The serial killer Robert Maudsley: biography, charges and history

Robert Maudsley is the man responsible for the death of four people. However, he became famous not only because of these killings, but, most likely, because he ate a significant part of the brain of the person he killed. It is for this reason that he received his nickname "The Eater Hannibal."

Family of the future cannibal. Biography

Robert Maudsley was born in the summer of 1953 in the UK, or rather, in the city ​​of Liverpool. The family of the future offender was huge, except for Robert, she had eleven more children. Maudsley's childhood passed in his hometown in the Crosby area. However, he was brought up not in the family, but in the Nazareth House orphanage. This institution was run by nuns. Robert's family was not distinguished by a special manifestation of love for his offspring, but, on the contrary, the children were constantly transferred from their parents, or rather from their father. After some time, parents who used physical violence against children were still deprived of parental rights, and the children were distributed by the guardianship authority to orphanages and adoptive parents. Robert Maudsley began to wander around foster parents and psychiatric hospitals. As Maudsley later told about his father, he only wanted to see him in order to beat him.

Robert Maudsley

Drug addiction and body trade

In the late sixties, Maudsley became addicted to drugs, first periodically, and then constantly began to use heavy drugs. Then the teenager has not even come of age. In order to buy drugs for something, Maudsley began to sell his body to men, that is, he began to engage in prostitution. At first, there was enough proceeds for narcotic substances, but each time the teenager became more and more depressed. In the end, Robert Maudsley tried to commit suicide, but this did not end with the desired result. After several such attempts, he decided to act differently, namely to seek psychiatric help.


Familiar people spoke positively about Robert Maudsley, everyone considered him a very calm and balanced person. Moreover, subsequently people spoke of him as a well-mannered and intelligent gentleman. He did not possess the qualities and appearance that psychos and maniacs usually have. Robert Maudsley was not at all like that.

Robert Maudsley

Maudsley Statements

During a medical examination, Maudsley proved himself to be the only one who has tremendous intellectual abilities. But at the same time, on the same examinations, the criminal stated that some kind of inner voice called him to kill his parents, who caused the boy so many unpleasant moments in his life. According to the future cannibal, his parents raped him in childhood, and this was the reason for the failure in his mind, that is, the cause of psychological trauma. Later, he made a statement to law enforcement agencies and medical workers that if he had liquidated his parents earlier, then, perhaps, no subsequent victims and crimes would have happened.

Crazy and maniacs Robert Maudsley


Maudsley committed his first murder in 1974. It so happened that the ordinary hard worker, who had intimate affairs with Robert, showed the latter photographs in which the children were shown. These children were victims of rape. Perhaps recalling the past, Robert Maudsley was enraged, as a result of which this worker was strangled by him. After a short time, the criminal was detained by the police. Then, of course, was the court. Judicial sentence Maudsley was sentenced to imprisonment. Term - life imprisonment. However, the offender was not granted any right to early release.

However, Robert Maudsley was not in prison, but in a hospital for mentally ill people. Under escort he was taken to Broadmoor Hospital, which contained all mentally unstable criminals. There, Maudsley originally earned the nickname "Blue." Such a nickname was associated in prisoners with the complexion of the victim of Maudsley.

Robert Maudsley serial killer

Next Murder and Cannibalism

In 1977, the killer Robert, together with another mentally ill prisoner, seized another criminal serving his sentence. The latter was sentenced to imprisonment for pedophilia. Maudsley and his partner took him hostage, locked in a separate cell. There, both prisoners subjected their victims to numerous tortures and bullying. In the end, after both were tired, the hostage was killed. The guards who burst into the cell, who for a long time could not get into it, which caused the door to be cracked, were literally dumbfounded and shocked by what they saw. There was a spoon in the pedophile’s open skull, and part of the murdered brain disappeared. Security guards and forensic experts searched the entire cell, but the missing brain was never found. Everyone decided that part of the human brain was eaten by Robert Maudsley, the villain, who after this incident was called the “Spoon”. Robert was convicted of this crime, again sentenced to imprisonment and redirected to another prison. However, Maudsley wished to return, since he did not like Wakefield's new prison. The authorities did not consider it necessary to satisfy the requirements of the prisoner offender.

robert maudsley biography

Two more killings

Two other prisoners at Wakefield Prison died at the hands of Cannibal Maudsley in 1978. One of these two was Salni Darwood. He was sentenced to imprisonment for sexual crimes. Robert Maudsley managed to lure Darwood into his cell, where, seizing the opportunity, he attacked him. At first, the offender tried to strangle his victim, but then, apparently changing his mind or deciding that he could not cope, inflicted several stab wounds to him in vital organs. Salny Darwood died almost immediately, and Maudsley then shoved the dead man under his bunk so that he was not visible.

Having completed all these actions, Robert Maudsley continued to carry out his criminal intent. He began to call other prisoners to him for the purpose of murder, but no one responded to his calls, since they did not talk to him and were, to put it mildly, in enemy relations. Then Robert Maudsley, not desperate to carry out his plan, decided to approach his victim himself. Sneaking up on Bill Roberts, Maudsley stabbed him. Not stopping there, Robert Maudsley began to strike his opponent with his hands, and then completely crushed his skull against the wall.

Robert John Mobsley

Then Robert Maudsley, a serial killer, calmly went into the room to the guard officer on duty, laid a bloody knife in front of him, saying that in the evening the guards would miss a couple of prisoners.

Transfer to a special camera

In 1983, the administration of the prison after the listed crimes of Maudsley concluded that the psychopath was too dangerous for all prisoners. From a simple and ordinary cell, it was decided to transfer Maudsley to a special room, from which he could neither escape, nor harm anyone. Since there was no such special chamber in the institution, the authorities decided to build and equip a new one. For this, two ordinary cells were located in the basement of the prison. A maniac was placed in them.

Just once a day, Robert Maudsley is allowed to walk outdoors, the duration of this walk is one hour. The size of the isolated cell in which the psychopathic killer is serving his sentence is only 6 x 3.5 meters. Since the time that Maudsley was transferred to this cell, he never came into contact with any prisoners. The furniture in the room where the famous maniac is contained is made of pressed cardboard, and all other necessary items are firmly screwed either to the walls or to the floor of the cell.

Robert Maudsley villain

Some More Facts About Maudsley

It was Robert John Maudsley who became the prototype of Hannibal Lecter from a feature film made by Hollywood filmmakers, entitled "Silence of the Lambs." However, Maudsley himself hardly knows about it. Now he refuses to communicate with almost everyone, does not enter into dialogue even with doctors.

Currently, Robert Maudsley is very seriously ill and, it is possible that he will die in the near future. Many scientists, both from the UK and from other countries, want to get his brain after Modsley's death in order to examine it. Even some offer for such an opportunity to pay a sum of money in the amount of thirty-eight thousand euros.

That's all society knows about a cannibal criminal named Robert Maudsley. His biography is rather stingy due to the fact that he spent most of his life in prison, and even according to the laws of Great Britain, declassifying information about serial criminals is allowed only after a hundred years.


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