Varya Tretyakova - a real Russian beauty

Varya Tretyakova was well remembered by the audience of the Dom-2 television project. There are still many rumors about her. The girl often attends the Olympus program, gives advice and guidance to new participants. The only question arises - why is a girl with a perfect appearance still can not build a strong relationship? We will talk about this in the article.

The project "House-2" as an initial step to success

The path to the project "House-2" for Vari was not smooth. Arriving at the frontal place, she was out of the gate, as the participants left her rival in the show. But the organizers decided differently and the next day returned Tretyakov to the clearing. It is worth noting that the name Varya is not native to the girl. In fact, her name is Valentine. And the young beauty took the pseudonym specifically for television.

Varya Tretyakova immediately began to build relationships. Her sympathy fell on two strong and handsome men: Samsonov and Zadoynov. The girl could not, or maybe did not want to decide and make a choice. In the end, she gave Alexander a chance . Zadoynov paid maximum attention to Vara, but the relationship did not work out.

Next in line was Oleg Miami. Love with this guy began with passion. But the wedding could not end. Excessive jealousy, distrust, scandals and quarrels destroyed a seemingly strong alliance.

Who is Varya Tretyakova? "House-2" showed that this is not a simple girl. She used to achieve everything with her work. Relationships are important for the beauty, she is looking for sincere love, but for some reason, until now, the girl has not met her prince. Perhaps the time has not come yet.

cooking tretyakova house 2

Childhood fears

To understand the question of why Varya Tretyakova cannot build a strong relationship, a famous psychologist was invited to try to find out the reason. She turned out to be commonplace - childhood injuries. When the girl was still a child, a situation occurred that pops up in Varya's memory to this day.

Mom, putting her to bed in a country house, went to a neighbor. But the child suddenly woke up and was afraid of the dark. There was a man in the house, but he also could not calm the baby.

The psychologist assures that it is this situation that leaves its mark on the relationship of the girl with the opposite sex. Varya is afraid of loneliness, but cannot let a man in and completely trust him.

Varya Tretyakova

Movie Trials

In 2013, a movie was released on the screens in which the girl played a cameo role. Varying according to the script, the wife of a wealthy man, who subsequently cheats on him with a handsome young man. Despite the fact that the scenes with Barbara take a total of 4 minutes, the girl gained enormous experience. Working in tandem with Nagiyev, Kryukov, Tair is a big responsibility.

Varya Tretyakova is a young girl with a bright appearance. Her paradox is that she, like a kite, is ready to defend her relationship, but at the same time, she destroys everything with a bad character.


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