How to cook dough for fishing. Recipes for the air test and the test for crucian carp

There are many ways to fish, and each one has his own. Among plant baits, bait from dough is popular. It is very convenient in that it does not imply any special skills for its preparation and holds fast to the hook for a long time, you only need to know how to cook the dough. For fishing on the family of cyprinids, in particular for crucian carp, such a bait is especially effective.

fishing dough

Cons and pros of the dough as bait

There is an opinion among fishermen that the dough is very difficult to store. Under the scorching rays of the sun, it quickly turns into a solid mass that cannot be sculpted, and if you can make a nozzle, you need to have a powerful hook to pierce it. In fact, this can be avoided by resorting to some tricks. So that the dough does not dry out, it is wrapped in a damp cloth or lubricated with vegetable oil. And these are all the disadvantages, the advantages of such a bait are much greater.

The most important advantage is that the dough quickly attracts the catch. Upon gradual dissolution, the mass deacids, forming a cloudy cloud around itself with a characteristic smell that fish like.

Another plus - with the help of the test, the fisherman can adjust the size of his catch. If you need a small fish, small nozzles are sculpted, for a large one it is worth making a more oversized bait.

The dough is a universal remedy, it can be painted in different colors and saturated with any odors in order to create the very nozzle that is suitable for luring a particular fish.

fishing dough recipe

How to make a dough for fishing? Secrets

To sculpt a colored bait (orange, red or yellow), it is best to use light flour, dark flour will not give the desired result, but only distort the shades, make them pale. In order for the nozzle to be firmly fixed on the hook during casting, the dough should be of medium density. When fishing for crucian carp, it will be useful to take a small amount of flour with you to adjust the consistency of the bait, and a little sugar to change the sweetness of the nozzle. Honey, cinnamon and egg yolk can also be used as additives. Karas loves to feast on these components, so they will not be superfluous.

So that the dough does not go to the bottom and does not get stuck in the bottom mud, a piece of foam can be attached to the hook, and the balls do not need to be huge, the size of a small pea will be the most optimal.

Everyone wants to get a good catch, but for this you need to know how to cook the dough, for fishing the recipe is different from what is used for baking.

how to make dough for fishing

Flour dough recipe

You will need water, wheat or rye flour in a ratio of 1: 2. The ingredients must be mixed in a bowl until smooth. If the resulting dough sticks to your hands, add more flour, knead well. Food color is added for color, and honey, cinnamon, vanilla, raw yolks, syrup, berry juice or essential oil are added for odor. So that the dough does not dry out, it must be spread with oil or wrapped in a damp cloth, and then put in a plastic bag. If you mix the ingredients well, you get an airy dough. For fishing You can use one more trick.

Hot water will add extra strength and smell to the spools. To do this, first you need to divide the dough into small lumps, and then lower them into boiling water. For a better grip on the hook, a piece of cotton can be added to the spools.

Semolina Dough Recipe: Hot Cooking

You will need water and semolina in a ratio of 2: 1. Ingredients should be added to the pan, stirring occasionally so that nothing burns. After boiling, cook for a few more minutes, remove from heat. To make the dough for the bait, after cooling, pour dry semolina into the porridge, add a few drops of honey or vegetable oil, then mix everything well.

There is another simple recipe that describes how to make dough for fishing out of semolina. Pour groats with boiling water, leave to steam for a few minutes. When the porridge has cooled, add any flavor and egg white, the mass is thoroughly kneaded until then, until it ceases to stick to the hands.

how to cook dough for fishing

Semolina Dough Recipe: Cold Cooking

A nylon sock or any other thin bag is taken, semolina is poured there, then placed under a thin stream of cold water. The croup needs to be kneaded by hands until it becomes one clumped lump. For smell, you can add a little vegetable oil to it, and then knead well again. The resulting lump is usually stored in a plastic bag. This is all you need to know about how to make dough for fishing from semolina.

Another trick that fishermen can take note of. In order not to mess with the packages, the dough can be tamped into an empty tube from under the toothpaste with a stick or other object. If the semolina does not enter through the lid, you can put it through the lower part, having previously cut it off. Then the bottom of the tube can be fixed with a stapler or left open. This is a very convenient way to store the dough. When fishing, you only need to squeeze out the part that is needed for the spool.

Pea Fishing Dough Recipe

Such a bait can be used not only on crucian carp, but also on all freshwater non-predatory fish. To prepare the dough, peas must first be soaked in cold water for a couple of hours, so that it swells and becomes softer. To speed up the process, you can add soda at the rate of 0.5 teaspoon per 1 liter of liquid. Then the peas need to be washed, pour clean water and cook on low heat for 1.5-2 hours. After this time, you should get mashed potatoes. Pour semolina or flour into it, cook, stirring constantly, until a thick mass is obtained. To make the catch good, you can add some odorous ingredient, such as vanilla, to the dough.

This recipe can be changed if steamed bran or cooked oatmeal is used instead of semolina and flour. Cook the same until a thick mass is formed. When the dough has cooled, add an egg and a little sunflower oil, which will play the role of flavoring.

fishing dough for crucian carp

In fact, there are a lot of options for making dough. Here are the simplest methods. Only by experience can we understand how to prepare a dough for fishing, which will not take much time, effort and financial costs.


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