Children's poetess Moshkovskaya Emma: funny poems for kids

Moshkovskaya Emma Efraimovna was born in 1926 in Moscow. As she herself recalled, she spent all her childhood in an atmosphere of mutual understanding, love and friendliness. Her uncles are known throughout the country:

  • M. Moshkovsky - founder of pharmacology in Russia;
  • Y. Moshkovsky is a polar pilot.


Moshkovskaya Emma

Even as a child, Emma Moshkovskaya began to sing. And she did it pretty well. That is why, immediately after school, she entered the Gnessin School. After his graduation, she worked for 3 years as a soloist in the Philharmonic of the city of Arkhangelsk. However, after this time, she still returned home. In Moscow, she decided to enter the opera-choral studio at the conservatory.

Emma did not even think of any literary career of the poet. Although even then she was happy to write poetry, small comic texts and epigrams, feast songs.

Children's poems

It was only in the 60s that she sent several of her poems to the editors ’magazine Murzilka. Not only were they printed, but also her work received excellent marks from such masters as Chukovsky and Marshak. All this prophesied a great career for the future child poet.

In addition to Murzilka, Emka Moskkowska sent her poems to magazines such as the Counselor and Pioneer. And by 1962, she released her own first collection, in which the best children's poems were collected. This book is called Uncle Ball.

Emma Moszkowska gained incredibly fast popularity. Biography confirms this. After all, after the first collection she began to publish 2-3 books a year. And all of them were incredibly sought after by publishers.


Moshkovskaya’s literary career was not limited to poetry for children. In the 70s, she began writing scripts for animated films. In parallel, she recorded several records with her children's poems, which were unprecedentedly popular among Soviet children.

Emma Moshkovskaya

All poetry poems were written as if by a child. This style often caused a storm of indignation and criticism from colleagues. Someone even wrote parodies of her works. But Moshkovskaya Emma did not pay close attention to this. After all, the main thing is children's love.

In the last years of her life, the poetess felt very ill. Therefore, she did not compose anything. She only corrected and added the poems that she had already begun. It was they who formed the basis of the posthumous collections of Emma:

  • "Grandfather Tree";
  • "Good news."


Emma Moszkowska is still popular. Her poems are reprinted, translated into other languages. And the songs that she once wrote together with famous Soviet composers are still performed by pop stars.

The poetess Moshkovskaya Emma remains successful so far. And her secret is simple - she is sincere and genuine in her feelings for children. It is only a pity that all of her lyric works intended for an adult audience have remained unpublished.

Moszkowska Emma - author of numerous collections:

  • "The earth is spinning!";
  • "Uncle Ball";
  • “Listen to the rain”;
  • "Greedy";
  • “One Hundred Guys - Kindergarten” and many others.

All of these books contain verses that very subtly convey the fullness of children's attitudes. In them you can see the various shades of emotions that children experience throughout their lives. Thanks to the musical education of the poetess, all her poems are surprisingly musical, so they fit perfectly into the music. They have long been songs.

Emma Moszkowski verses

And now many are well aware that Moshkovskaya is a poet with a capital letter. After all, in order to please a child, you need to speak the same language with him. And Emma’s poems were supposedly written by a kid, and not by an adult aunt:

I went to my grudge
And said I won’t go out.
Here I will never come out
I will live in it all the years!

The childhood that Emma Moszkowska talks about in her works is an island of happiness. The main characters are, of course, children. They are all very different, but incredibly multifaceted personalities. And I would like it to be like in the poetry’s poems: all the broken cups became whole again, and the beloved mother was never angry!


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