Why black teeth dream: the meaning and interpretation of sleep

As a rule, dreams, in the plot of which a person observes diseases, anatomical or aesthetic defects of the body, any defects, cause an unpleasant aftertaste and disturb after awakening. Such dreams include a dream, the tooth in the plot of which has darkened, blackened, rotted.

Of course, after such a difficult dream, most people have a desire to find out if the dream made sense. Interpretations are given in the dream books in general terms, they only suggest a direction for decryption. That is, they interpret the meaning of the symbol itself, and not of the dream as a whole.

How to understand a dream?

In understanding the meaning of dreams, of course, you need to rely on the meaning of the symbols seen, which the dream book offers . Why is a black tooth dreaming ? Intuitively, such a dream does not bode well. Just so many people think, not trying to understand the dream and decipher it.

Meanwhile, the meaning of a dream depends on a number of factors that must be taken into account. The main, key point is the tooth itself. Was he rotten or sick? Black color is not a sign of rot. It is possible that the tooth was healthy, powerful and even radiant, like a black pearl. These nuances completely change the meaning of the dream.

Rotten teeth

The second point, which is extremely important for a correct understanding of the meaning of a night dream - the actions and feelings of a dreamer. That is, attention should be paid to whether the tooth hurt, what the person did - pulled it out or left it, and other similar nuances. Your own feelings in a dream are important. If the sleeping man is comfortable inside the dream, then no matter how unpleasant the plot of the dream may be, it does not bode bad.

The details of the dream are important. Without them and other little things, one cannot understand why black teeth dream in a particular case. Where were the teeth? In your mouth or in a glass on a shelf? Was it real teeth or a prosthesis? If they were in the mouth, what did the gums look like? Was a tumor present on them? Did the teeth fall out or hold tight? That is, each fragment seen in a dream is important for a correct understanding of a dream.

Does sleep always matter?

A dream does not always mean anything, prophesies or promises. Most dreams are a projection of the work of the subconscious, analyzing the information received by a person from the outside world.

It is quite simple to distinguish a dream that makes sense, testifies to something, or warns of future events from an empty dream. Dreams in which there is meaning are remembered for a long time without any effort to do so. Even after some time after the plot with the meaning was dreamed, a person is able to retell it in the details and details. Dreams, devoid of meaning, resulting from the game of the subconscious, do not possess such qualities. They are forgotten almost immediately after waking up, regardless of how bright or depressing they were.

Is it a bad dream or not?

What black teeth dream of is not always bad. Understanding the meaning of sleep and what exactly it promises depends on the totality of all the little things and details of vision. However, one can understand whether the dream was good or vice versa, warning about something bad, without looking into the collections of interpretations.

Metal teeth

You should only listen to your own feelings after waking up. A dream that predicts something bad, warning of danger, leaves behind painful sensations. Awakened, a person feels depressed, tired, as if he had not slept at night. After such dreams, the whole day goes awry, nothing comes of it, and thoughts revolve around the daydream.

Dreams that promise something good evoke completely opposite emotions upon awakening. After a dream, a good sign for the whole day will be maintaining a positive attitude, a person is in a good mood and he can do everything that he undertakes.

What is written in the dream books?

What black teeth dream of is not good, according to most collections of interpretations of night dreams. This dream should be taken as a signal of danger, a warning of possible sad events in life or news, illness and other sorrows.

There are a lot of meanings of what black teeth dream of. This is due to the differences hiding behind this phrase, because they describe and decayed and simply changed their color teeth. It is possible to understand which interpretation is true in a particular case only by taking into account the personality of the person who saw the dream, the circumstances of his life, and other individual nuances.

Smiling death

The most common meanings of this symbol in dreams are as follows:

  • sad news regarding the health of relatives;
  • portent of disease;
  • the death of someone close;
  • quarrels within the family;
  • gossip or even loss of good reputation;
  • change in social status for the worse;
  • betrayal or treason;
  • conflicts and difficulties in work.

The general meanings of the symbol are corrected by the details of the dream and the sensations of the dreamer himself. It is necessary to take into account in the interpretation and development of the plot of the dream.

How do gypsies interpret the dream?

