Show "Voice", season 4: reviews of mentors. Reviews of the audience about the project "Voice", season 4

Friday evening on Channel One gathers and unites the audience watching the vocal talent show “Voice” at the screens. For the fourth year in a row, the intrigue surrounding the program does not go out, but, on the contrary, new, sometimes sharp, discussions arise. More and more interested people follow the events in the show "Voice". Season 4 reviews of the incompetence of the jury collected the most critical of the entire existence of the program. Maybe this is a paid PR? Or have people really become so picky in music that they can easily criticize professional singers and even people who come to auditions?

Where does the idea come from?

The choice of an artist by ear, without looking at him, is the basic concept of the television project “Voice”. It belongs to Dutch television. The format of the foreign show appeared in 2010, and after two years, Russian viewers were able to make sure that you can get on stage with talent and not influential connections. The new project idea immediately captivated the domestic audience. The jury, the contestants, the repertoire - all suited the viewer in the show "Voice". Season 4 unsatisfactory reviews received for the first time during the project.

voice 4 season reviews

A similar program is broadcast in more than fifty countries of the world. The concept of the show was so popular with the audience that a similar program appeared about impartial musical selection among children.

Competition purpose

Everyone loved the show “Star Factory”, which revealed a lot of talents, starting in 2002, was no longer interesting to the viewer. Times change and demands grow. The audience is not surprised by the usual selection of singers. Therefore, the idea of ​​choosing a vocalist performing the song live to the jury members, their backs turned to the singer, slightly dispelled doubts about the corrupt selection of modern show business stars.

That is, the purpose of the competition is to identify the vocal qualities of the performer, and not his appearance, age or hairstyle. Professionals in the form of mentors are not distracted by the image of the speaker, but listen intently to his singing data.

voice season 4 mentor reviews

Passions are boiling, expressed in a heated discussion of the show "Voice" (season 4). The reviews of the audience are mostly aimed at the incompetence of Polina Gagarina, they say, she is too young for the coach of novice singers. However, it is worth remembering that the girl herself was a participant and a winner of the Star Factory and who, if not her, knows the path to success in such competitions.

Competition Rules

Reviews of the show "Voice" (season 4) are overwhelmed with criticism. The main emphasis in the discussions is on the panel of judges. The project rules provide for four mentors invited from a galaxy of artists of the domestic music scene, who at each stage of the show form a team of singers.

The first step in the selection is blind listening, and if the jury member likes the song, he turns to the participant, thereby giving his consent to be his mentor. When the team is assembled, the struggle between the contestants within the group belonging to one mentor begins.

Four performers enter the final of the show: only one from each member of the jury. The winner is chosen by the viewer. He vigorously discusses the jury, images, comments and other moments taking place in the Voice program. Season 4, reviews having controversial, caused even more interest in the transfer. Now even a viewer devoid of curiosity, after reading the discussion of the show, will definitely want to watch it.

The original composition of the jury

Three seasons in the television show were occupied by experts and teachers later: A. B. Gradsky, L. N. Agutin, D. Bilan and Pelagia. Experience versus youth. The jury represented a certain balance, where on one side of the scales were two singers, composer, Honored Artist of Russia Alexander Borisovich and Leonid Nikolaevich, and on the other - pop music performer, Eurovision participant Dmitry Bilan and folk singer Pelageya.

reviews show voice 4 season

The panel of judges in this composition quickly won the love of the public. This is understandable, because they are the first. Prior to this, there was no such show, and their behavior set the means of selection that were familiar to the audience. However, the mentality of the Russian public is based on conservative views.

And an unexpected change of habit can cause sharp reviews. The public speaks of the Golos project (season 4) as an unsuccessful attempt to raise the rating of the program. Replacement of judges is a marketing move of the channel’s management.

It was such changes that became the reason that caused sharp reviews about the project "Voice" (season 4). Even if other domestic stars were chosen as mentors, then they most likely would have fallen into disgrace to the viewer.

Intrigue 4 seasons

To make the TV product interesting, changes are introduced into it every year. So, in the second season, the number of competitors was expanded, the tactics of “talent hijacking” were introduced, when another mentor can bail the retired singer. And by the fourth season, the leadership of the television project, it was decided to change the panel of judges. The audience eagerly awaited a new release to see who got the red seats. On September 4, 2015, new mentors of the Voice show (season 4) became known. Reviews about the jury change immediately acquired a negative color.

voice 4 season viewers reviews

The new jury (similar to the previous composition) became balanced. L. N. Agutin was replaced by Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, also composer G.V. Leps. The young collegium was presented by: pop singer P. S. Gagarina, participant of Eurovision, as well as Bilan; composer and rapper Basta, who opened to the audience in a new role, whom the jury calls among himself a real, unusual name for the public, Vasily.

Only the master of Gradsky remained in his chair - the arbiter, about whom mostly positive reviews were written. About the mentors of the show "Voice" (season 4) now only lazy does not speak. The public vehemently criticizes every word and action of mentors.

Who else has been criticized?

Alexander Borisovich in one interview noted that the more prepared participants came to the second “Voice”. And this is thanks to the pioneers from the first season, who proved that this is not a television game, but a real show. The modest and confident Dina Garipova won in the first television project. In 2013, the show conquered Nargiz with a shocking appearance, although she did not become a winner. The third season surprised viewers with another victory of the participant from the Gradsky team. They became a graduate of the Gnesins Academy, Alexander, who fell in love with the public and received commendable reviews.

