How to exit ICQ on Android: tips

ICQ is one of the very first instant messengers that was used by almost everyone who was allowed to configure the phone. Today, other applications have replaced this application: Vkontakte, Votsap, Viber, etc. Such changes provoked primarily a technological leap in the development of phones. Now literally everyone has a smartphone with support for high-speed Internet. Despite this, there are still people who prefer to use ICQ instead of other available instant messengers.

How to exit ICQ on all devices?

When using this application, notifications constantly coming at night can interfere. To avoid this, you need to get out of it for a given period.

how to exit icq on android

How to exit ICQ on Android on most devices? Follow this step-by-step instruction:

  1. First you need to go into the application itself.
  2. Select the "Settings" section there.
  3. In the selected section there will be an option "Exit". You must click on it and, confirming your actions, exit ICQ.

Now your application will not interfere with constant notifications and use a charge of energy just like that.

It is worth having an idea that after you exit ICQ on "Android", with subsequent use of this application, you will have to re-enter your account information (login and password). This application does not support storing account information, as is done in other modern instant messengers.

Exit the messenger through the "Application Management" function

How to exit ICQ on Android using application management? This method is relevant if the main (previous) one does not work. If for some reason you were unable to exit ICQ using the application itself, then you can try using the "Application Management" function. Now let's talk about it. How to get out of ICQ on Android in this way?

how to exit icq

Do everything according to the step-by-step exit instructions:

  1. Go to the phone settings.
  2. Select "Applications" there, in the list that appears, click on "Application Management".
  3. Choose the ICQ application from the entire list.
  4. In the pop-up window, click "Delete ICQ application data."

After that, your account will automatically exit. Now, when you re-enter, the application will ask you for account information.

Remember the data

Before you exit ICQ on Android, you need to remember or write down somewhere your account data (login and password). If you lose this information, restoring your account will be very problematic.


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