Healthy and white teeth are largely the merit of modern dentistry. For many nomadic peoples in the old days, however, as for those who led a sedentary lifestyle, darkening of teeth and their loss was the norm, an everyday occurrence, and not at all a bad and out of the ordinary event. This was not even considered a sign of ill health. For this reason, in old dream books, including gypsy ones, black teeth are not given special attention. But this symbol is present and importance is attached to it.

teeth in a nightmare

Gypsies believed that a black tooth, dreamed among whites, symbolizes a relative, a family member. Further understanding of the meaning of the dream depended on its content. If you dream that a black tooth has fallen, then such a dream predicts the imminent death of any of your loved ones. The size of the tooth and its location determined who is in danger. We found out from other details of the dream where death could come from and how to avoid it.

How did they understand the dream in Russia?

The Slavs interpreted such a dream, like the gypsies, that is, associating symbolism with family or relatives. The exact current depended on the content of the dream and its details.

For example, what black rotten teeth dream of, holding tightly in the gums and not causing pain or discomfort, did not matter badly. Teeth were perceived as a symbolic image of native people, and their blackness and rot indicated age. That is, a dream in which blackened and decayed teeth do not cause pain, do not fall out of the mouth, predicts elderly family members or other relatives for many years of life.

But a dream will have a completely different meaning, in which the gums swell and bleed, the person feels pain and anxiety, or the teeth themselves fall out. Such a dream is bad. He predicts illness and severe old age to relatives, even a painful death.

What is written in Aesop's collection?

The collection of interpretations of Aesop’s dreams connects the symbol not with family members or relatives, relatives, but with the health of the person himself.

Patients with thinned teeth

What teeth with black holes dream about are diseases that are difficult and difficult to treat, hidden. By the number and type of holes, it was determined how many diseases there will be, they will become hidden or obvious. The depth and diameter of the holes reported the severity of the disease.

Of course, if a dream predicted hidden ailments, holes were located on the inside of the teeth. In diseases that were noticeable and quickly detected, the holes on the teeth in the dream were outside.

What is written in Miller's collection?

If a person dreams - black teeth fall out, crumble, hurt, rot, then, according to Miller’s collection of interpretations, this is a bad dream. It is a harbinger of misfortunes, difficulties, a series of misfortunes and misfortunes in any sphere of life.

Tooth loss

This dream book does not connect the symbol directly with the health of a person or his family, relatives, family members. However, the interpretation of the symbol does not exclude such a connection. Moreover, all the events that the dream portends are relative. Far from always what is a misfortune in the general perception of most people becomes a real misfortune for a particular person. When interpreting sleep, it is important to take into account your own feelings inside a dream. In the event that there were no negative feelings, for example, pain or fear, grief, despondency, despair in a dream, then the impending misfortunes will not cause them in life. In other words, from the events of which the dream speaks, a person will not feel bad.

What is written in the Small Veles Collection?

This dream book pays great attention to the color of a dreaming symbol. Black color is complex, it absorbs all the shades around. This color can symbolize as malice, destruction, illness, and secrets, riddles, suspense, lack of predestination or memory, concentration of attention.

The interpretation of why black teeth fall out is different in this dream book from the rest. This dream, dreamed on the eve of an important commercial transaction or some other action related to finances, is a good sign. It means that it will be possible to avoid material losses, overpayments, waste. Also, this dream suggests that non-clean or unscrupulous partners will not become partners, something in this will hinder.

In the same vein, according to this collection of interpretations of dreams, one needs to understand the dream and people far from business. For example, if a housewife dreamed a dream, then she would be able to purchase the necessary things or products by spending less money than usual. She also does not make friends with gossips or women who are prone to envy.

What is written in the Women's Digest?

Women and men differ in their perceptions and ways of understanding the world, respectively, and the meaning of the symbols in their dreams is not always the same.

For women, such a symbol, dreamed of in a dream, promises debts, years of poverty, unrealizability of plans and hopes, or their collapse. Sleep can also warn of disease.

wealth and poverty

However, the interpretation must be made taking into account the details of the vision, personal qualities and other nuances. For example, if a woman's black color evokes positive emotions, and in a dream she felt an emotional upsurge, then the meaning in a dream is good. In this case, the dream predicts the same thing, but it will be beneficial to those who see it in unfavorable situations.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3919/

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