clean hair is a must!

How to dress for casting?

Next, you should think over your image, clothes. Going to a casting, you do not need to modify yourself too much. Firstly, because in an unusual way you yourself will feel awkward and insecure. And secondly, because the assistant director sees perfectly who is in front of him, and without a ton of makeup. In the head of professionals, at the first glance at your face and body, a picture of what could be made of you using the same cosmetics appears. But only a few can mentally remove all the "beauty" applied to the face. This is distracting and confusing. Therefore, we recommend applying a light make-up using the corrector for the area under the eyes, the tonal foundation and eyebrows. A little mascara and lip gloss - and the image is ready.

Casting Image

Choose clothes that are neat and comfortable for you. You do not need any hairpins if you do not go to them in ordinary life, the same applies to a miniskirt or tight-fitting blouse with a deep neckline. But to come in a sports suit five years ago, of course, is not worth it. It is best to choose light-colored clothes with a white collar that would refresh your face, as well as clothes that adorn your figure and hide flaws.

What will happen at the casting?

Many are interested in the question of what happens after a person got a call from an agency with an offer to go through a casting.

First, you will be asked to star in a short video where you, on a plain background, alone, tell the camera a short story about yourself. At this stage, much becomes clear to both the director and the director of the crowd. It becomes clear whether you are suitable for filming in this advertisement or not. If the type and your qualities are suitable, you are invited to the next interview, but with the director of the video. Now you have to talk to the camera with a specific person, answering his questions. After that, from several applicants choose one - one who fully meets the requirements, and the next stage begins.

Casting for shooting

How to star in an advertisement in Moscow? The third stage of the process includes the reading of the role, the text of which is given to you immediately before the start of the casting. You will also be taken to the dressing room, where makeup and outfit for the role will be selected. If after all this you are announced the days of filming, then consider that the casting you have been successful! Now it remains only to learn the text of the role and play well in the frame, listening to all the wishes and recommendations of the director.

Shooting Advertising

As you can see, acting in commercials without experience in Moscow is real. If you really feel the potential for creativity on the screen, then go!


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