Cinnamon for weight loss: reviews, the most effective recipes

Have you tried cinnamon for weight loss? What were the results? Studies have shown that adding cinnamon to your daily diet can help you lose weight. A teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder added to a cup of boiling water can also help lose weight and reduce the risk of heart disease. Lots of positive reviews about cinnamon. For weight loss, it is used quite often.

Benefit for health

sticks of chicken

Cinnamon is rich in manganese, iron, calcium and fiber. It has been used since medieval times to cure diarrhea, indigestion and bloating. In addition, it helps prevent the spread of cancer cells, the formation of stomach ulcers and helps in the treatment of bacterial infections. Cinnamon lowers blood sugar, the level of bad cholesterol (LDL), without having any effect on good cholesterol (HDL). Therefore, it is useful for patients with type 2 diabetes. Lowering your blood sugar and improving your cholesterol ratio helps to remove insulin resistance or prediabetes. Since, judging by the reviews, cinnamon used for weight loss is sweet in taste, it also satisfies the desire for sweet foods. This makes it an important product for use by diabetics. Lots of positive reviews about cinnamon. Recipes for weight loss, we will consider below.

Weight loss

Cinnamon has a regulatory effect on blood sugar and at the same time increases the level of insulin in the body. It mimics the biological activity of insulin and increases glucose metabolism. Since high blood glucose can lead to obesity, cinnamon helps prevent this and allows you to lose weight. In addition, it affects the method of sugar metabolism in the body and prevents the metabolized sugar from turning into fat.

Cinnamon also delays the passage of food from the stomach to the intestines. Consequently, food satisfaction is felt for a longer time, and less food is eaten. It helps to lose weight. Cinnamon also helps the body process carbohydrates more efficiently, and it helps to lose weight. Fat on the stomach is more sensitive to the effects of spice than fat in other parts of the body. This is proved by studies and reviews of cinnamon. For weight loss, this product can be used to have a thin waist and get rid of the abdomen.

Ways to incorporate cinnamon into your daily diet

If you want to lose weight, especially around the tummy, start adding cinnamon to your diet. What for? It suppresses appetite, regulates blood sugar, lowers cholesterol and speeds up metabolism in addition to burning fat on the stomach. Of course, it goes without saying that you must also practice a healthy diet and maintain it, because all the cinnamon tea in the world will not help to lose weight if you continue to eat anything and never exercise! Check out these simple ways and include the indicated spice in your daily diet.

Start your day with cinnamon, lemon and honey.

cinnamon, honey, lemon

Cinnamon, lemon and honey create a powerful combination that will help you lose weight and protect against any kind of disease and infection. This is proved by reviews. Photos of cinnamon with honey (we will talk about losing weight in this way below) are presented in this article. How to use the products? Everything is very simple. Boil a cinnamon stick in water for about 10 minutes, add lemon, a little honey into it and you're done! Other spices can also be added, such as cardamom, pepper, ginger or peppermint, if you wish.

Drink cinnamon water throughout the day

Boil cinnamon sticks in water or add cinnamon powder to water and sip during the day, especially between meals. According to reviews, slimming water with cinnamon is used quite often. You can even drink the liquid before bedtime.

Sprinkle cinnamon on your coffee

If you drink coffee, add some cinnamon to your favorite drink. If you add cinnamon, you can reduce the amount of sugar added to coffee, making it even more convenient for weight loss.

Add it to your juices

If you like fruit and vegetable juices, mix them with cinnamon to increase their taste and nutritional value. Cinnamon is especially well combined with apple, carrot and even orange juice.

Cook with spices

Many recipes require cinnamon, and this is an integral part of the garam masala mixture. It is worth starting to add a little cinnamon to dishes that traditionally do not require this. The best part is that this versatile spice blends equally well with sweet, savory and spicy dishes!

Add it to cocktails.

Cinnamon perfectly complements fruit smoothies. You can choose any combination of fruits that you like, but there is one combination that always gets to the point - a banana and oatmeal. Mix one banana, a teaspoon of cinnamon, a handful of oatmeal, one cup of milk, half a cup of yogurt. Eat it for breakfast or after a workout.

Sprinkle oatmeal or cereal

If you eat oatmeal or cereal for breakfast, a little cinnamon is the way to improve the taste. Make sure that the cinnamon you are using is fresh.

