Diet of Kim Protasov: general menu, results, reviews

There are many diets that allow you to lose weight. Kim Protasov’s diet is one of the most comfortable and effective food systems. Its basis is dairy products, a lot of raw vegetables and meat. The features of the diet, its principles and advantages will be discussed later in the article.

Features of the technique

Unlike express diets, the weight loss system does not have a negative effect on the body. In the process of its observance, a gradual loss of extra pounds occurs. The diet is designed for 5 weeks, and the same period is the way out of it.

The total nutritional value of food per day should not exceed 1200 kcal. The amount of water per day is at least 1.5-2 liters. Mandatory intake of the vitamin complex.

Weight loss is achieved by reducing the diet containing fats and carbohydrates. Kim Protasov’s diet is based on fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products with a fat content of up to 5%. This makes up the diet for the first 2 weeks. The next menu includes eggs, meat and greens. Carbohydrates are completely prohibited because they can slow down the process of weight loss. Due to this, the load on the pancreas is reduced and its work is normalized. As a result, cravings for sweet foods are reduced.

Kim Protasov's diet in detail

The presence of a large number of protein foods in the diet increases muscle mass and burns body fat. Fresh vegetables included in Kim Protasov’s diet menu improve the work of the digestive tract and remove excess fluid from the body. This is due to the large amount of fiber and other beneficial substances.

One of the main advantages of the weight loss system is that the gained kilograms do not return after the completion of the diet. Many who have lost weight are so accustomed to proper nutrition that they completely abandon prohibited foods (fried, spicy, smoked and fatty).

Basic Rules

More information about the diet of Kim Protasov can be said that she does not have strict restrictions on food. The main thing is to adhere to such principles:

  1. Only natural dairy products should be included in the diet. They should contain no colorants, flavors or other additives. The best option is to cook your own meals.
  2. No need to take cough medicine (syrups). This leads to increased hunger and cravings for sweets.
  3. Candy and cookies should be completely absent from the diet. Otherwise, this will lead to the release of insulin, and all efforts to refuse sweets will be nullified.
  4. Drink enough water daily. To normalize the intestines 20-30 minutes before a meal, drink 2 cups of water. The daily norm is 2 liters. Drink water should be in small sips. The intake of a larger volume of liquid should be in the first half of the day. It is not forbidden to drink coffee and tea without sugar. Dehydration leads to a drop in the rate of weight loss by several times.
  5. In the first weeks, only low-fat dishes are included in the diet. The amount of fat per day should be no more than 30 g.
  6. Minimize the amount of salt in your diet. Excess product can lead to fluid retention in the body and the appearance of edema.
  7. To prevent a deficiency of minerals and vitamins, it is necessary to take a special complex.
  8. You can eat permitted foods without restrictions. You should take into account well-being and refuse a full portion if there is no desire. Overeating is not recommended.
Diet of Kim Protasov

Losing weight should constantly monitor the state of health. With the appearance of headaches, spasms in the intestines and other signs, you should abandon the diet. To prevent such situations, before starting the diet of Kim Protasov, you need to get expert advice. After all, the weight loss system has not only positive properties, but also negative ones.

Dietary Products

The power system has a wide range of permitted products. Kim Protasov's diet menu includes:

  • Low-fat dairy products (1-5%). Thanks to them, the body gets rid of a large amount of fat. Dairy products must have natural salinity. Products such as feta cheese should be absent in the diet. After all, salt retains fluid in the body, which contributes to the occurrence of edema.
  • Raw vegetables. They should not be subjected to any heat treatment. Vegetables should be non-starchy (cucumbers, cabbage, leafy vegetables, tomatoes, sweet peppers). They saturate the body with beneficial substances and fiber, which helps the intestines.
  • Simple carbohydrates are not included in the weight loss system, which allows you not to feel hunger. The presence of dairy products and vegetables will allow you to abandon sweet foods in the diet. The work of the pancreas is normalized, and those who lose weight will not feel cravings for sweets.
  • The constant component of the diet should be green apples. 3 fruits must be consumed per day, after each meal. Eating them before eating can cause an increase in appetite, because apples have a high glycemic index.
  • The diet should include fats. After all, they enable the body to remain healthy and fight extra pounds. Otherwise, the appearance of hair, skin and nails worsens.
  • Water and drinks. In the diet should be present in the required amount of fluid. The volume of water per day is 2 liters. After eating, you can drink green or herbal tea.
  • Meat and fish are added to the diet by the third week. You can eat low-fat species (beef, chicken, turkey). Products are baked, stewed or steamed. Every day, 300 g of meat or fish should be present in the diet.

