Forge of forgotten talents. Participants of the "Star Factory 3": success, fame, life after the project

Back in 2002, the first issue of the first "Star Factory" was released on television. The audience saw new bright performers who wanted to conquer the stage and climb the musical Olympus. For several seasons of the project, not all of the winners came out of the star house in which our contestants lived under the supervision of television cameras. Someone really was waiting for success, and someone - failure and spectator oblivion.

star factory 3 members list

The third part of the "Factory" was launched in March 2003. According to fans of the show, this is the most inexpressive part of the project. Out of all its participants, only a few people were beaten out as leaders, who also disappeared very quickly “from the radar”. Participants in Star Factory 3 are the focus of our article.

Main feature - offspring of talents

Ever since the acquaintance and the first reporting concert, it became clear that the third part included the children of their famous parents. This concerned the daughter of Vladimir Kuzmin Sofya, the grandson of Nikolai Slichenko, named after his grandfather, the famous actor of the Romen Theater, and the son of Alexander Malinin Nikita. The latter (by the way, the winner of “Factory”) has already taken the first steps on the path to fame - in the melodrama “Three Sisters” he played the main role. True, the picture did not enjoy special recognition. After that, Nikita managed to sing a little in the group “Oho-ho”, but only entered the big stage with participation in the musical project “Channel One”.

In addition to Nikita, the participants of the “Star Factory 3” include Sonya Kuzmin, who from childhood knew what the stage and constant tours are. It seems that the whole Kuzmin family is exclusively creative. And if everything is clear with Vladimir Kuzmin, few know about Sophia’s mother. Tatyana Artemyeva is a poet who wrote many hits for her husband. During the performance at the “Factory”, Sophia did not show her talent to the full and, unlike the same Malinin Jr., remained on the sidelines. They planned to take her to the Tutsi team, but the girl preferred a solo career. She rarely performs separately, mostly at her father’s concerts.

factory of stars 3 participants photo

In the beginning there was something else

For many contestants who came to the third “Factory”, the road to popularity was open long before the project. In other words, they tried to break through in various areas, and very successfully, before the "Star Factory 3" appeared in their life. The composition of the participants includes, for example, Svetlana Svetikova, known for many theatrical productions. In each of them, the girl sang songs, her strong voice was quickly remembered by the audience. This prompted the idea of ​​becoming an actress in musicals. Until 2002, Svetikova played in the Metro, and then moved to Notre Dame de Paris, playing the role of Esmeralda. With the completion of the “Factory” of Light, she starred in the drama “You Can’t Catch Us” and the series “Love Is Not Show Business”. During and after the project, she released several successful singles.

Test your strength

Undoubtedly, Oleg Dobrynin is a creative and diverse personality. So say those who had the opportunity to collaborate with him. He loves Stravinsky’s music and at the same time remains a subtle, sensual intellectual. Like other members of the "Star Factory 3", Dobrynin was remembered as a characteristic contestant, but, unfortunately, did not last long on the project. Before him, he was recognized as one of the “oldest” soloists of the Amega collective. Surely now many will remember the most famous hits of this group - “Run” and “Fly”. After a short break and searching for himself in other directions, Dobrynin returned to the team from which he began.

Further way

Fans not only followed the leadership of their favorite idols during the television project, but also were interested in their future plans after its completion. After all, the show could give young performers a ticket to life. It was for many that the "Factory of Stars 3" was presented. Participants (photo attached) equally had a chance to both become famous, and soon to be forgotten, or an abyss from screens in general.

factory of stars 3 composition of participants

Ruslan Kurik, an “informal” young man, was remembered as a romantic rebel. His style is a combination of soulful lyricism and the rebellious spirit of rock and roll. With the completion of the project, he pleased fans with the film work “One Love in a Million” and his debut album. At 35, Ruslan starred in several films and released three records. He also took part in the endurance project “The Last Hero”.

Yulia Mikhalchik, who took third place, participated in the “Russian Debut” contest, in which she was noticed by Alexander Shulgin. He invited her to try her hand at Star Factory. During the project, the girl was recognized as the owner of the best voice in his entire history. Spectators watched with trepidation the development of relations between Mikhalchik and producer Shulgin, who proposed to her. In 2006, the singer released her first album, “If Winter Comes”. She is familiar to listeners by a number of successful compositions (“White Swan”, “Where Love Live”, “Don’t Be Afraid”).

Such members of the “Star Factory 3”, or rather, participants such as Irina Ortman, Lesya Yaroslavskaya, Anastasia Kraynova and Maria Weber, organized the Tutsi women's band under the leadership of Victor Drobysh. For several years, the group was popular. Until 2012, its composition underwent changes several times. Well-known hits of the collective are “The Most, The Most,” “I Love It,” “One Hundred Candles,” “Cappuccino,” “Unmarried,” and “Bitter Chocolate.”

members of the stars factory 3

"Star Factory 3": participants

The list of bright and remembered contestants who took part in the project is as follows:

  • Nikita Malinin (took 1st place).
  • Alexander Kireev (2nd place).
  • Julia Mikhalchik (3rd place).
  • Dmitry Golubev, Roman Barsukov (KGB group).
  • Irina Zhelnova.
  • Ksenia Valeeva.
  • Svetlana Svetikova.
  • Nikolay Slichenko.
  • Oleg Dobrynin.
  • Sophia Kuzmina.
  • Ruslan Kurik.
  • Irina Zhelnova.
  • Ksenia Valeeva.
  • Maria Weber, Olesya Yaroslavskaya, Anastasia Kraynova, Irina Ortman (Tutsi group).


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