However, cinnamon alone cannot help lose weight permanently. To achieve optimal results for the program for weight loss, it is important to regularly eat nutritious and wholesome foods and exercise. Including a teaspoon of cinnamon in your daily diet can definitely reduce your appetite and help you lose weight and even lime layers of fat around your stomach.

Honey and Cinnamon

honey and cinnamon sticks

Today, one of the hottest trends in weight loss includes honey and cinnamon, used in the daily diet. People take this combination in tea, eat it or use it as a topping for cereals and other products. But is it really possible to lose weight just by eating honey and cinnamon?

What good is honey?

When it comes to choosing a sweetener as a source of vitamins and minerals, honey is a good option, especially when compared to regular sugar. It is important to note, however, that honey is a more concentrated source of calories, with 64 calories per tablespoon versus 49 calories in the same serving of sugar. Nevertheless, honey is a better choice than sugar when it comes to weight loss. A 2008 study (the results were published in one of the world's scientific journals) compared the effects of honey and regular sugar on weight loss in a small group of overweight and obese people. Without making any changes to their diet or training, the honey group lost more weight than the sugar group. Weight loss in the honey group was very small, however, - 1.3 percent of body weight in 30 days, which is about 1.5 kg for a person weighing 90 kg.

The word β€œhoney” itself is associated with love, vitality and health. In fact, honey has many useful properties. For example, honey is an antimicrobial when applied topically. This means that it can prevent a bacterial infection. In fact, studies show that it is very effective in treating wound infections. It is also good for treating burns and is equally effective in suppressing cough. Honey and cinnamon can also help relieve indigestion.

What good is the spice?

Spicy and sweet cinnamon offers a number of health benefits, including anti-inflammatory properties and improved blood sugar. There is also some evidence that the spice may be helpful if you are trying to achieve a healthier weight. A 2012 study in one of the international journals of preventive medicine examined the effect on body weight by adding cinnamon to the diet of a small group of people with diabetes. While both groups - cinnamon and placebo - lost weight during the study, the spice group lost more fat than the placebo group.

Fragrant cinnamon is as old as the world. The ancient Egyptians used it for embalming, and by the time of the Roman Empire it was 15 times more expensive than silver. Both honey and cinnamon have a number of healing properties. Studies show that it has antimicrobial as well as antiparasitic effects. It also contains antioxidants, can help heal wounds, and can also lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

What else is the testimony of losing weight about cinnamon? For weight loss, spice can be perfectly combined with honey and other spices.

Weight loss

While the forums have many positive reviews with photos about losing weight with cinnamon and honey, research on this combination is more restrained. Only a few prove weight loss. For example, one study found that replacing sucrose with honey can help prevent weight gain, while another showed that it can activate hormones that suppress appetite. But no studies prove conclusively that cinnamon and honey can completely help lose weight.

Honey and Cinnamon Tea Recipe

honey and cinnamon

The daily dose of the slimming mixture is one teaspoon of honey and 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon in a cup of green tea or boiled water. Such a drink pleases not only with a pleasant taste, but also with the result. This is confirmed by numerous reviews of those who have lost weight about cinnamon with honey. For weight loss, the drink is perfect.

While there is no magic food or combination of foods to promote weight loss, some evidence suggests trendy lemon, honey and cinnamon drinks can support weight loss efforts. Consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet.

Weight loss with lemon

Lemons make a healthy addition to any weight loss diet. Not only are they a good way to add flavor to foods and drinks with few calories, but they are also rich in nutrients that can help the body absorb fat and prevent weight gain.

Lemon, honey and cinnamon drink

When trying to lose weight, calories are calculated regardless of where they come from, even from a drink that can help lose weight. If cinnamon and lemon practically do not contain calories, then this can not be said for honey. Most weight loss recipes recommend 1 tablespoon of honey (adding the 64 calories to your daily diet) with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice mixed in a cup of hot water. Remember to count the calories in each cup you drink. The use of cinnamon, lemon and honey for weight loss, according to reviews, is a great idea to deal with fat in the abdomen.

Yes, you can lose weight, even if you eat as usual. It sounds like an oxymoron, but it's possible. All that is required is a few different drinks with some key ingredients that will allow the body to increase the metabolic rate and keep it from certain food drives that arise during the day.

However, these are not magic drinks. You can’t eat more junk food and drink these drinks, thinking that you can lose weight this way.

