Heaviness in the eyes: causes and methods of treatment

Heaviness in the eyes is an unpleasant symptom that does not allow to lead a familiar lifestyle. Painful sensations do not provide an opportunity to perform everyday duties in a high-quality manner. Meanwhile, this symptom requires a thorough diagnosis. Unpleasant sensations in the eyes can develop with many diseases.

Inflammation of the optic nerve

The disease is also called optical neuritis. This is an inflammatory lesion of the optic nerve. Pathological process can be caused by pathogenic bacteria that enter the eyeball region. Pathology can manifest itself in the membranes of the optic nerve or in its trunk. If there is a heaviness in the eyes, the reasons may lie in this disease. At risk are people with depressed immunity. These may be patients suffering from chronic ailments, alcoholism and drug addiction. During pregnancy, optic neuritis may also develop.

Burning in the eyes

Symptoms and treatment may be similar to other ophthalmic diseases. The exact tactics of therapy can be determined by the doctor. In addition to the severity in the eyes, the patient may complain of visual impairment. In the disc of the eye, there may be streaky hemorrhages.

Therapy of neuritis is carried out in a hospital in an emergency. The patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory ointments, systemic antibiotics can be used. When detecting atrophy of the optic nerve, antispasmodics are additionally prescribed, as well as drugs that normalize blood microcirculation. With timely therapy, the symptoms of the disease can be completely removed within 10 days.

Increased eye pressure

The disease can be easily confused with optic neuritis. Symptoms and treatment of these pathologies are similar. As in the case of neuritis, the patient will be bothered by pain in the eyes, a decrease in visual function. Therapy is also carried out in a hospital setting. Heaviness in the eyes will appear due to pressure from the inner contents of the eyeball. Many patients complain of a feeling of "fullness."

Elevated eye pressure often develops against a background of glaucoma. The risk of developing the disease increases in patients suffering from atherosclerosis, diabetes, alcoholism. Some patients have congenital glaucoma.

What to do if eyes hurt? First of all, you need to seek the help of an ophthalmologist. At an early stage, glaucoma can be eliminated using conservative therapy. If the disease is started, do not do without surgery.


The disease is manifested by intense paroxysmal headaches. Against the background of the pathological process, severity in the eyes often develops. During pain attacks, the vessels of the cerebral membrane expand. The disease is characterized by pressing pulsating headaches, a feeling of fullness in the eye and maxillary sinuses. Often unpleasant sensations are localized in only one part of the head (right or left).

Beautiful eye

Any negative factors can trigger a migraine. This may include stress, freezing, starvation. Pain can appear against the background of a prolonged stay in a stuffy room. Patients who suffer from migraines try to avoid situations after which a headache develops. If there is a heaviness in the eyes, do not wait until the pain becomes more intense. With migraine, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs show good results.


About 50% of the adult population suffers from this pathology of the cardiovascular system. One of the signs of high blood pressure is rapid eye strain. The problem is that patients often overlook minor symptoms. As a result, hypertension starts and takes on a chronic form. Moreover, a longer and more expensive therapy is required. With a mild course of pathology, diastolic blood pressure does not exceed 100 mmHg. If this indicator exceeds 120 mm, they speak of a severe form of the disease.


Patients suffering from hypertension, it is necessary to carefully monitor blood pressure in order to avoid the development of stroke or hypertensive crisis. It is necessary to consult a therapist for advice if periodically there is a heaviness in the eyes. The specialist will prescribe treatment in accordance with the age of the patient, as well as the form of hypertension.


Against the background of inflammation of the lining of the brain , severity in the eyes can also develop. Viruses, bacteria or pathogenic fungi can provoke the disease. Most often, meningitis develops against the background of other infectious processes in the body. So, the pathological process can develop against the background of advanced otitis media or sinusitis. It will be possible to significantly reduce the risk of complications if you do not self-medicate, but seek qualified help in a timely manner.

The child’s eyes hurt

The causative agent of the disease enters the body through the nasopharynx or gastrointestinal tract. When it enters the brain, pathogenic microflora provokes edema. As a result, blood circulation in the vessels of the brain is disturbed. In the most difficult cases, dropsy develops, which can lead to death.

In addition to heaviness in the eyes, severe headaches appear. From the first days, body temperature can increase significantly, there are symptoms of general intoxication of the body. Patients under 6 years of age often have cramps. If the brain substance is involved in the pathological process, paralysis can occur.

If meningitis is suspected, only timely hospitalization can save the patient. Headache, heaviness in eyes, increased body temperature - such symptoms are an occasion to call an ambulance.

ENT diseases

Any acute respiratory illness accompanied by fever can lead to discomfort in the eye area. Often, such a symptom is observed against a background of sinusitis. Soft tissues in the region of the maxillary sinuses swell, resulting in a feeling of bursting in the eyeballs.

Man caught a cold

Acute respiratory infections, as a rule, do not pose a threat to life. However, treatment alone is not recommended in order to avoid complications. In a hospital setting, the doctor will determine what pathogenic microflora the disease provoked, and prescribe the appropriate therapy.

Wrong choice of glasses or lenses

If the decline in visual function does not fully solve everyday tasks, glasses or lenses will come to the rescue. However, it is necessary to select such optical devices correctly. Wrong choice of glasses often leads to increased eye fatigue, the appearance of a feeling of heaviness.

In no case can you trust the experience of friends and acquaintances. The optical device is selected exclusively in accordance with the form of the patient’s disease, the individual characteristics of the eyes. It is necessary to purchase glasses or lenses after consultation with an ophthalmologist. You should decide in advance which optical device is best. So, lenses are not recommended for children under 15 years of age. Against the background of the use of such optical devices, a sharp severity in the eyes may occur. It is strictly forbidden to use lenses purchased on the Internet on questionable sites. For vision correction, only devices purchased in specialized optics are suitable.

Girl in glasses

Even if the glasses or lenses were chosen correctly, twice a year it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist for a routine examination. It is possible that the optical device will have to be replaced.

Pathological formations inside the brain

What to do if eyes hurt? If such a symptom is observed over a long period, you must make an appointment with the therapist. Only a full examination of the body will reveal the exact cause of the pathological process. Often, it is severity and pulling pain in the eye area that indicate pathological formations in the brain.

A cyst is a benign formation that patients have to deal with complaints of heaviness in the eyes. Local accumulation of fluid in the shells of the brain for a long time may not be felt and is detected only at the next preventive examination. A large cyst often leads to an increase in intracranial pressure. As a result, headaches, heaviness in the eyes develop.

Eye drops

A cyst may be congenital or acquired. At risk are patients with traumatic brain injuries. Unfortunately, conservative therapy does not give a good result. However, if the formation is small and does not develop, there is no need to carry out surgical procedures.


Severity and pain in the eyes are symptoms that should not be ignored. With these symptoms, many life-threatening dangerous diseases can develop. It will be useful to undergo a full examination of the body. If pain is associated with ophthalmic problems, it is worth choosing the right optical devices for vision correction.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3808/

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