Take an exam: dream book

From birth and throughout life, a person sees dreams. Specialists in the study of night visions assure that this is not just a meaningless alternation of pictures and images. Dreams, depending on our internal mental state, either reflect events that have already occurred and the experiences associated with them, or help predict events that may occur soon.

dream exam

Take an exam in a dream: what does it mean?

What will the dream book tell us? Take exams - in a dream we often see a similar picture even after many years after graduation from another school or other educational institution. This can manifest itself in the form of some separate problems with an unclear condition or intricate equations in which one cannot find a solution. All of this may seem vital. And accompanied by anxiety, the realization that coping with the test is very difficult.

One of the most common dream plots is an exam, since probably everyone had to participate in this process in reality. A wide emotional palette is usually associated with this event - fear of the teacher, confusion, awkwardness, arrogance, joy, and so on. All this is understandable, since a lot can depend on the assessment in later life. We can say that this stage is a turning point in the fate of man and determines his further direction and development.

So why dream of an exam? The dream interpretation says that if in dreams a person managed to cope with the test, then in reality everything can happen exactly the opposite. And if you dream of a complete failure, then in reality the chances of success are significantly increased. Nevertheless, letโ€™s try to figure out what we actually see in a dream, why we see such pictures, and how to interpret them.

dream interpretation exam

Plots of sleep

An exam or a test in a dream can be displayed as a plot from a fairy tale. For example, the old king or witch begins to ask riddles. At the same time they threaten reprisal, if you do not give the right answer. Also, perhaps in a dream, a job seeker is offered to undergo testing. But some force majeure takes place, and the process is postponed. In the examination class, the student gets a ticket with incomprehensible symbols or with unfamiliar subjects. The plot of the dream may be different, but the explanations for such dreams basically coincide.

Possible reasons

Leafing through the dream book. An exam that comes in a dream may mean that in reality the person is either in a difficult situation or he has to make a difficult choice. Perhaps the importance of the problem is even exaggerated. And in fact, everything is not so scary. You need to stop cheating yourself and try to objectively assess the situation.

Sometimes in a dream, people still manage to solve the problem, pass some kind of testing, answer correctly tricky questions, and successfully pass complex tests. Often, even excellent students in real life can not always easily pass the exam in a dream, since this is not so much connected with the level of intelligence, but with what kind of feelings and emotions we experience at a certain point in time. The fact is that in dreams a personโ€™s consciousness tries to free itself from thoughts and feelings that oppress it.

What does the dream book say about this? Passing an exam in a dream may be the result of some physiological problems. If the body is weakened after a disease and immunity is undermined, then the probability of seeing such dreams is very high. Consider the most common meanings of dreams and the causes that cause them.

dream book to take an exam


What is the dream of the exam? The dream interpretation says that if you dream that you are going to the test, but understand that you are completely unprepared for it, then try to avoid unnecessary self-confidence in reality . It may turn out that someone will question your competence and professional skills. Knowledge and experience will not be enough to cope with the task. Usually such dreams are seen by people responsible and hardworking, sincerely worried about their work.

Often, young parents are not ready to pass the exam, especially after the birth of their first child. Such dreams are usually caused by constant concern for the health of young children and the well-being of the family. Disagreements, quarrels and grievances, the accumulated fatigue from awakening at night - all this makes one doubt their abilities. Women begin to ask themselves: will they be able to save the marriage and cope with a new role for them. Men also have a hard time. The idea that they must provide for their families, raise and raise children, give them a good education and support in difficult times does not leave them. As a rule, the most responsible and worried parents are more likely to see disturbing dreams. Being in constant emotional tension, they understand that it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to fulfill their duties.

dream book exam

Fear of change

It so happens that getting to the exam in a dream, a person has a desire to either stretch time as long as possible, or completely fail this test. Questions and assignments begin to seem too complicated. And more and more the chance to fail. Why dream of such a difficult exam? The dream book says that today you do not want to change anything. And if possible, try to leave everything as it is. It is possible that such dreams can mean the following: you have set unrealistic goals for yourself.


What else will the dream book tell about this? Take an exam in a dream or pass a test or test - dreams say about low self-esteem in real life. In such nightly visions, relatives, friends, colleagues, or just acquaintances, whose conviction you are trying to avoid, can act as inspectors. In this case, you need to stop worrying about what others will think about you, how they will evaluate your actions. Learn to do things and take responsibility for them. Do not allow even those you respect very much to evaluate you. After all, absolutely impossible to please everyone.

dream book had an exam


What else will the dream book tell? I had an exam - in real life, this indicates concern about the reputation and good name. If there is no trust between each other between the husband and wife, one of the relatives spreads bad gossip, and colleagues look askance and suspect that you didnโ€™t commit, then all this makes a person feel guilty, leads to constant attempts to prove the opposite, to convince others of the absence of bad intentions. A similar situation is reflected in dreams, as the inevitability of passing the next test or getting a credit. It is very important at such moments to clearly understand to whom and what you are trying to prove, and most importantly - why. Maybe these people themselves do not deserve the trust that is required of you.

dream book taking exams in a dream

Health problems

The initial stage of a physiological disease can cause you to pass an exam in a dream. The dream interpretation says that usually the preparation for the test exhausts and weakens the body very much. A person experiences the same sensations at the beginning of the disease. Therefore, you must carefully consider your health and not neglect the advice of doctors. Perhaps you are simply overworked, and it's time to take a vacation that you have long dreamed about.

For the most accurate explanation of why you had a dream about passing the exam, you need to understand what bothers you most in real life. It is important what attitude in dreams you show to everything that happens, what feelings and emotions were caused by this or that dream. Having understood yourself first of all, it will be easier for you to understand the essence of your visions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3898/

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