The book of life: how to keep a personal diary?

Surely you have already tried to record a chronicle of events with comments on them. But since you are interested in the question "how to keep a personal diary," then, together with the desire to be extremely frank, there is no clear understanding of why this is necessary. You are nibbled by doubt: is this a waste of time?

how to keep a personal diary

Looking ahead, it should be said that labor is not in vain. Personal notes can bring clarity to your life, the ability to look at yourself from the side and facilitate the path to achieving the goal. And you thought how?

Keeping a personal diary means developing your logical thinking. This is facilitated not only by the process of building thoughts, but also by the analysis of events. This also implies the next bonus - the development of memory. In addition, responsibility grows, there is a desire to plan, creativity increases. But the most important thing is that only here you can be yourself and say what you really think, not afraid to hurt someone’s feelings and pride, without fear of being ridiculed and misunderstood. Only on the condition that you know how to properly keep your personal diary.

how to keep a personal diary

In an atmosphere of keeping records for show, for some, the diary will cease to have at least any value. He will not bring benefit, because he will no longer be a personal, intimate space. Sincerity will disappear, an embellished social mask will remain. And how to keep a personal diary without sincerity? This is no longer a diary. A person will deprive himself of reflection on what has happened, he will no longer notice the nuances that could tell a lot ... Intuition will not develop, and communication with himself will be irretrievably lost.

The usefulness of a personal diary also lies in the fact that it helps to understand your psychological problems.

How to keep a personal diary for an athlete? If you are focused on a specific result, then in your personal diary you need to record the time spent on training, the workload given that day, achievements and other important indicators. You need to compare the influence of different factors on the possibility of achieving a result. For example, weather or psychological state. A strong wind in the back - help in running, and anger or resentment at someone unexpectedly helped to take the height, while a benign mood did not contribute to the occupation in heavy duty.

how to keep your personal diary

How to keep a personal diary for someone who is losing weight, is on a diet? In this case, like an athlete, strict self-control is needed: weight in the morning and evening, what was eaten during the day, in what quantity, in what hour, how much was kilocalories, which part of them was spent on physical activity (jogging up the stairs a couple of spans, hand wash, etc.).

how to keep a personal diary

In general, there are no rules on how a personal diary should be kept. Because he is for you, and nothing more. Here everything is according to your rules and desire. This is your personal book of life, your own story about the time found. Yes exactly. After all, when you record the path traveled during the day, imperceptibly build a system of relationships with time itself!


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