How and with what to wear sneakers? Stylish Tips

Not so long ago, sneakers were exclusively sports shoes. Their appearance was associated only with school physical education lessons and shapeless sports pants ... Who could know that they would suddenly fall at the very peak of fashion, becoming an attribute not only of sportswear, but also of other youth styles? As usual, "the new is the well-forgotten old." And there is nothing surprising in the fact that this fate also affected the sneaker. Now they can be found on the street almost more often than other shoes. Modern sneakers are ideal shoes for walking, for a party, and what can I say ... they can be found even in combination with business-style clothes.

what to wear sneakers

How to wear sneakers

As already mentioned, these shoes can now be worn in combination with almost any clothing.

what to wear with high sneakers
In addition to the usual classic sneakers, various modifications appeared, such as:

  1. High top sneakers. How to wear high top sneakers? Here the imagination is practically unlimited. High top sneakers are a kind of sporty style boots. They can be combined with skinny jeans, a skirt or leggings. Jeans, of course, need to be tucked in - this will be the perfect fashionable solution, which, in addition, will make the legs longer and slimmer. The length of the skirt in combination with high sneakers has no limits - it can be both mini and maxi.
  2. Low sneakers. In addition to the classic combination with sweatpants or jeans, they also found application in other styles. They are now worn with skirts of various lengths. Perfect with denim shorts or a skirt.
  3. Models in heels or on a high platform. Why wear sneakers with a sole so unusual for sports shoes? Having a look reminiscent of classic sneakers, they have a completely different purpose. Rather, they are shoes with an extravagant, eye-catching appearance. In addition to combining with no less shocking jeans, as a rule, with strong scuffs, they are worn with miniskirts, shorts and even with cocktail dresses of the corresponding style. The main thing here is not to overdo it in a variety of colors and accessories.
  4. The warmed gym shoes. From the name it’s clear that these are the same shoes, only with warm, often fur lining. With what to wear sneakers that can warm in the cold, it’s understandable, because these are sports shoes for the off-season. They are worn with tight trousers in combination with a jacket or coat.
    how to wear sneakers

How to wear gym shoes

Sneakers - versatile shoes. As mentioned above, almost all-weather, as well as having a definition - unisex. The age limits for wearing a sneaker are also quite wide: from childhood to mature. Large-bodied women should abandon them - after all, such shoes look better on people of athletic physique. This is due to the fact that the sneakers are able to emphasize some of the shortcomings, such as, for example, short or full legs. If, having these disadvantages, you still decide to wear them, you should think carefully about what to wear sneakers, attaching great importance to the correct selection of shades and styles of clothing. A huge number of colors of sneakers, presented on the modern market, allows you to diversify your appearance, not forgetting the need to combine shoes with the general style of clothing.


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