Dream Interpretation. Collect chicken eggs: meaning and interpretation that portends what to expect

What awaits in real life if in a dream a person happened to collect chicken eggs? Dreambooks on this occasion offer their own transcripts of dreams. Some interpreters agree, and some give a completely different explanation. In which of the dream books to believe, it is up to the dreamer (dreamer) to decide. And here's what they say about what to dream and collect chicken eggs by different authors of dream books.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Egg food

The wise Maya people do not stop deciphering the dream at a bad or good value. The dream interpretation believes that the further development of events in the dreamer's life depends on the nuances that accompanied the dream.

If you believe this interpretation of the dream book - to find a chicken egg and collect it, and then prepare food from the find and eat it - a vision that can warn the dreamer (dreamer) that this person will soon become someone's dream. Love awaits one who ate boiled eggs; fried eggs are a messenger of an easy affair.

A negative explanation for sleep is to draw on chicken eggs and color them. It means soon disappointment in yourself and your whole lifestyle. To survive this crisis with less loss for yourself, having a dream about drawing on eggs, you need to “slow down” in real life and learn not to take everything very close to your heart.

Burying eggs found in the ground or sand is an attempt to hide the truth from others. A dream can be decrypted a little differently - an attempt to keep someone else's secret.

Interpretation from Denise Lynn

Based on the interpretation of the dream book, collecting chicken eggs in a dream is a good sign. An egg is a symbol of something new. Seeing the eggs in a dream, the dreamer in this way receives a sign from the Universe that a sufficiently large potential is laid in it. Give vent to your talents, let yourself go and you will be able to achieve new heights easily and naturally.

A man is on the verge of interesting discoveries and a new life - this is what I dreamed of collecting chicken eggs and hiding them.

Collect eggs directly from under the hens. The dreamer (dreamer) will soon visit an unexpected love. Most likely, the feeling will be mutual and will bring a lot of enchantingly bright colorful shades into gray reality. This love will noticeably refresh the external and internal state of the sleeping (sleeping).

Modern dream book

Eggs and chicken

If you find even, clean and beautiful chicken eggs in a dream, get ready for a stunning breakthrough in your life. Most likely, it will be a success associated with a career path.

But as this dream book states: to collect a lot of chicken eggs and to notice chickens in the nest is a harbinger of a better personal relationship. If you have a loved one, then your couple will be inextricable for a very long time (perhaps always). Also, a dream may hint that a little time will pass and the relationship will become legal.

Getting a marriage proposal, preparing for a wedding is what a woman dreams of eggs. Collecting them or buying them is not important, the main thing is that their appearance is decent - both in size and in quality.

For married (married)

If you have already found the love of your whole life and are married, then when you see red eggs in a dream, know that the relationship will become even more romantic and warm. In general, a happy future awaits your couple (family) if you happen to collect chicken eggs in a dream, which have an unusual color.

Family people should be wary of sleep, in the script of which there were spoiled eggs. Rotten or broken, they are a harbinger of tricks of ill-wishers. Someone wants to destroy your family nest. Motives for pests can be very different - from jealousy to banal intolerance to the joy of other people.

To lay a table in a dream with dishes prepared exclusively from eggs - your family will soon survive a joyful event.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkova

If you decipher your dream with the help of this dream book, then collect chicken eggs - for the arrival of the welcome guests.

To see a lot of eggs in a dream and be surprised at their myriad numbers - the dream hints at success in any endeavors. Especially successful will be the progress of affairs related to the professional activities of the sleeper. However, personal relationships will improve and sparkle with brighter colors, causing only positive emotions.

But why dream of collecting chicken eggs, covered with moss or broken, the dreamers try to warn against losses and failures.

Collect eggs intended for sale - the dreamer will have a good income from profitable transactions.

Collect eggs and place them under the chicken (so that the chickens appear) - your quick wits can only be envied. You can take a good chance and realize your ideas and various ideas, for which for a long time there was no application.

Wanderer's Dream Book

To find a nest with chicken eggs, from which chicks (chickens) begin to appear before your eyes - a hint from the Universe about the speedy realization of the dreamer's plans. Things will be especially good if the sleeping person is a creative person.

To crush or trample the found eggs, or to destroy them in any other way - the collapse awaits the sleeping wake. The devastation has lurked and is waiting for the right time to deliver its crushing blow. Be careful in everything. Keep track of what you are telling and whom you are doing, and even what thoughts are visiting you: all this is important in order to be in time, if not completely prevented, then at least soften the blow from the Universe.

Miller's Dream Book

Dirty eggs

Collect chicken eggs - a dream book suggests that after such a sleep, the sleeper will certainly visit luck. A significant increase in investment and other financial returns is also possible.

To find in a dream a beautiful nest full of good quality eggs is a harbinger of happiness in married life.

Finding fresh, but broken eggs - your justice and mental abilities will cause genuine admiration for others.

To find rotten eggs in a dream and smell them is a bad sign. The dreamer (dreamer) will not be able to return his money. Various other financial plan losses are also possible.

Esoteric Dream Interpreter

According to this dream book, to see and collect chicken eggs in a dream is a dream warning of the troubles associated with children. The more eggs you have found in your dream, the more intense cares and troubles will overcome you.

