Aquarium moss: varieties and the most popular varieties. How to grow aquarium moss

The spectacular appearance of any aquarium does not depend on the presence of exotic inhabitants in it, but on the beautiful design of its landscape. Creating a unique underwater interior is an interesting and exciting activity. For this, various decorative elements and, of course, various plants are used, among which aquarium moss occupies a place of honor. These green spaces are very unpretentious to the conditions of detention, but they have high aesthetic value, for which they have received universal recognition by aquarists.

aquarium moss

Bryophyte variety

All bryophytes belong to the class of higher plants, but are the most primitive of them. At the same time, they appeared much earlier than other plants - approximately 440 million years ago. Currently, about 10,000 species of mosses are known, which are divided into three large classes:

  • Bryophyta - real mosses
  • Marchantiophyta - liver function
  • Anthocerotophyta - Antotserotovye.

The classification principle is based on the distinctive features of the appearance of mosses, for example, in the form of leaves and stems, the presence of veins in the leaves, the nature of branching of the stems, etc. For example, it is quite simple to distinguish liverworts from other species: they have no stems, leaves and roots .

Mossy conditions

Aquarium mosses, the photos of which are presented below, can easily adapt to any environmental conditions. Most varieties can perfectly exist in the temperature range of water +15 ... +30 Β° . The level of illumination is also not a critical criterion, as is the hardness of the water. The only thing that all aquarium plants require, including moss , is the periodic partial renewal of water (20-30% of the total) to provide fresh minerals.

To root new bryophytes on a substrate, they are tied, rolled down with small stones and even glued. However, there are such types of aquarium mosses that do not even need temporary fixation.

All of the above properties of mosses make them a universal material for decorating an aquarium.

Decorative properties of mosses

Most bryophytes are dwarf plants, the length of which rarely exceeds 4-5 cm. But there are also such varieties of aquarium mosses that grow up to half a meter.

species of aquarium mosses

Mosses do not have real stems and leaves. Parts of plants that resemble stems are called caulidia, and leaves are called phyloids.

The most common types of aquarium mosses belong to the class of real mosses. Not so long ago, a limited number of varieties of these plants were used in aquarium farming, but today their list has expanded significantly. Below are the most interesting aquarium mosses, photos of which will help to evaluate their magnificent decorative properties. Next, we consider the most spectacular and popular varieties.

Moss Phoenix

The aquarium moss Phoenix got its name for the peculiar shape of the side leaves, on which elongated plates resembling the feathers of the legendary Phoenix bird are located. This moss grows quite slowly and reaches up to 3 cm in height. It adheres well to the aquarium substrate, and can grow on soil, snags, netting, and large boulders.

aquarium moss phoenix

Phoenix aquarium moss looks like a small fountain. By the way, the second name of the variety is Fissidence Fountain. It grows in a group and grows from the center to the sides, resembling a frozen fountain. From one branch left on a snag or stone, after about two months a fluffy hummock of a spherical shape of a dark green color grows. At the same time, regardless of cultivation and haircut methods, the Phoenix moss will still take a spherical shape over time.

This variety belongs to large mosses, so it is not afraid of Siamese algae eaters - famous lovers of mosses.

This plant is quite unpretentious - it does not require bright lighting, additional supply of nutrients and CO 2 . However, to stimulate growth and enhance β€œfluffiness”, it is still recommended to top-up the Phoenix in small doses and at least slightly apply carbon dioxide.

When designing artificial ponds, fissdens are usually placed in well-visible places, since it looks very impressive even against the background of other beautiful representatives of the flora living in the aquarium. Many aquarists generally prefer to completely plant the aquarium area only with this plant, and it looks amazing.

Moss Flame

This aquarium moss is still gaining popularity among aquarists. It also has a high decorative effect and can become a real decoration of any artificial reservoir. The plant also owes its name to the form of leaves, which over time curl beautifully and look like tongues of flame. Moreover, the process of twisting the leaves is the more intense, the harder the water.

Its shoots are weakly branched, grow mainly vertically. The plant grows in width slowly, reaches a height of 15 cm. Most often, the moss Flame is used to decorate the middle and back of the aquarium.

