The most popular statuses in social networks as a reflection of the human inner world

Internet life has become a double of real. On their pages, people pour out emotions, share joy and sadness, make friends, fall in love - live! Social networks are a separate planet on which everything is the same as on earth. The most popular statuses are designed to most clearly express the state of the human soul. Show all friends what is relevant and important today. With the help of the status, you can declare your love, notify about the event, show how dear you are to a girlfriend or friend.

most popular statuses

How to choose a status?

Most people have their own page "VKontakte", "Classmates" or "Facebook". And surely everyone once thought about what status to set for themselves so that it clearly reflects their thoughts. Statuses in VK can be found on the open spaces of search engines. And you can come up with them yourself. The most popular statuses need to be searched by sections. But this is not such a simple matter as it might seem at first glance. Indeed, in a couple of proposals you need to fit so much. If you write something funny, then all your friends and subscribers will understand that today is a great day for you, you are in a good mood, and maybe the reader will also be in a good mood. The most popular statuses - funny, sad, in poetry, in prose - are written in a fit of mood. And they often end up in the piggy bank of statuses on sites that specialize in collecting them. When selecting, you need to be guided not by the popularity of the statement, but by your inner state. In the status you can broadcast music, it is usually associated with the written.

VK statuses

What are statuses for?

With their help, you can inform all your friends about an important event in your life, for example, about the birth of a child or departure for a business trip. You can covertly ask for sympathy, confess your love so that everyone wonders to whom this opus is dedicated. For example, such:

  • The best makeup for women is love.
  • Looking into the eyes of those who love, you see the soul.
  • Why aren't we afraid to offend, offend someone? But we are afraid to ask for forgiveness ...

Different age categories of people choose statuses in completely different ways. Teenagers write a lot of depressive, love messages, older people like the most popular statuses, witty or simply informative. Statuses in "VK" are not deleted when writing a new one. On them you can track how a personโ€™s mood changes, goes from good-natured to aggressive, or from unbridled fun to complete depression. The most popular statuses for Odnoklassniki are about food, cooking, treatment of diseases, parenting, and others, since the majority of users on this network are people aged 30 years or more. Here are some examples:

  • It is important to know the value of each moment spent with your loved ones.
  • It is happiness when you can remember the good from the past.
  • Comfort is not what surrounds us. Comfort is peace of mind.

The most popular funny statuses, as a rule, are written by people who are cheerful and provocative by nature:

  • I am one of the few who laugh while watching a horror movie.
  • Why donโ€™t you pick up the phone for a long time? - And I am dancing to a repit.

Most Popular Statuses for Classmates

Too open people who post in statuses everything that is in their hearts can be read like an open book. But even a closed person often opens up from a new perspective. Pages on which there are no statuses and records are called fake, due to the fact that it is impossible to identify a living person or a robot sitting on the other side of the screen.

Psychology Statuses

The impact of social networks on human life is much greater than we think. It seems to people that they spend a little time on them, but in fact it takes a huge amount of energy, both mental and physical. The most popular statuses, reflecting the inner world, expose the human soul, all the sincerity of which is embedded in the status and is accessible to many people:

  • I want to have a heart of stone, so as never to feel pain.
  • If something hurts you, then never talk about it, as they will beat there.

In life, trusting our inner world to anyone, we want to see a friend in a person and we hope that our secrets will not become public domain. But in social networks everything is different: we trust ourselves in the status to completely strangers. No wonder there is such a joke that social networks are a godsend for the FSB. There you can see not only the last name and first name, date of birth and the presence of children. It is easy to trace what a person is fond of, his secret thoughts, addictions.

most popular funny statuses

Status Diagnosis

An interesting fact: scientists say that schizophrenia can be diagnosed by posts on social networks. The most popular statuses in Odnoklassniki and VK turn out to be issued by mentally ill people. The technology for identifying mental disorders by status in social networks was proposed by scientists from Cambridge. It was picked up by many, and it is planned to create the latest technique. An analysis of all statuses, photos, reposts will take place and a general idea of โ€‹โ€‹the person will be created. Good or bad - time will tell, but abandoning social networks in society is practically impossible, it's like drug addiction. People do not sleep at night, inventing statuses, take dangerous photos on the roofs of houses for the sake of likes and universal calling. In the past, no one could even guess to what extent progress would come. Each page is individual, it lives, breathes, is constantly changing.


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