Fishing knots for a braid: description and step-by-step instructions. Knots “Palomar”, “Kinch” and others for braiding

Currently, there are many varieties of fishing units. In addition, they are constantly being improved and refined. Some methods of knitting fishing lines have been known since the time of grandfathers and are classic, and some methods of fastening appeared with the advent of new gear. For example, knots for braids are not known to everyone. Therefore, for some people, sometimes the need to fasten together two sections of fishing line of different diameters and stiffnesses becomes a real problem.

Features of nodes

knots for braids

Many anglers, having learned several types of knots suitable for ordinary or monofil fishing line, do not even try to delve into the braids in particular. But they need special connection methods. Simple knots for braiding are not always suitable. Often they even loosen the mount. In the manufacture of this tackle, different types of fibers and their weaving are used. In addition, the difference is visible in the soldering method. Braids may contain different amounts of fibers and compositions of the outer coating. All these features must certainly be considered when choosing connection methods. But here often braiding manufacturers come to the rescue. They indicate on the packaging the most suitable unit for this gear. Most often, two mounting methods are recommended. This is the node “Palomar” and “Uni”. But these are far from the only connection methods, although they certainly need to be known.

Uni Node (Greenner)

braid fishing units

Knots for a braid should be strong and reliable. The most suitable is the Uni node, or as it is also called the Greener. It is used for tying swivels and hooks, with very small ears. In this case, it is not possible to stretch a double fishing line through such a hole. This site is recommended by many American manufacturing companies, for example, the notorious company Power Pro. Knitting it is quite difficult, it requires skill and experience. To snap a hook using this method, you must do the following: The end of the braid is threaded through the eye. Then a loop is formed. The end of the braid is wrapped around the main fishing line. Thus, a second loop is obtained. Inside it, the end of the braid is passed, while making 5 to 7 revolutions around the double fishing line. The resulting node is tightened and cut off the excess.

Palomar knot for a wattled

Palomar knot for wicker

This knot is light and fast. It is suitable for tying hooks, carbines and swivels. The Palomar knot is applicable for most cases, and is suitable not only for braid, but for ordinary woods. With this mount, most spinningists tie artificial baits. Despite the fact that this unit is universal, it is also very simple.

So, the “Palomar” knot for braiding is carried out in the following way. Fold the fishing line in half and pull it through the eye of the hook or bait ring. Next, make a loop and skip the end of the double fishing line inward. Do not tighten. Now, attention, we pass a hook or a swivel through the bend (the place of the bend of the doubled fishing line). Now wet the braid and tighten the knot. The disadvantage of this knot is that it is not possible to stretch a double fishing line in every ear. He also greatly shortens the length of the leash. This also needs to be considered.

Klinch knot for a braid

knot clinch for braids

This is another way to securely attach a hook or swivel to the braid. This node is simple, and easy to master. It is suitable not only for braids, but also for ordinary fishing lines. To tie a Clinch knot, you need to perform several simple steps. In the eye of the hook or the swivel ring we pass a piece of braid. Its length should be at least 15 cm. Next, take the end of the cord and wrap the main fishing line about 6 times. But don't make the rings too tight. Now we pass the end of the braid through a small loop formed near the ear of the hook. And then you need to pass it through a large loop. Wet and tighten the braid. The knot "Clinch" turned out. For braids - this is the best option. The mount is secure and sturdy.

Bloody knot

fishing knots for wicker

Thanks to this unit, it becomes possible to connect two pieces of braid or fishing line of different diameters. In this way, you can even tie the cords. Although they may vary in thickness by 1.5–2 times. This knot is quite capable of connecting the main fishing line and the leash made of monofilament. The mount will be very reliable. This method of knitting should be known to every angler.

So, the "bloody" knot for fishing line and braid is performed in the following way. We take two pieces of the cord and place them parallel to each other. The ends should be directed in opposite directions. Now we perform the following actions. Take the first end and wrap around the second braid 5-6 times. Coils do not tighten much. Now you need to pass the end of the cord through the connected fishing line for the first turn. Next, we perform the same actions with the second segment. The number of turns should be the same. We pass the end of the second segment of the braid into the same loop as the first. But at the same time he should “look” in the opposite direction. Wet a little braid and tighten the knot. The remaining ends are cut off.

Sliding Double Knot

knot for fishing line and braid

Some fishing knots for braids have increased strength and reliability. Such mating includes the gliding double knot known to many experienced fishermen. It is suitable for woods, braids and cords, in which the difference in diameter can exceed five times. This is very useful when you need to connect two different segments of different thicknesses. This is perhaps the best option for fluorocarbon. Using this mounting method, it is easy to attach it to the main fishing line.

So, this node for braids and fluorocarbon is performed in the following way. We fold and tie fishing lines with an overlap. Their ends should “look” in opposite directions. We hold the folded segments approximately in the middle with our fingers. Now we wrap one end of the fishing line to the fingers. Get a loop. We skip the end of the braid into it and, wrapping both segments, make 5 to 7 turns. Now, wetting the fishing line, tighten the end. It turned out one node. Now we do the same thing on the other hand with the second end of the fishing line. As a result, two nodes will form on the common site. Now it remains only to pull the connected fishing line in different directions. Nodules converge at one point. We cut off the excess ends. This method is similar to a "bloody" node, but it is more reliable.

How knots affect braiding quality

knot for braids and fluorocarbon

To determine the best fishing units for the braid, you need to understand how this or that method of knitting affects the characteristics of the fishing line. It is known that any attachment option will certainly lead to deformation of the fibers. But the degree of damage and, as a consequence, the loss of strength of the braid are different. So, when tying a swivel or, for example, a hook, then no matter what connection method is chosen, in the end you still have to perform the same action - tighten the knot. In this case, the inner layers of the braid are displaced, this leads to a change in its structure. Some fibers are very elongated, while others experience excessive stress. All this leads to a decrease in its strength.

In the form of a section, the braids are round and flat. When the knot is tightened, the fishing line is twisted. This on individual fibers leads to stress. But if the braid is round, then it will be insignificant. But flat braided fishing lines will experience strong tension and lose a greater percentage of strength. Fishing knots for a wicker need to be selected consciously. If improper knitting is done, this will weaken all the equipment, which will lead to the loss of not only hooks and artificial baits, but also trophies.


The knots for a braid considered above perfectly keep durability of tackle. They are uncomplicated and allow you to quickly snap a spinner or a lost hook. In addition, they can be used to connect fishing lines of different thicknesses. And this is sometimes necessary if you need to install a leash on a snap. It is not necessary to know all of them. Two or three is quite enough to get out of any position and not to lose the trophy at a crucial moment when fighting.


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