Fat burner "Black Mamba": reviews of girls

Losing weight is a long and exhausting process for both men and women. Not many people manage to quickly and without consequences get rid of excess weight. The modern market for weight loss products offers consumers the Black Mamba fat burner, reviews of which, its composition and contraindications for use will be discussed below.

What is the Black Mamba?

The full name of the product is Black Mamba Hyperrush, manufactured by Innovative Diet Labs, imported into Russia and other countries from the USA. The drug is available in the form of black capsules with an image of a snake engraved on each of them. Stimulation of the nervous system, blocking adrenergic receptors, removing excess fluid from the body - this is what the Black Mamba fat burner is for.

fat burner black mamba reviews

Reviews about the tool are quite contradictory, there are both positive and negative. This is primarily due to improper use of the drug, as well as the acquisition of non-original goods. Before buying a product, it is worth considering that “Black Mamba” is a fat burner with a very strong effect that affects the entire body.

Drug cost

This tool has a fairly high price in Russia - about 3000-4000 rubles per pack (90 capsules). The high cost of the drug is associated with the dollar, as it is produced "Black Mamba" abroad.


The main active ingredient of the drug is the Korex complex (CoreX), its content in Black Mamba Hyperrush is 65mg. Reviews of athletes about this component of the drug say that it is a natural substitute for synthetic ephedrine, a stimulator of the nervous system, the intake of which helps to reduce weight.

The Korex complex includes:

  • Tannins.
  • Hearty Seed Extract (20%).
  • Vasicinol.
  • Vasicinone.
  • Phytosterols.

black mamba fat burner

In addition, the "Black Mamba", a fat burner and energy, contains:

  • Thermo Extend complex, consisting of evodiamine, thiamine, synephrine, extract of the Indian Caralluma cactus, yohimbine, serratus extract. The content of the complex in the composition of the drug is 180 mg per capsule.
  • Anhydrous caffeine - 200 milligrams per capsule.
  • Aminocomplex consisting of phenylolanine and its derivatives, as well as beta-aminoethylamine.

Fat burner "Black Mamba", reviews of the effectiveness of which say that due to the active substances included in the preparation, the weight quickly decreases, and the muscles become more prominent, it is quite an effective means. According to some athletes, Black Mamba has no analogues among drugs with similar effects and composition.

How does it work

The use of the drug helps to reduce excess weight, saturate the body with energy. According to the manufacturer, “Black Mamba” helps to lose weight not only to professional bodybuilders, athletes, athletes, but also to ordinary people who resort to moderate physical activity.

The principle of the drug:

  • When anhydrous caffeine enters the body, it enhances the action of neurostimulants, while lipolysis is accelerated, body temperature rises, and the number of processed calories increases significantly.
  • An analogue of geranium extract (beta-aminoethylamine) improves brain function, helps to focus on the task. Together with caffeine, it helps break down fat.

black mamba fat burner reviews

  • The extract of heart cellide normalizes the digestive tract, reduces appetite, thereby facilitating compliance with any dietary restrictions.
  • Evodiamine, yohimbine, synephrine accelerate metabolic processes in the body, increase body temperature.

Improving memory and thought processes, restoring the normal functioning of the stomach and intestines, helping to break down fat depots - all this is done by the Black Mamba fat burner. Reviews about the use of the drug for the most part are confirmation of this.

How to take the drug

According to the instructions on the package, a weight loss product is used as a course therapy. During the first 4 days, one capsule should be taken until 12 noon 40-50 minutes before a meal. On the fourth and subsequent days, the dose is doubled - before the second meal, another capsule is drunk. If you feel unwell, the lunch dose is canceled. The maximum course of taking the drug is 2 months.

Throughout the course of treatment, the use of tea, coffee, Coca-Cola, various dietary supplements, which include stimulants (guarana, mate extract), is prohibited.

fat burner black mamba girls reviews

Whatever effect was achieved when using the product, the Black Mamba preparation does not replace a nutritious diet. The fat burner, reviews of which indicate its high efficiency, does not work without following a special diet. It should be introduced at least two weeks before the start of the use of the drug, its compliance is mandatory throughout the entire time of taking the drug. To achieve significant results, the body during the use of "Black Mamba" requires a balanced low-calorie diet.

Contraindications and side effects

Like any drug for "drying", Black Mamba has contraindications for use. Acceptance of funds is prohibited for persons under the age of majority, pregnant and lactating women, people with a history of hypertension, heart, liver, kidney, central nervous system diseases, people suffering from allergies to the components of the drug.

fat burner black mamba girls reviews negative

The following side effects are possible while using the fat burner:

  • muscle soreness, diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea;
  • loss of appetite, anorexia;
  • tachycardia and heart pain;
  • headache, high blood pressure;
  • swelling;
  • visual impairment.

If any of the side effects is detected, it is necessary to cancel the drug and consult a doctor.

Fat burner "Black Mamba". Reviews of girls

Negative feedback associated with the use of weight loss products, for the most part, is left by the ladies. Many of them do not use force and diet in addition to taking Black Mamba, which ultimately affects the result. Some of them simply did not take into account all the features of their body or began to use capsules with fanaticism in order to quickly lose weight.

fat burner black mamba hyperrush reviews

Negative responses contain the following information:

  • After a course of taking Black Mamba capsules, the lost kilos returned.
  • Stimulation of the heart, caused by the use of "Black Mamba", provoked the development of chronic tachycardia.
  • Without physical activity, the drug is absolutely useless, for the entire course of administration, the initial weight has not changed.

Negativity directed towards the means is determined by its effect on the body. When using the "Black Mamba" it is worth remembering that this is a big load on all human organs. Fat burner Black Mamba Hyperrush, reviews about which are positive, according to most consumers, if used properly, does not cause serious harm to the body.

Positive feedback on the drug:

  • For one course of application, the weight loss was 14 kg, while a surge of strength and energy is always felt.
  • Thanks to the Black Mamba, diets have become easier to tolerate.
  • Sports and taking capsules helped to remove excess fluid from the body and make the muscles more prominent.
  • Stamina appeared, attention was improved.

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Fat burner "Black Mamba", the girls' reviews about which confirm its effectiveness, allows you to get rid of extra pounds without excessive physical exertion.

How to complete the Black Mamba course

Since after the drug is discontinued, a person can begin to become depressed, lack strength and drowsiness, experts recommend gradually reducing the calorie intake and physical activity. Then you need to gradually increase the number of calories in food, otherwise the lost weight can quickly return. Due to the toxicity of beta-aminoethylamine to the liver, it is recommended to undergo treatment with hepatoprotectors after completion of the “drying”.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3822/

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