Why is it in a dream to swim along the river? Dream interpretation: sail in a boat, sail against the tide. The interpretation of dreams

If a person is interested in what the vision means, in which he had to swim along the river, the dream book will help him figure it out. Having glanced at several authoritative interpreters, you can find answers to all questions of interest. Most often, the meaning of the dream in which a person saw the river is positive, but there are exceptions.

swim along the river dream book

The interpreter of Miller

The first step is to turn to him. Had a swim on the river? Dream Interpretation recommends remembering exactly what it was. Quiet and calm? This suggests that soon a person will be able to enjoy delightful joys, and his well-being will be even better than before. It is possible that there will be new opportunities to realize their potential.

The muddy and turbulent river, unfortunately, is considered a harbinger of misunderstandings and altercations. If she also got off the coast, then it is worth waiting for the troubles associated with work. Perhaps something will happen that contributes to the damage to reputation. Around the same promise and a dry reservoir.

But the most important thing is that a person who happened to swim in a dream on a clean river does not see sunken corpses at its bottom. Since such a turn of events portends a loss of good luck and joy.

sail on a boat in a dream on the river

Dream Book of Medea

According to him, the river is the personification of the vital and sexual energy of a person, as well as his direction of life. From here interesting explanations of vision follow.

A stormy river, for example, portends a relationship with a person with whom the dreamer will have perfect sexual compatibility. In such a union there will be no place for boredom and monotony - only unbridled passion and ardor. But if the reservoir was very calm, even as if immobile, the relationship will be established with someone who does not fit the dreamer in temperament.

But that is not all that such a dream foreshadows. The river, which seemed transparent and very picturesque, is considered the embodiment of independence and freedom. Dirty and muddy streams, in turn, promise trouble and quarrels. The shallows speak of a lack of energy in a person, a difficult period in his life and sexual problems.

why dream of swimming down the river

Ancient Persian Book of Interpretations

She is also able to talk about what to expect from a vision in which a person had a chance to swim along the river. The dream interpretation says that this reservoir usually symbolizes a meeting with an influential person. Perhaps it will provide the person with appropriate, and even long-awaited, help, which will contribute to the establishment of his life.

If the dreamer managed to cross the river on his own, it means he will triumph over competitors, opponents and creators.

Wary is the one who choked in a vision and drowned. This is an unkind sign, which indicates that someone is determined to render damage to the person and thoroughly spoil life. Perhaps professionally.

Did you manage to get to the shore unscathed by dealing with the elements? Such a dream is a symbol of liberation, which a person should interpret, focusing on the situation prevailing in his real life at the moment.

But this is not all that a vision should be expected in which a person had to swim along the river. The dream interpretation recommends paying special attention to the situation when he tried to clean his clothes from dirt and silt, having climbed ashore. It is believed that such a vision promises to get rid of any sorrows and solve all problems.

Noble dream book

This source will also help to find answers to questions regarding what dreams of swimming on the river. The reservoir itself is associated with the direction of human life. And if he crossed it, then in reality he will soon be able to fulfill all his intentions. The main thing is not to face the shallow. Because it personifies the hindrances and difficulties that arise on the way of a person, or the lack of strength and energy to overcome them.

If he happened to swim against the stream in a dream and at the same time see how the stream carries a lot of litter and dirt, then an event will soon happen that will provoke a desire to start life anew.

The main thing is that the river should not have a narrow channel. If a person will swim along it, then in reality he will have to feel constrained by life circumstances, or to feel his insignificance. The same is to be expected from a vision in which a person crossed the river in a dark gorge, breaking through stones.

rough River

Esoteric interpreter

In it, you can also find answers to the question regarding what dreams of sailing along the river. If you believe this interpreter, then this source represents an emotional barrier that is difficult for a person to overcome in real life. But this is only in the case when he does not dare to enter it and get to the opposite shore. If he swam, it is important to pay attention to the details.

Water entering his mouth, for example, tells him that he will become an important person. If a man entered the river in clothes, then in reality he will be able to stand firmly on his feet. He began to sink, but, gathering his strength, got out to land? This suggests that he is destined to get rich. Swam under water, only occasionally peering to the surface, for a breath of air? One can rejoice, because such a vision suggests that sorrows and troubles will not affect him.