The public speaks of the mentors of the Voice show (season 4) as a reason why they do not want to continue watching the show. Although this was not what the program managers sought, replacing the jury. In discussions, criticism reached the participants. The public began to be perplexed by the shortage of talented performers. Moreover, each viewer speaks out about the falsity of the performance, considering himself a music reviewer, not taking into account the experience and profile education of the judges of the show. On the forums they write that new members of the jury do not have the talent to criticize competently and even less to give instructions to young performers. Except one teacher. Alexander Gradsky for the fourth time became a member of the panel of judges of the project and is the most qualified, according to viewers, specialist in the show "Voice" (season 4). Reviews of mentors in terms of emotionality and harshness in statements overtook editions of past years. Maybe this season will be the last in history? And, perhaps, the triumphant return of previous teachers will happen? Or the viewer will get used to the new judges, and show "Voice" (season 4) reviews will get complementary?

What did not please the new jury?

A survey conducted among the audience on the topic of which of the jury members is the most annoying, the results showed the following: Grigory Leps (43%) became the winner, Polina (37%) took the second place, Basta (12%) took the third, and fourth (8%) - Gradsky.

G. Leps in the show “The Voice” (season 4) received critical reviews for arrogant behavior. People got the impression that he was doing a favor by participating in this project. Most likely, he has such a role in this show. The role of a self-confident and strict jury member.

feedback on the project voice season 4

Polina in the project “The Voice” (season 4) received unflattering reviews from the audience due to imitation of the previous mentor Pelagia and replay. However, she is a girl and also beautiful, why not flirt? This is a show, not a selection at the conservatory. Any reaction of the viewer is success, rating and money. It is unlikely that the leadership of the television product is so illiterate as to invite uninteresting personalities.

reviews of mentors show voice season 4

Surprised everyone Vasily Vakulenko. The rapper the viewer liked his restraint and humanity.

A. Gradsky, being a teacher from God and brought up the winners in three seasons, the public became boring. And the numbers of its performers do not cause their past delight.

Mentors' response to criticism

Since September, the Golos television project has been on Channel One (season 4). Feedback from viewers about mentors is still negative. Members of the panel of judges immediately spoke about what was happening in their interviews. Polina reacted with understanding to the public’s attacks. The main thing is that from the fans and the family she feels support. And she denied rumors of insufficient experience in comparison with Pelageya. Gagarina is only one year younger than the previous mentor and professionally performs on stage for 10 years, so she has enough knowledge to educate a talented performer.

new mentors show voice season 4 reviews

Leps and Basta could not refuse the offer to take part in the show "Voice" (season 4). Reviews of mentors are diametrically opposed.

Gregory in an interview said that it’s hard for him to select artists blindly, because an artist in his understanding is not only a singing person, but also an image, facial expressions, gestures. Basta, who felt his inappropriateness in a television project, felt a thrill during blind auditions. I chose artists not by vocal data, but by their ability to surprise.

"Voice", season 4: reviews of viewers about the repertoire

In addition to dissatisfaction with the composition of the jury, the performers, a stormy reaction of people fell upon the repertoire.

After the first season, the leadership of the television project made amendments to the further selection of songs by the participants of the competition. This happened after negative statements by offended vocalists to the editors of Channel One that they were obviously given bad songs. They suggested that the contestant personally compile a list of songs that music editors will reduce from 60 to 10 tracks. And the performer undertakes to sing any of 10 songs.

In discussions, the public speaks about the lack of Russian songs in the repertoire of performers. The program is a foreign analogue, but in Holland Russian compositions are not performed, viewers say.

And there is an excuse for this. Music producers are already encouraging contestants to sing original works. Indeed, two hours of folk music will simply reduce the number of viewers, so the repertoire of performers is diverse. And the ability to sing in a foreign language is one of the manifestations of talent.

Positive feedback on the Voice program: Season 4

The opinions of people were divided about the program. But both of them like the non-replaceable presenter D. Nagiyev. Viewers like the humor and charisma of a man. Or, perhaps, the fact is that a large part of the audience is held by the female part, and therefore the handsome Nagiyev is honored for the dignity of the show, and Polina (painted blonde) is completely out of work there?

reviews of the program voice 4 season

From approving reviews - the viewer is impressed by the transmission format. Only four years have passed, and fans are looking forward to the new season. In the issues of previous years, there was also criticism of the panel of judges and the repertoire. Most likely, this is what the authorities of the television project achieve. That discussions were in full swing, and the rating was raised.

What to expect?

While viewers leave comments on the Voice show on the World Wide Web, season 4 is confidently approaching the final duel of the participants. There is a month left until the winner is announced.

Discussions, criticism, incompetence of the jury - any feedback on the Golos project (season 4) - all this is secondary. The format of the show is aimed at getting pleasure from staging numbers, listening to music and comments by jury members.

After all, at home, sitting on the couch, it is easy to criticize and blame the incompetence of people who became famous thanks to their work and perseverance. This is not a selection for the Philharmonic. Professional people make shows. And it is successfully advancing to the masses.


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