A chicken egg is great to see - someone from your environment will soon have a baby.

Damaged eggs dream of a possible unsuccessful pregnancy. A dream in which a woman sees chicken eggs with cracks and chips can warn of infertility.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminsky

Colored eggs

Collect a lot of chicken eggs and cook them - the sleeping person will succeed more successfully than he imagined. All plans will come true quickly and easily, if they are not associated with harming someone from the environment of the dreamer (dreamer).

As the dream book promises - to collect chicken eggs that turned out to be Easter - to the recognition of their feelings from a person of the opposite sex. Eating these eggs is a tangible profit in cash. Also, eating eggs in a dream is a harbinger of a happy future. Find them and treat someone - a dream warns of the imminent appearance in your life of a faithful friend and ally.

To break the eggs found - the destruction of plans and deception from a loved one expects a dreamer (dreamer).

Female dream book

You can collect chicken eggs for various events. If the egg is clean, fresh and snow-white - your life prepares a generous and rather chic gift for you. You are the favorite of fate and will remain in this status for a very long time.

A huge basket filled with eggs is dreaming of great deals. If the eggs in the basket are spoiled, it’s too early to rejoice - everything is not as chic as it might seem at first glance. Rotten eggs or broken ones dream of deceit and failure of plans. Be patient, failure will not last forever. Although this black line will be stunningly destructive, it will quickly become a thing of the past.

Noble interpreter of dreams

Inadvertently stumble in a dream on the deposits of eggs - a profitable event and wealth.

Crush the egg found - your life may be in danger. Be careful and take care of yourself to avoid bad consequences.

Black eggs

Black chicken eggs to discover - evil gossip will ruin your reputation. Restoring justice will not be easy. Due to the slander, some friends will turn their backs on you. Although, if you look at this story from a slightly different angle, only the real and most faithful people will remain with you, which is even good.

Find eggs in an empty shell - a dream means the completion of a certain stage in your life. It's time to go to a new level and embark on new things.

To find eggs in water - a dreamer (dreamer) is expected to fight with his conscience. I must say that conscience will win.

Family dream book

Find the eggs and hide them again in a dream. The dream talks about your anxiety about not doing very well in the past. Now you yourself are burdened by what once happened, and you do not want many to know about the shameful (terrible) secret. Your snow-white and even outer shell like a shell hides something underneath.

Throw eggs found at someone. You yourself, without knowing it, can harm a loved one. When communicating with your loved ones, you should be more sensitive and careful so as not to hurt with words.

To find a nest with chicken eggs, from which something completely unlike a chicken begins to hatch - this dream hints to the dreamer that he was too immersed in the world of his fantasies. Nothing happens if you sit and dream without taking exactly any action.

Boiled eggs found in a dream - to the emergence of concerns associated with their own home. Boil eggs yourself - soon your family will be visited by a change. Most likely, these will be good changes that contribute to improving the financial situation and strengthening mutual warmth between households and spouses.

Dream Book Wangi

To accidentally drop the found egg and see how it is flattened - your careless actions can serve as a catalyst for the destruction of your own happiness.

There are many nests to see and collect eggs from them - very soon your life will change for the better.

An egg to find a foul is a very bad omen for the dreamer (dreamer).

Find an egg in which there were two yolks - the situation is such that any development of it will lead only to a positive result.

Warming the found nest with eggs - soon someone will need your participation and help in business.

A mountain of eggs is a dream - to prosperity and wealth.

To hear a knock from an egg - in reality to uncertainty in life and suspense. Be patient a little, and it will become more clear which way to go now and what actions to take.

Dream Book of Medea

Egg shell

The dream interpretation says that soon the dreamer will have a new interesting idea if he found one testicle in a dream. Many different-sized eggs dream of troubles and fuss.

Get eggs as a gift - your life will gain movement, and in the near future there will be many interesting and pleasant events.

Find eggs and give them to someone - you will contribute to an interesting and varied leisure for someone.

Eggs are dirty, repulsive - things will decline. Perhaps the health of the dreamer (dreamer) will give slack. To avoid problems, take care of yourself, take vitamins, walk a lot in the fresh air and try not to stay up late. And early rises will help you feel cheerful and optimistic.

To find eggs from which chickens have already come out - a dream suggests that difficulties remained in the distant past.

Gypsy dream book

Egg Chicken

This dream book hints at what to see in a dream and collect chicken eggs - to get money from work. Although the profit will be small, it will never be superfluous.

Crush the eggs found by accident or intentionally - a quarrel with friends over a completely trifling cause.

Hens peck in a dream and do not want to give eggs to the sleeping man - scandals and quarrels await the dreamer from scratch. Do not give in to provocative attacks. The dreamer needs to have patience and composure in order not to become a participant in such "useless fights".

What is the dream of collecting chicken eggs or finding a bucket or other container filled to the top with them. A dream is dreaming of someone who wants a stable measured course of his life, a person tired of too many events (even good ones). The explanation for such a dream is especially relevant if the sleeping sleeping bucket tries to sell the found bucket in the market or in any crowded place.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3945/

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