Are they enlisted in the army with hepatitis C in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan

Do you want to serve in the army? What to do if you have hepatitis C? We will answer these and other questions in the article. Unfortunately, not everyone has one hundred percent health. An ailment such as hepatitis can be diagnosed in anyone who visits a hairdresser or dentist. Many guys suffer from a dilemma: are they enlisting in the army with hepatitis C?


Most people infected with hepatitis C learn about their illness by accident. This ailment proceeds with minimal clinical manifestations. The virus has not been detected for many years. And only when irreversible changes begin to develop, does a person sound the alarm. Hepatitis C invasion increases the risk of liver cancer and cirrhosis by a factor of twenty.

Disease development

Many people don’t know if they are taking hepatitis C to the army. Are you infected with this virus? If you experience heaviness, a low-grade fever, unreasonable weakness, fatigue or any of these symptoms in your right side for two weeks, undergo a clinic examination.

whether they take into the army with hepatitis C

The presence of an infection in the body does not always lead to the development of an ailment. For many years or even decades, a malicious virus can doze in the liver cells. The absence or presence of a circulation of infection in the peripheral blood, the severity of the inflammatory process in the liver and the state of the immune system are those moments that establish limitations in the patient's life.

Hepatitis and the army

So, we will find out whether they take the army with hepatitis C. It is known that those infected with all types of chronic hepatitis, including hepatitis C, are not subject to urgent appeal in peacetime. The troops do not have the possibility of individual distribution of loads, there are no conditions for healing and its control. That is why those with hepatitis C are only allowed to serve during the war.

Do they take into the army with hepatitis C in Russia?

Such citizens are called: "partially fit for military service."


We answered the question of whether they take hepatitis C to the army. What needs to be done so as not to get into the ranks of the armed forces with this ailment? You must be registered at the infectious diseases clinic in the community. In this clinic you can get help for the military enlistment office. In order to register, you need to perform the following actions:

  • Collect the results of medical reports and laboratory tests.
  • Confirm the presence of hepatitis C in the clinic in the direction of the military enlistment office.
  • Imagine an epicrisis at the military commissariat for medical examination.
  • In case of appeal, appeal the opinion of the draft committee.

Legislation of the Russian Federation

Many people ask if they are taking hepatitis C to the army in Russia? According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, those who have chronic hepatitis (even if liver functions are not impaired) are partially fit for service in the armed forces and cannot be called up in peacetime.

Different forms of hepatitis

whether he is taken into the army with hepatitis c per contract

Next, we will find out whether they are taking into the army with hepatitis C for a contract, and now we will consider the types of this disease. Under current law, a hepatitis conscript is eligible with certain restrictions. Each case, the draft commission is analyzed separately. There are the following forms of hepatitis, in which they can give a delay:

  • Citizens with hepatitis C are not called up for military service in peacetime. It is only important to be examined to confirm the presence of this ailment.
  • You will have to undergo an examination if you have found hepatitis B or D. With these forms of the disease, the liver functions are disturbed, you must follow a special diet, you can not experience stress and perform physical exercises.
  • If you have had hepatitis A, only a half-year delay is given. In this case, you need to present a certificate from the hospital about recovery.
  • Doctors recently discovered hepatitis F, a viral ailment. On this occasion, the employees of the military enlistment offices are discussing. Due to the fact that the treatment system is not developed, young people with hepatitis F are often not hired. Moreover, if the draftee provides evidence of recovery (during the course of therapy, the symptoms of the disease are eliminated), a delay of six months will be given.

If a guy has chronic hepatitis, he will not have to do military service in peacetime. Nevertheless, the conscript must report to the medical board.