Honey, lemon and cinnamon are ingredients that help speed up the metabolism.

Why is it important? Because the faster the metabolism, the faster the body processes food and absorbs the necessary nutrients, getting rid of the residue. These are ingredients that can be found in any kitchen. There are many recipes and reviews about cinnamon. For weight loss, the hot drinks described in the article are used. They will play a key role in weight loss goals.

Beverage Recipes

cinnamon and lemon

Option 1:

  • 1 cup of hot water.
  • 1 tablespoon of honey.
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon.

Mix all the ingredients in your favorite mug and enjoy a flavored drink for weight loss. The metabolic rate will also begin to increase significantly if you constantly use lemon in your diet.

Option 2:

  • 1 cup of water.
  • 2 teaspoons of lemon juice.
  • 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Cinnamon (1 teaspoon).

Like lemons, cinnamon also speeds up metabolism, which helps with weight loss. The use of cinnamon for weight loss, according to slimming reviews, will completely relieve abdominal fat.

Cinnamon tea

  • 1 cup boiling water.
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon.
  • 1 tablespoon of honey.

Mix cinnamon and honey, pour boiling water. Drink and enjoy the taste and aroma. Using slimming cinnamon, honey and water, according to reviews, is an excellent solution. You can add a bag of tea to this drink. After all, black and green teas contain flavonoids that detoxify the body, neutralizing the free radicals responsible for cell damage. Green tea inhibits the growth of pathogens that cause tooth decay, plaque and bad breath. Frequent tea dehydrates the body and strengthens the immune system. A moderate amount of caffeine in tea stimulates the nervous system and promotes blood circulation.

Cinnamon and Ginger Drink

cinnamon, ginger, lemon

How to make a warm drink that will please the sweet tooth and help prevent weight gain? Such hot β€œtea” is easy to prepare, it requires only three ingredients: fresh ginger, cinnamon sticks and honey.

Including more cinnamon in your diet may be a good idea for your waist. Studies show that spices such as cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg can help increase saturation and mimic sweetness. Applying ginger, lemon and cinnamon for weight loss, according to reviews, is not only a way to lose weight, but also an opportunity to establish proper nutrition - reduce sugar intake.

This drink is very easy to make. Just boil cinnamon sticks and fresh ginger in water for about 20 minutes, and then pour honey into tea for taste and benefit. You can brew a large batch of drink at the beginning of the week and leave it in the refrigerator, and then heat the cup when you want to drink. There are encouraging reviews of ginger, cinnamon, honey and lemon for weight loss.

Pepper and cinnamon

This is morning tea, a bright mixture with decisive notes of spices and warmth. There is ginger for digestion, turmeric to cleanse the liver, cayenne pepper to warm the body and activate metabolism, as well as cinnamon. A good way to start the body at the beginning of the day and at the same time bring yourself back to normal is to use cinnamon and pepper for morning detoxification and for losing weight. According to reviews, this combination is the most effective. The measurements are approximate (however, do not overdo it with cayenne and turmeric). Ginger? You can add more. Do not want honey? Cross it out.


  • A slice of fresh ginger (5-10 cm).
  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric.
  • 2 cinnamon sticks.
  • 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper.
  • A spoonful of honey.
  • Lemon.

Peel the ginger and slice it diagonally. Add ginger slices to a pan with 6 cups of water and bring to a boil. Reduce temperature to a minimum and cook for 10 minutes. Add cinnamon sticks, turmeric and pepper. Cook another 10 minutes. Strain into a mug. Add honey and squeeze lemon. There will still be plenty of drink left in the pot that you can warm up and drink throughout the day.

cinnamon and pepper

Precautionary measures

Cinnamon contains a significant amount of coumarin. Coumarin, found in many plants, can be used to treat edema or water retention. The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment in Germany reports that even small doses of coumarin taken for more than two weeks can cause liver damage, especially in people who already have organ diseases.

Does this mean cinnamon should be avoided? No. Moreover, the spice contributes to weight loss and a decrease in the waist. This is confirmed by the reviews of those who have lost weight about cinnamon. For weight loss, it is better to use a product brought from Ceylon, since it contains much lower concentrations of coumarin. In powder form, it is impossible to separate the two spices. To make sure that you use Ceylon cinnamon, you may need to purchase it from a specialist supplier of spices in a natural food store.


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