Battery Marking: Feature and Designation

With the help of various inscriptions, the manufacturer communicates information to customers that may be of certain value. So in this case - the device and marking of batteries are well described on them. Just what is there? If you read the printed information, then what will it tell us?

Why is battery labeling necessary ?

battery marking
It allows you to judge a number of parameters and properties. What can battery labeling tell us? Date of manufacture, characteristics, such as capacity and rated voltage, country of manufacture and much more are indicated on the label. It should be noted that the features of the designation may vary depending on which country manufactured the product. So, the marking of Japanese batteries is different from those that are made in the CIS. But let's talk about everything in order.

What about the batteries?

battery labeling year of manufacture
The battery is such a product, the production date of which has a significant impact on its characteristics, valuable to the consumer. The longevity and performance depend on how fresh the power source is in front of us. Therefore, upon purchase, not only technical parameters are evaluated, such as: electrolyte density and voltmeter indicator, but also battery marking. A little complicating this matter is the fact that there are no uniform standards. If we talk about labeling, then the maximum that can be done is to separate individual brands into small groups. Regarding the shelf life, most manufacturers more or less agreed on how much the battery can stand:

  1. For antimony this term is up to three months.
  2. Hybrid can be stored six.
  3. Calcium batteries last for twelve months.

One interesting aspect should be noted. So, an important element is not only the marking of the batteries, the year of manufacture and the month, but also what type of power source we are dealing with.

What parameters are important to us?

battery marking production date
Important for us are the properties of batteries for which there is a marking on the case:

  1. Nominal and reserve capacity. The first parameter is determined by the amount of energy that is given off by a fully charged battery during a twenty-hour discharge. It is measured in ampere-hours (Ah). Let's look at an example: we have a battery with a capacity of 40 Ah. For twenty hours, she will be able to give us a current of 2.5A. In practice, reserve capacity is also important. This parameter is measured in minutes. So, if we consider batteries for cars that experience a load of 25A and the voltage drops to 10.5V, then at least 1.5 hours will be an indicator of quality. At this period of time, she will be able to work for herself, and instead of a generator.
  2. Battery rated voltage . It is formed from the parameters of various batteries, and it makes sense to check this indicator in cases where a complex device is selected.
  3. Cold scroll current. With this parameter, the ability to start the battery at low temperature is determined. What does this mean in practice? The cold scroll current is the value that the battery can give out at a temperature of -18 ° C in ten seconds, provided that the voltage is not less than 7.5V. The higher this indicator, the easier it will be to start a car engine in winter.

The labeling of the batteries may be completely incomprehensible. Date of manufacture - ab553446bu - this is how an ordinary person understands what this means? So that you do not have such questions, let's move on to how to be able to read and understand what is written.

Marking of batteries manufactured in the CIS

marking Japanese batteries
If we talk about those products that are distributed with us, then six parameters are important to us:

  1. Short data excerpt. This information, posted from left to right, tells us the number of cans that are used in the battery, its purpose and capacity, type of cover and battery (dry-charged or filled).
  2. Rated voltage. Most modern cars and motorbikes use batteries in which this parameter is 12V.
  3. Battery capacity. It is indicated in ampere-hours and indicates the amount of charge that is given during use. So, if the battery has indicators of 20 Ah and 12V, then this means that with a voltage of 120V, it can only work 120 minutes. If this indicator is reduced by 10 times to 12V, then the battery will be able to support the device for 20 hours.
  4. Reserve capacity.
  5. Starting current. Measured in amperes. The higher this indicator, the better the engine starts with a starter. This parameter is especially relevant for motorists in winter.
  6. Battery weight in kilograms.
  7. Signs of polarity. This parameter is ignored by many, but in vain. After all, if you do not take it into account, it may turn out that the length of the wire was simply not enough and the battery simply could not be connected. There are two types of polarity: forward and reverse. So, if the plus is on the left, then we are dealing with the first type. When placed on the right, this is the reverse polarity.

We examined what the “battery marking” feature is. Now let's get acquainted with the properties of these devices.

Space, FB, Uno, Dominator, FireBall, Kursk Battery

For example, their battery markings are as follows: 0716 1 25346. The first four digits indicate the date of manufacture. First comes the month (seventh), and then the year (sixteenth). The unit is used to indicate the shift that collected this battery. The last five digits indicate the serial number of the manufactured battery. This indicator is reset at the beginning of a new month.

Marking the battery, which refers to the heavy group, is carried out a little differently. We take the number: 14016143. This tells us about the following parameters: this battery has a capacity of 140 Ah. It was created in 2016, in the first half of the year, its fourth month (April), by team No. 3. As you can see, nothing complicated.

Tyumen Bear, Arctic Batbear, Tyumen Batbear, Yamal

characteristic marking of batteries
They mark the battery on the side opposite to where the center label is. Conventional devices are marked with six digits, of which the first two indicate the month, and the remaining four indicate the year. So, 032016 means that the battery was manufactured in March 2016. Only four numbers are used to mark a heavy group. The option just considered will be marked as 0316.

"Aktekh", "Orion", "The Beast"

For their marking, four-digit numbers are used in the form MM.YY. So, 0316 means that this battery was manufactured in March 2016.

Cobat, Titan (Euro Silver, Standart, Arctic Silver, Vaiper, Asia Silver)

They use a combination of numbers and letters. There are five characters in the code. The first indicates the day of the week when the device was made. The second and third characters are used to indicate the serial number of the week (that is, from one to fifty-three). The fourth letter is the Latin letter, which indicates the year (therefore, when choosing a battery, you must study the table provided by the manufacturer). The last character is used to indicate the team number. Take the number 208A1. It is decrypted as follows:

  1. 2 - manufactured on Tuesday.
  2. 08 - in the eighth week.
  3. And - in 2016.
  4. 1 - first shift.


battery labeling manufacture date ab553446bu
There is a marking code on the top cover. It consists of as many as twenty-four characters. But don't worry - we only need three of them. The fourth character indicates the year, and the fifth and sixth the month. Take an example: G2C6030520991 536528 82E 09. 6 - this means that the battery was produced in 2016, and 03 - in March.


Has a six-digit code. The first character indicates the line number where the battery was assembled, the second the year, the third and fourth the month, and the fifth and sixth the build date. Take the number 460319. This means that the battery was produced on the fourth line of March 19, 2016.

Furukawa Battery (SuperNova), Panasonic

They are marked according to the principle of HH.MM.YY. So, if the numbers 180316 are set on the battery, this means that the battery was manufactured on March 18, 2016.

Topla, Moratti

device and marking of batteries
Here, fourteen characters are used for marking. The third and fourth indicate the year of production. And the fifth and sixth - a week. So, if we take the marking F1160600941864, it means that we have before us a battery that was manufactured in February 2016.


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