We continue to answer the question of whether they are enlisted in the army with hepatitis C? Since 2015, no concessions to conscripts with this disease have appeared. It is known that the list of ailments with which they are not taken into the Armed Forces is constantly updated by the leadership of the state. In 2014, a new edition began to work, which spread to the next 2015-2017. However, nothing has changed about the restrictions that apply to guys infected with hepatitis C virus.

have been enlisted in the army with hepatitis since 2015

The virus in form C, unlike hepatitis B, cannot be detected by a routine blood test for antibodies. To determine what kind of hepatitis a person is sick with, one needs to find the RNA of the virus by PCR technology. This method, unlike a typical enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, can even detect single RNA in a large volume of blood. Most often, PCR is prescribed by the draft medical commission when testing in a standard analysis if:

  • Spectral antibodies that appear in conflict with pathogen proteins. The higher their density, the higher the viral load.
  • Anti-HCV - agents that persist in the body throughout life. They occur when viral cells come into contact with the immune system. In this case, the active pathogen in the body may no longer be.
  • NS1, NS2, NS3, NS4, NS5, core - these immunoglobulins are produced when a virus appears in the blood. The presence of at least two antibodies from this list gives a positive result.

Having found antibodies in the blood, the draft board usually prescribes an additional examination, since there is a likelihood that the result was false positive. This occurs with diseases of the endocrine system that are associated with abnormal liver function.


Many are worried about the question of whether they will be enlisted in the army with hepatitis C in Kazakhstan. No, Kazakhstan also does not hire guys infected with this malicious virus. Remember that with hepatitis detected, you must undergo a re-examination in the hospital that the military enlistment office proposed. Only authoritative and large medical organizations will be trusted by the staff of the draft board. In this case, they rarely conduct additional examinations and tests on their own. You should not be afraid of re-examination, because you can use it to get additional information about the state of your health.


If you are unclear about the army and hepatitis - about conscription, dismissal, and so on, open a document with the voluminous name: “Requirements for the well-being of citizens subject to appeal for military training (army service), citizens subject to initial military registration, citizens "enrolling in schools, military educational institutions, citizens enrolling in the army under contract, military personnel staying in the reserve of the Russian Armed Forces."

Do they take into the army with hepatitis C in Kazakhstan?

This application is related to the Regulation on military medical examination. It includes a schedule of ailments. Profile articles on hepatitis - 1 and 59, but in general, isolated cases were analyzed according to the document.

And if identified?

So, they took your blood for analysis and gave a positive answer. It is written in it: "Total antibodies to HCV were detected." HCV is the “human virus C” in Latin. The initial analysis does not yet say that you have this infection. Therefore, you will have to donate blood again, it will be sent to PCR.

If the answer is the same again, this will indicate the presence of the hepatitis C virus in your body. You will no longer be taken into the army, but will be sent for free treatment.

Is he drafted into the army with hepatitis C in Belarus?

If the answer to PCR is negative, they will give you a delay of six months. After six months, you will donate blood first by ELISA, and this answer will be yes again. Antibodies will be detected, since within six months they will not disappear. Then the blood will be sent to PCR. If the answer to PCR is, like six months ago, negative, you will be drafted into the army. And if the PCR analysis gives a positive answer, then you are sick with viral hepatitis C and you will have to be treated.

the contract

are they taking the hepatitis C army under contract

And are they taking him to the army with hepatitis C under a contract? Everything is much simpler here. If you have found a positive reaction to antibodies to hepatitis C virus in ELISA, you will not be accepted into the army by contract. The military registration and enlistment office will not send you for examination in PCR. The military enlistment office will not engage in further testing and referral for treatment.

Army of Belarus

Is he drafted into the army with hepatitis C in Belarus? In this country, conscripts infected with this virus also cannot serve in the armed forces. Nevertheless, in Belarus, the requirements for the health of conscripts have become softer, since they cannot remain without amendments. If you follow the chronology over the years, you can see that changes were regularly made. This is interpreted by the needs of the Armed Forces, the demographic situation, a change in approaches to the diagnosis of ailments, their treatment. What appeared 10-20 years ago is now irrelevant.

Recent changes have not led to tightening or lowering health requirements. They only detailed the criteria for recognizing the categories of fitness of citizens for military service for certain ailments and approaches to establishing a destination graph for military service.


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