Secrets of dreams: what days a dream comes true

what days a dream comes true
People often dream. Some even every night, but very few of them can be prophetic. People began to figure out the pattern on which days a dream comes true, and what exactly makes it a thing.

There are different principles for classifying proprietary nights. There is the meaning of dreams by the days of the week, and sometimes by the position of the moon. Consider both of these options.

What days a dream comes true on the days of the week

Monday. This day is considered a symbol of the beginning, therefore, according to the vision that dreamed on Monday, you can determine what will happen to the person this year, this month or this week. Also, if you saw a dream that day, then it will not hasten to come true, it usually takes some time.

Tuesday. The most controversial day of the week. It is neither its beginning, nor the middle or the end. We can say that Tuesday is the essence of the week itself, and dreams on this night usually only reflect the thoughts and experiences of a person, which often come true after about 8 days.

the meaning of dreams by day

Wednesday. A person is most active on this day of the week, because by this time he has time to wake up after the weekend and begin his activities. Dreams on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday reflect what happened to the person on the previous day, analyze it. Therefore, dreams in the middle of the week do not come true.

Thursday. This day marks the beginning of the end of the week. A person thinks more about rest, about the next day, he is immersed in his dreams, so dreams at this time are rarely predictive.

Friday. As everyone knows, dreams from Thursday to Friday are always prophetic. They have the peculiarity come true in a period of time from a week to two.

Saturday. The first day off in the week can bring you only ordinary dreams that come true, but do not bring any new information for a person.

Sunday. Since ancient times, this day is considered a holiday, which is why a dream on Sunday comes true only until lunchtime.

All visions must be treated carefully. If you dream the same dream several times, you need to remember what days you see it, and then you can make a conclusion about whether it will come true or not. But, in addition to the days of the week, you should pay attention to the lunar calendar.

How does the state of the moon on what days a dream comes true

Sunday's dream comes true
Waning moon. Dreams during this period mean something that will soon become obsolete, that will gradually leave your life. This applies to both bad moments and good ones. If you had an unpleasant, and sometimes a terrible dream, then everything bad will disappear by the end of this month.

Waxing Crescent. Consciousness at this time tends to work intensively, and the subconscious - to decipher information. Dreams on the growing moon tend to come true in the near future.

Full moon. It is famous for its surge of energy in all parts of the globe. This applies to both nature and man. Dreams at this time reflect the most emotional experiences, which are directed too much power. It should settle down and take this item more calmly.

New moon. Dreams at this time prompt certain thoughts, which can sometimes come true.

On what days a dream comes true, two calendars can tell, with a combination of which a fairly reliable result will be obtained.


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