But if he fell into the river and began to swim against the stream, it means that in a difficult situation he will be helped by one who has been an enemy all his life.

Psychological interpreter

What if a person had a chance to swim along a dirty river in a dream that was seething and teeming with garbage? It is believed that in the near future after such a vision he will decide to commit some bold act that can change his life. The main thing is not to fall at the same time, otherwise the awake will have to be in an awkward situation. If he decided to use a boat or its semblance for this, it means that he will succeed.

When crossing the river of a person now and then overwhelmed by the waves? This suggests that in reality it would not hurt to learn how to immediately pay attention to problems and solve them. If, by the way, at the time of the rafting, the log blocked the path for a person, it means that in reality he will not be in very pleasant circumstances, but even they will not be able to frighten him and ruin the optimistic mood, which is so important when implementing plans.

dream river

What does boating in the boat portend?

This can tell a modern dream book. If a person did not cross the river himself, but in company with someone, it means that in real life he will be brought a lot of joy by a society of people who love entertainment. The main thing is that the boat does not tip over. Since this vision promises a financial collapse and warns a person of the risk of engaging in a risky but seductive business.

Was the water calm? This is to persistent self-confidence, which a person will not lose for a long time. And you need to follow this feeling, because it only adds good luck.

Stormy waves, in turn, indicate that a person will have to go through a lot of obstacles before he achieves his happiness. But not in the case when the reservoir is shallow. The crossing of a stormy but shallow river warns of frivolous and rash acts, which will have to be regretted in the future.

If the dreamer was sailing in a boat with someone who is his “second half”, one can rejoice - such a vision is considered a harbinger of a happy personal life.

Universal Book of Interpretations

It also does not hurt to look into it, if a person had a chance to sail a river in a boat in a dream. The interpreter recommends recalling the weather conditions that prevailed during a boat trip. Was it sunny and calm? It is to success in enterprises, well-being and joy. A storm was approaching, and clouds were gathering in the sky? Then you should prepare for failure, poverty and grief.

Was the stormy river so wide that no end was visible? This portends a long and interesting trip. If the person was in the boat with someone, then perhaps soon he will change his place of residence.

Another good sign is a vision in which a body of water happened to cross in the company of several rowers joyfully singing funny songs. Such a plot portends success in the business begun. But if you had a chance to sail a river in a boat alone and in absolute silence, it means that a person will move away from the one whom he considered the closest, which he will later regret.

sail on a dirty river in a dream

Interpretation for Girls

Many women after such a vision are puzzled. Especially if they had a chance to swim along the river in a dream with a man. In general, this is a good sign, since it portends a harmonious and happy relationship with a pleasant young man. It is possible that they will end in marriage.

Quiet and calm river personifies a leisurely and measured life. A stormy mountain spring, in turn, portends fateful events. If the girl did not just swim along the river, but bathed in it and enjoyed the water procedures, it means that a period of well-being will soon come in her life. The main thing is that the source is not dirty. Otherwise, nothing but troubles and debts would be expected from such a vision.

Against the stream

A person who has decided to go against the elements in a vision does not hurt to find out what such a dream means. The river was boiling with might and main, but he was swimming against the stream, no matter what? Such a plot is considered the personification of his struggle for a place under the sun in real life. To achieve your goals, a person will need to try pretty hard.

You should be wary if the dreamer experienced stress when crossing the reservoir. How strong it was - so many difficulties awaited him.

But if he, despite the current, had a chance to swim quickly along the river? The dream interpretation treats it positively. This vision embodies the person’s many skills, abilities and talents that will definitely help him achieve his plan. And if he saw himself approaching the shore, then the end of an important event is nearing.

swim on the river in a dream with a man


If a person in a dream, crossing a river, got entangled in algae, but could get out of them, then he should not worry about his life. In the near future, luck will be on his side, and he will cope with any conflicting or unpleasant situations.

If he sailed at night, it means that in reality there will be a situation in which a person feels truly helpless. And he will have to act blindly.

The main thing is not to swim naked on the river. Because it usually portends an awkward situation that can affect the dreamer's reputation.

As you can see, the same vision can have many interpretations. That is why it is so important to pay attention to details and not be limited to just one dream book.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3938/

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