A distinctive feature of this variety is the low ability to grow to the substrate. In this regard, the design of snags and stones is performed by attaching bushes to them with a fishing line. This method allows you to move the decor with moss, if necessary, to different parts of the aquarium.

Moss Javanese

The aquarium plant Javanese moss has been known for a long time and is one of the most common species used in the design of aquarium landscapes. This is an amphibian plant, as it can develop well and stably, not only in water, but also in humid air.

aquarium plant javanese moss

Javanese aquarium moss has excellent decorative data, which require certain conditions to be maintained. The optimal temperature range for successful plant growth is +24 ... +28 Β° . If the temperature drops below +22 Β° C, this aquarium moss practically stops growing, although it retains its appearance for several more weeks.

The active reaction and water hardness are not critical, but light plays a role. Despite the fact that this variety can exist for a long time in conditions of almost complete darkness, its growth and decorativeness provides precisely bright light.

The appearance of the plant may also suffer due to the large amount of suspension in the water, which forms an ugly coating on its branches. The reasons for the turbidity of the water are fish digging the ground and a constantly working air compressor. Over time, algae multiply on the moss , adversely affecting the state of the plant. At the same time, this type of moss cannot be restored to decorative qualities even by intensive filtration of water. Thus, before growing aquarium moss of this variety, appropriate conditions should be provided, only then it can become a real decoration of a home reservoir.

Moss Kladofora

This is another fairly common plant in the aquarium. The second name is an aquarium moss ball, although in reality it has nothing to do with mosses. Bright green fluffy lumps are colonies of microscopic green filamentous algae that grow in the shape of a sphere. If the conditions in the aquarium are favorable, the aquarium moss ball (Kladofora) can become several times larger than the original size.

moss ball aquarium cladophore

Although algae in aquariums is undesirable, these cute creatures are an exception. They do not spoil plants, do not stick to decor elements and glass. The inside of the ball consists of dead parts of algae, which turn into elastic thread weaves. The colony itself lives on this spherical basis. If you cut the ball, you get a fluffy rug from which you can make a green lawn at the bottom of the aquarium.

The moss ball has not only a beautiful appearance, but also is a kind of sponge that passes water through itself, while simultaneously filtering it. In aquarium this plant has been known for several hundred years and still has not lost its relevance.

Riccia Moss

This moss belongs to the class of liverworts. It floats on the water surface, forming beautiful islands called thalli. In aquariums, Riccia is most often used as a natural shade or substrate for spawning of various species of fish, in which fry also like to hide. In addition, this plant is an excellent fertilizer for many herbivorous aquatic organisms.

Riccia is especially useful in artificial reservoirs with live-bearing species of fish. In floating thickets, their fry have not only a place for shelter, but also the reserves of necessary food. And the labyrinth species of fish use moss branches to build their foam nests.

For the good development of Riccia, bright illumination is necessary, because due to a lack of light, its islands break up into small twigs. However, direct sunlight and incandescent lighting are contraindicated for this plant, as they can cause burns. For lighting, it is recommended to use LED or fluorescent lamps.

The optimum temperature range for Riccia is +22 ... +26 Β° C. When the temperature drops below +20 Β° C, plant growth slows down, although the appearance is preserved. To create a comfortable environment, the aquarium should be covered with a lid. This type of moss is also sensitive to the composition of water - for its good development, it must be soft. To stimulate growth, regularly replace a portion of the water.

Riccia can be used as a cover plant for soil and driftwood in the presence of bright light. This moss propagates simply: just a few small branches of thallus are enough to quickly fill the entire water surface.

Moss Key

Another name for the variety is Fontinalis. It has soft erect stems 20-25 cm high, on which there are many thin and small leaves of a triangular shape. Thick thickets of dark green color serve as an excellent decoration of the aquarium.

The main problem in the cultivation of fontinalis is the seasonality of its vegetation. In the summer, when the temperature in the aquarium is kept within +25 ... +27 Β° , the plant feels very comfortable. But in winter, the temperature decreases slightly, and at this time, moss needs peace. Under natural conditions, Fontinalis winters at a temperature of +2 ... +4 Β° C, and in the aquarium it is β€œhot” in winter. In this regard, even in unheated tanks, this variety does not live for more than a year.