In the diet of Kim Protasov, weeks of weeks should be absent primarily alcohol, sugar and salt. Pasta and bakery products, fatty meat and semi-finished products, nuts, potatoes are excluded from the diet.

Kim Protasov's diet results

During the diet, the body must completely wean from the use of sweets.

Diet menu

The weight loss system has a diverse diet. The results of Kim Protasov’s diet are amazing. With proper observance, you can lose 10 or more kilograms of weight. Some people do not use the diet for weight loss, but to cleanse the body in spring or autumn. According to nutritionists, such a diet should be observed no more than 1 time per year.

Kim Protasov's diet for weeks

The power system layout is simple and has minor limitations. Kim Protasov’s detailed diet includes:

  1. In the first week, the power is being rebuilt. The diet includes only raw vegetables and cheese with 5% fat in unlimited quantities. You can replace it with cottage cheese or low-fat dairy products. Vegetables should not be cooked. Additionally, you need to eat three green apples and one egg per day. Proper nutrition in the first week is extremely important, because the foundation is laid for all subsequent days of the diet. It is important to follow all necessary recommendations.
  2. The second week includes raw vegetables, eggs, cheese and apples. Additionally, natural yogurts are added. According to reviews, Kim Protasov's diet eliminates 5 kg of excess weight in 2 weeks. Even if losing weight do not limit their servings and do not play sports.
  3. The third week diet includes meat. 300 g of meat and fish can be consumed per day, which are steamed, baked or boiled. To reduce the amount of fat (up to 35 g), a portion of cheese is reduced. It is best to eat vegetables with meat.
  4. Kim Protasov’s diet menu for weeks (4th and 5th) should include: vegetables, 3 apples, meat (300 g), a little cheese and 1 egg. These days are considered fixing and will allow the body to fully get used to such a diet. It is allowed to use 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil. Be sure to clearly consider the amount of fat that comes with food.

During the diet, it is not recommended to forget about the proper drinking regimen. Water should be 1.5-2 liters per day. You can drink unsweetened coffee and green tea in small quantities.

The right way out of the diet

In order not to lose the achieved results, it is best to gradually include new products in the diet. A detailed Kim Protasov diet menu for the next 5 weeks includes:

  • At the sixth week, buckwheat or oatmeal in the amount of not more than 3 tablespoons appears in the diet. It contains complex carbohydrates and should be consumed for breakfast.
  • On the seventh week, the menu includes fruits. It can be plums and avocados.
  • At the eighth week, dried fruits are added, from which compote is cooked. In large quantities, it is not recommended to consume them because of the large amount of fast carbohydrates and sugar.
  • In the ninth week, boiled and stewed vegetables are included in the diet. They are used as components of salads and as a side dish. At this time, cheese consumption is reduced.
  • In the tenth week, light soups are cooked, initially starting with broths.
A detailed diet of Kim Protasov

These changes in the description of the diet of Kim Protasov must be carried out gradually. The following recommendations are mandatory:

  1. It is forbidden to eat pastries and sweets. The allowed dessert includes fresh fruits with whipped cream of low fat content.
  2. Salads are best seasoned with sunflower oil or low-fat sour cream.
  3. Meat can be eaten in small portions (150 g), only with vegetables.

Compliance with the rules and recommendations for leaving the diet of Kim Protasov, according to reviews of those who have lost weight, will allow you to fix the weight received and not gain extra pounds in the future.

