How to change the browser to another?

Perhaps, every user of any existing operating system was faced with the problem that it is difficult to decide on software that ideally satisfies his needs, because one program has innovation, and another does not, but there is another, something better. Uncertainty arises from this, but with a part we live in an era where you can always use several applications on one computer without worrying about the amount of memory, so in this article we will tell you how to change the browser, as well as which are the most popular now. This article is recommended for users of the Windows operating system.

Why do users install multiple browsers at once?

First of all, as soon as you bought a modern computer or laptop, the operating system is installed on it by default, in 99% of cases it is Windows 10, because it is fast enough, powerful, and, of course, incredibly beautiful, it also supports games well. But now it’s worth paying attention to the fact that it already has a built-in browser called Edge. Now you can ask any friend, acquaintance or relative about which browser he uses.

That's right, by anyone other than Edge, but why so? Very large companies literally play a monopoly, where the main indicator is the number of users, the more of them there are, the more the company’s profit, therefore, in this information field there is a full-scale war for user sympathy.

Edge Browser

The main problem of Edge is the lack of an online store through which you need to download various add-ons, for example, to download videos. All other browsers have it, but not Edge. This is only one reason, design, convenience and much more also play an important role. In this article, we will describe in detail how to change the browser to another, if the former does not suit you. You can not worry, your links and save will not be damaged.

How to change Yandex Browser to another?

First you need to figure out for what specific purposes do you need a browser? Many users rarely ask this question, preferring to use old, proven applications, this is partly good, but not quite. Below we will talk about the benefits of many popular browsers.

Google Chrome A very, very popular modern browser, the main advantage of which is the support of the Chrome online store, in which people can upload their own plugins and extensions, making life even easier for an ordinary user. The downside is only more RAM consumption, but this is not a problem if you have a fairly modern computer.

Google Chrome

Opera Perhaps this is the first such browser, which is difficult to find at least one minus, because it combines all the advantages of existing browsers. However, there are not so many applications in the Opera online store, but on various sites you can download them for free without going to the original store. Also a huge plus is the built-in support for a completely free VPN.

Browser opera

Firefox The twin brother of Google Chrome repeats it almost completely, but has a very big advantage, which is more reliable protection and less RAM consumption. It is mainly written in C ++, which makes it incredibly fast and error tolerant.

Firefox Browser

Now, when you have decided which browser is best for you, you just need to go to the official website, download the installation file and the question of how to change the browser will not bother you anymore. Also, when installing a new Internet browser, you will be asked if you want to import all passwords, bookmarks, etc. from another.

How to change browser language?

If you are abroad and downloaded a new browser, but you have it in a foreign language, then this is not a problem, because the languages ​​change for everyone approximately the same.

How to change the language:

  1. Go to Setting, after which the Advanced button will be at the very bottom.
  2. Among the various settings, you will see the Language column, where you can easily set your native language.
  3. Restart your browser to make changes.


We hope that after reading this article you understand how to change the browser, because this is a mandatory skill for any user of the Windows operating system, on which problems with clogging of the Internet browser are commonplace.


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