LCD "Aleksandrovsky" in Petrozavodsk - a new elite class property

LCD "Aleksandrovsky" in Petrozavodsk is an elite complex of new buildings, which is presented in the form of a set of buildings erected using monolithic-brick construction technology. The ensemble consists of three buildings: western, eastern and southern, which differ in height. The floors of the complex are variable - 5-6 floors.

Features of the layout of apartments

The developer of the residential complex "Aleksandrovsky" in Petrozavodsk offers for sale individually planned apartments with one, two, three and four-room modern layouts.

LCD Alexandrovsky Petrozavodsk

The total area of โ€‹โ€‹apartments varies from 38 to 128 m 2 . Houses with finished finishing in apartments are for rent. Construction is carried out in several stages. The first and second houses have already been commissioned and are being successfully operated. The date of sale of the property is still unknown.

Land management and internal infrastructure

Gardening of the territory, organization of a children's play area, a sports ground with exercise machines, recreation areas, walking and bicycle paths - all this is part of the development and ennobling of the adjacent territory in the Aleksandrovsky residential complex (Petrozavodsk). In walking distance to the residential quarter there is a kindergarten, school, stadium. Nearby there is a medical care department of the city polyclinic, a network of shops, restaurants and cafes, the embankment of Lake Onega.

Rating from local residents

Based on 1500 ratings of citizens, an assessment was made of the Aleksandrovsky residential complex in Petrozavodsk.



Environmental friendliness




Housing and communal services




Conditions for children


Sports and recreation


Internal infrastructure


Safety conditions


The cost of real estate in the LCD


The town received a score of 3.3 points from residents and potential buyers who are interested in real estate.

Residents of the residential quarter

At one of the largest online forums of residents, there are more than 500 reviews of elite real estate - the Aleksandrovsky residential complex. Opinions of apartment owners on the LCD were divided.

LCD Alexandrovsky reviews

About half of them have a positive opinion about the development, the other part thinks in a negative way. The positive features of the complex, which stood out according to the reviews of residents and those who are going to purchase housing here, include the following:

  • advantageous location of the residential complex relative to the city center;
  • location of the residential quarter;
  • clean environment and courtyard without parking, because all the cars are located in the underground parking;
  • the presence of the internal equipped infrastructure of the Alexandrovsky residential quarter in Petrozavodsk;
  • many areas for games with children - a playground in front of each house.

Among the negative qualities, the residents noted an insufficient level of pedestrian area decoration - narrow sidewalks near the Aleksandrovsky residential complex. Responses of residents indicate that many have to walk along the road, which is very unsafe.

Elite real estate

The Aleksandrovsky residential complex represents a segment of elite real estate, therefore an apartment in this area will cost a lot. But those who know a lot about real estate understand why and why they should pay such an amount.


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