Diet results

The system of weight loss, if properly observed, can achieve a significant loss of extra pounds. The result of Kim Protasov’s diet is minus 5-20 kilograms. It largely depends on the metabolic rate of losing weight. To increase efficiency, you can enter a small physical activity.

The higher the initial weight, the faster it will leave. The diet is suitable for people who want to lose a few kilograms of weight. The weight loss system regulates the overall functioning of the body, including metabolism.

After receiving a positive result, many who lost weight attributed the diet to the most effective weight loss systems.

Pros and cons of diet

The technique of losing weight helps a large number of people who want to lose weight. The advantages of Kim Protasov's diet include:

  1. There are no restrictions on the volume of servings, which eliminates the feeling of hunger. You can eat at any time of the day.
  2. Diet does not set a time frame for eating. It allows you to use at night.
  3. The food system can be used by people who spend a lot of time at work. Cooking takes a minimal amount of time.
  4. Products included in the diet can be purchased at any supermarket.
  5. The body is saturated with nutrients (vitamins, fiber and probiotics).
  6. There is no desire to eat something sweet.
  7. Feels light after a meal, improves health. Metabolic processes come back to normal, the body is freed from harmful substances. During the diet, problems with stool are eliminated.
  8. Weight loss occurs gradually. The diet is designed for 5 weeks, so weight loss is slow. The body does not experience feelings of stress, and after a diet, the lost weight does not return.
  9. Thanks to the diet, fat is eliminated. Effective help is provided by sports activities.
  10. It is allowed to include seasonal vegetables in the diet, so it is best to spend it in the summer.
Reviews about the diet of Protasov

With all the positive properties, the method of losing weight also has disadvantages:

  • The list of products allowed for consumption is not a great choice. It is difficult to find dairy products of the necessary fat content, as well as without sugar and extraneous additives.
  • The abundance of raw vegetables, in which there is a lot of fiber, can have a negative effect on the digestive tract. Such a diet is not suitable for some losing weight, even if there are no restrictions.
  • It is best to alternate the use of vegetables and protein foods, thus achieving the correct ratio.
  • The results of the diet appear after a few weeks of weight loss system. Many people refuse because of this technique. It is important in this case to complete what has been started to the end, and after 10 weeks to draw the appropriate conclusions.

Before starting the weight loss system, you need to carefully study the Kim Protasov diet menu for every day. Having determined the pros and cons, only then proceed to the methodology.


Despite the positive aspects of the diet, it has some limitations:

  1. In violation of metabolism. Before starting a diet, you need to consult a nutritionist who will help to make some adjustments.
  2. You should not begin to lose weight immediately after suffering colds and serious stressful situations.
  3. If you are allergic to lactose or other products, the diet is strictly prohibited to such people.
  4. With heart and vascular disease, the amount of fluid should be limited.
  5. Elderly and children's age.
  6. It is not recommended to follow a diet for people suffering from diseases of the digestive system.
  7. During pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In order not to harm the body, it is best to get specialist advice before starting a weight loss system.


There are many opinions on the method of losing weight. There are both positive and negative. Especially striking are the reviews and results of the Kim Protasov diet, which fully confirm the benefits of the weight loss technique.

Thanks to a balanced diet, women in 10 weeks became owners of a slender figure. It turned out to be quite easy for them to follow a diet due to the lack of hunger and the possibility not to limit the amount of servings. The technique of losing weight includes ordinary products that can be purchased at any supermarket. The diet is especially popular in the summer due to the saturation of the diet with seasonal vegetables.

Description of the diet of Kim Protasov

Many nutritionists respond positively to the technique. They believe that the diet menu is balanced and rich in vitamins and nutrients.

The diet does not make you constantly feel hungry, so it suits many people. It is correctly composed, which contributes to a high level of fat burning.

Nutritionists are advised to limit physical activity. After all, the menu does not have enough calories that will be spent on sports. This can negatively affect the health of losing weight.


Protasov's diet is a weight loss system that helps to lose weight. It helps to speed up metabolism and preserve muscle mass. The key to successful weight loss is strict adherence to all principles and recommendations.


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