How to remove books from iBooks? Review of the updated iBooks

Book lovers know how easy and simple it is to accumulate mountains of literature. Some do not dare to say goodbye to what they have already read. Others store books with thoughts: "Here comes the time - and I will read them all." The result is one - the gadget's memory is busy, there is no benefit from such stocks. Therefore, users have a question about how to remove books from iBooks.

Let's figure out how to do this, and also find out what this application is capable of, and what features make it so popular?

how to remove books from ibooks

Why do i need an app like iBooks?

The iBooks application is a “native reader” for Apple products. Like all other products of this brand, the program is a standard among similar ones in their elegant visual design. Instead of the usual list of books (consisting of a list of titles) in iBooks, the library looks like covers that are beautifully located on virtual shelves. And also a nice bonus is the page turning effect, which makes the electronic reading process look like a real action.

Initially, the application was created for the iPad, but now its use is widespread on the iPhone. You can upload your favorite books, sort them in a convenient manner, customize the process for yourself and enjoy reading.

books for ibooks

IBooks app has a number of features

  1. You can buy books in the online store.
  2. iBooks allows you to display graphic materials along with text, so you can read books with illustrations.
  3. As with other applications, it is possible to synchronize content between all Apple devices.
  4. There are several color formats that you can choose according to your environment.
  5. Reader supports several formats.
  6. Books can be added directly to iBooks from other applications (such as Mail).

And this is just the tip of the iceberg! Let's talk about the features and formats in more detail, because the developers have something to tell about this.

What additional features are there in the app?

In addition to the fact that books for iBooks can be downloaded and read through the application, users will appreciate a number of additional features:

  1. Pronunciation. You select the text and click on the button - then the device reads it out loud.
  2. Copying. You can select, copy, and paste into the messages or notes any places from the book.
  3. Explanation. If you select a single word, you can request its meaning. Already in iOS8, a dictionary appeared for Russian, so native speakers of this language can also use the function.
  4. Search. In any document, you can arrange a search for the word you want, numbers.
  5. Scrolling. The text is not only divided into separate pages that are scrolled through with a swipe. You can also enable display with a single canvas. This format is very convenient if you have one hand busy.

ibooks books in Russian
What formats does iBooks support?

The only inconvenience associated with iBooks is that the formats will really have to be special. At the moment, they are supported by three: EPUB, ibook and the well-known PDF. In fact, there should not be any difficulties finding literature in these formats. They are, of course, not as common as the doc. But among books, and not just documents, these formats are unequivocal leaders.

There are small features for reading books that depend on which formats you upload to iBooks.

What features are there in display of each format?

  • When you download an EPUB, the reader exposes its entire functions. This format is the most “native” for this application. Thanks to this, there is nothing superfluous on the screen - only the text of the work and some additional information (page number, information about the author, title of the work). You can turn the pages in different ways - it depends on the setting turned on. Scrolling with the help of swipes (a swipe of your finger across the screen) is quick and convenient. But you can activate a slow swipe - this will result in a very natural effect of turning over paper pages.
  • But when you download PDF files to the application, get ready to use limited functionality. It is not known why this format didn’t please the developers, but the fact remains that the use of books in PDF will indeed be somewhat different. For example, text display settings are represented only by the brightness control. And also in some copies of books, the search in the document will not work. Bookmarks remain unchanged, but there are no familiar notes for many here (those who wish can turn them on using third-party applications). But there is a plus - it becomes possible to send literature via e-mail. In general, iBooks is quite suitable for convenient reading of files in PDF. If additional interface features are important to you, look for something else.

In fact, these iBooks formats are not a limitation worth worrying about. Absolutely any text file can be converted to the form you need using converters. As a rule, this happens in seconds, and at the same time is done for free. For example, pay attention to the Caliber utility for computers. It will not only help with reformatting, but also makes it possible to synchronize the literature immediately with the device on which you plan to read it.

books for ibooks free

Where to download books for Russian for iBooks?

With the application itself, everything is clear. Where can a user find books for Russian for iBooks? It should be noted right away that there will be no great difficulty in finding books, otherwise people would not have made this program so popular.

So how do books get into the app?

  1. You download a book in any source in one of the formats listed above. Using iTunes, you need to transfer literature to your device. To do this, they are moved to the "Books" section, and not downloaded in the general file stream.
  2. The developers also offer everyone to use the built-in store where books can be bought. While books in Russian are difficult to find there, but in the future the situation will change. But in foreign languages ​​there is more than enough literature. In addition to the general list, there are even their own collections and charts - just like with music.
  3. The third option on how to download books for iBooks for free is to use a special bot in the Telegram messenger. To use, just install this application, and in the contact list find tap2bot. Hints will appear on the screen so that you are definitely not confused.

How to remove books from iBooks using your phone?

The easiest step to using the application is to figure out how to remove books from iBooks. Everything is really very simple, just follow this algorithm:

  1. Open iBooks on your phone or iPad.
  2. In the upper right corner you will find the "Edit" button. Click on it.
  3. Select one or more books that you no longer need. Marked objects are highlighted.
  4. Then it remains to click the "Delete" button.
  5. It is done! Click Finish, and the books will disappear from our device.

ibooks formats

How to remove books from iCloud?

As you know, even if you delete a book from your device, data on it will still remain in iCloud memory. Of course, using the function of the updated version of iBooks, all such objects can be hidden. But sometimes you may want to remove the literature completely.

So, it’s impossible to remove books you have ever bought. This is more plus than minus. After all, having paid the money once, you can use the purchase even if you accidentally or deliberately deleted it from the device.

You can try to erase downloaded literature manually. To do this, go to iCloud (which uses special paid applications). There you can delete books so that they do not clutter up your memory.

How to swap books in the library?

In addition to deleting books for iBooks allowed to swap. This may be necessary, because all new books by default are in the very first place of the top shelf. But it’s not a fact that you will be opening them in the near future!

To move the file, use this instruction:

  1. Open the library on your device.
  2. Find the “Edit” button you already know and click on it.
  3. Further, instead of selecting a book by pressing, hold your finger on it.
  4. Now move the icon to a new place, just without stopping clicking.
  5. When you release your finger, the book will be in a new place.
  6. It remains to click on the "Finish" button to commit the changes.

ibooks library

What innovations have appeared in the new version of iBooks?

The application has undergone changes more than once. Delight from the very first version of the program gave way to disappointment from version 3.2. A little later, the development came out, which became the official part of iOS8, - 4.0. "Official" meant that it was no longer possible to remove the application, nor was it to install an earlier version on this release of the operating system.

However, this did not become a complete limitation and disappointment, because the developers had something to offer users, namely:

  • new tabs with categories have appeared;
  • the color scheme of the program has changed a little, it has become more pleasing to the eyes;
  • You can divide objects into collections (by authors, genres, style);
  • iCloud books can now be easily hidden.

How to erase books from the updated iBooks?

In connection with innovations, the question arises of how to remove books from iBooks of the new version. There will be no special news for you here: the process has not changed much:

  1. You also go to the library on your device in the same way.
  2. Click on the button in the upper right corner. Only now it is called not “Edit”, but “Select”.
  3. Select the books you need with the touch of a finger.
  4. Then click on “Delete” and confirm your choice with the “Finish” button.

ibooks app
As you understand, to understand how to remove books from iBooks, absolutely any user can. This process is really extremely simple, and no problems should arise.


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