As for the requirements for water, it should be slightly acidic or neutral and soft, as well as necessarily clean. Therefore, it is necessary to provide effective water filtration and apply suitable aquabionts.

Ideal inhabitants of aquariums with fontinalis are small viviparous and haracin fish. Large, and even more so burrowing soil have a detrimental effect on the plant.

Key moss is propagated by dividing the bush. It is better to immediately acquire a large specimen attached to a substrate, snag or stone, wait until the plant grows, and then divide it into parts.

Creating favorable conditions for mosses

how to grow aquarium moss

Artificial saturation of water with carbon dioxide

All aquarium mosses, the description of which is presented above, do not experience water deficiency, therefore they do not die. However, they can develop poorly, and the reason for this is most often the lack of nutrition.

As you know, photosynthesis occurs due to the use of solar energy by plants and their consumption of carbon dioxide dissolved in water. Consuming CO2 intensively in daylight, aquatic plants significantly reduce its concentration in water and themselves suffer from this as a result. For example, as a result of the absorption of free CO 2 by fontinalis, the pH of the water reaches 8.8, that is, it alkalizes. The situation is similar with other plants.

There are no conditions for the natural replenishment of the carbon dioxide deficit in enclosed spaces, therefore, its necessary level should be provided forcibly. The intensity of photosynthesis in moving water is much higher than in stagnant water. In this regard, it is necessary that a constant, but not very powerful flow of water is present in the aquarium. In such conditions, aquarium mosses and other plants will feel comfortable.

Top dressing

The need for micro and macro elements is experienced by all aquarium mosses. Their content should vary depending on specific plant species. This is due to the fact that, for example, an increase in the concentration of nitrates contributes to an increase in the amount of chlorophyll (green pigment) in some species of moss, but it harms others.

Almost all bryophytes prefer not nitrates, but ammonium. Moreover, if nitrates are replaced with ammonium, but the nitrogen concentration remains high, the plants will stop growing and may even die. Therefore, if urea is used instead of potassium nitrate, then its dosage should be less.

As for copper, when its content in 1 liter of water in an amount of 0.01 mg, the concentration of chlorophyll becomes maximum, and if the dose is increased to 10 ml per liter, then chloroplast will lose its green color.

Phosphorus, as a rule, favorably affects the development of aquarium mosses. And one of the most essential nutrients for these plants is calcium. However, in high concentrations for real mosses (bryophytes), this substance is harmful, since it complicates the absorption of other cations.

Calcium and magnesium, due to mutual competition in metabolic processes, reduce the ability of absorption of ions.

Unfortunately, the issues of the influence of nutrients in various proportions on the development of aquarium mosses have not been studied enough. As a rule, in nature, most species of moss grow intensively at the end of the summer and the entire autumn period. In winter and spring, nutrients are limited, so the growth rate decreases.

aquarium mosses photo

Pest Control in Aquarium Mosses

The main enemies of the bryophytes in the aquarium are algae eater, amano shrimp, snails and algae.

To combat algae, it is recommended to use a 5 percent solution of bleach. Plants affected by algae are immersed in a chlorine solution and mixed for a couple of minutes. After the algae become white, the moss is transferred to a container of clean water and washed thoroughly. However, it should be noted that not all varieties of bryophytes can withstand such a procedure. A more gentle way of cleaning from algae is the introduction of glutaraldehyde in the ratio of 10-15 mm / 100 l in the aquarium water for several days.


The indisputable advantage of aquarium mosses is their amazing plasticity in life, expressed in their unsurpassed ability to adapt to a wide range of external conditions. In addition, bryophytes grow relatively slowly, which is their undoubted advantage for aqua design. This feature eliminates the need for frequent intervention in a composition decorated with mosses. And most importantly: mosses - compared to other aquatic plants - are very unpretentious, which, of course, makes them an optimal and universal means of aquarium decoration.


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