Dmitry Efimovich: biography and personal life of the director

Dmitry Efimovich - Russian director of series in the genre of comic television shows, screenwriter. Born March 26, 1975 in the Kyrgyz SSR. He received his first higher education with a degree in mathematics, and then learned to be a film and television director.

Dmitry Efimovich

Coming from KVN

In 1997-1998, the director played for the team of Novosibirsk University, three-time champion of the Higher League of KVN. This determined his further creative destiny, allowing him to engage in the implementation of television projects, club and concert activities together with residents of the Club of Cheerful and Resourceful. Regular viewers of the TNT channel, he is better known as: Dmitry Efimovich - director Comedy Woman.

To date, the director’s portfolio has several successful projects. Having started his career at the age of 30 with partnership work on creating the Comedy Club show (three seasons in 2005 and two each in 2012-2013), he continued it in the TV series Our Russia (in the first seasons of 2006). Then he independently acted as the director of the first 35 issues of Comedy Woman (2008) and tried himself as a scriptwriter and director of the mini-series Mitrich. Russian Depression "in 2010.

Made in woman

Dmitry Efimovich director comedy woman

The comedy woman TV show, which premiered in 2008, was originally called Made in Woman. Now it is informally referred to as the “Female Comedy Club”. But Dmitry Efimovich, as one of the creators of the project, was not going to follow this path. He immediately determined that the new brainchild should not look like a female version of the Comedy Club, but should become a variety show, in which there will be incendiary humor, and songs with dances, and a clown clown. Unfortunately, Made in Woman in the given version lasted only four issues, and then, after a break, it became exactly what Efimovich wanted to avoid - Comedy Woman, as it were, with a soft answer to tough male humor. All the participants of this show once started in KVN. Former spouses of Dmitry Efimovich also in the past KVNshchitsy.

"Our Russian"

Pelageya husband Dmitry Efimovich

The sketch series was born in 2006 with the assistance of Semyon Slepakov and Garik Martirosyan. It makes fun of many negative social phenomena, such as corruption, football fans, the “concern for the people” of some politicians and others. Despite its topicality, “Our Russian” raises a lot of criticism from critics. The film is accused of inciting ethnic conflicts and corrupting the audience, so the creators had to cut some episodes.

Pauline first

Dmitry Efimovich and Polina Sibagatullina

In the beginning there was a couple - Dmitry Efimovich and Polina Sibagatullina. The first wife of the director is one of the participants in Comedy Woman, where she performs under the pseudonym Madame Polina. She plays the role of a very peculiar "Bosnian poetess - secular alcoholic woman", who was supposedly born in Sarajevo and earning a living poetry. According to legend, the Muse comes to her either in the morning, or from port. Thanks to this stage role, the artist won fame among a wide audience of viewers. Sibagatullina’s career began in the KVN team of St. Petersburg. Polina was one of the most prominent members of this talented team. Already in the debut season of 1999, the team managed to reach the finals of the Premier League, taking third place. In the same year, Sibagatullina became Miss KVN.

Pauline II

Dmitry Efimovich biography

Pelageya Khanova, an ethno-folk singer, known on the stage simply under the name Pelageya, took part in two KVN games as part of the Novosibirsk State University team in the 1997 season. Now the ex-husband of Pelageya Dmitry Efimovich noticed her an eleven-year-old girl, and married her after thirteen years. At that time, the young vocalist was the youngest member of the club. In 2000, she created an art folk group in Moscow under her own name. The second time the young people met already in the capital, their romance began here. In 2010, the couple married, after which Khanova, taking the name of her husband, became Efimovich. This fact has been hidden for a long time even from her colleagues from the Pelageya group. Officially, the singer acquired her current name after receiving a passport, and before that she was recorded in the documents as Polina Khanova. The artist changed her name to Pelageya in order to avoid legal errors. In the family, from childhood, she was called by her current name in honor of her great-grandmother.

Marriages and divorces

What caused the director to part with two popular artists is a secret, but Dmitry Efimovich’s family life was not set. From fragments of rare ex-wife interviews, it is clear that Pauline's name is not the only thing that unites both of them. According to the stories of former colleagues from Comedy Woman, the cause of the collapse of the alliance with Polina Sibagatullina was the insurmountable differences between partners, the main of which was the absence of a child. Subsequently, Polina herself repeatedly called the relationship with Efimovich a mistake. Employed in shows and performances, she doubted that she could devote time to the child. Dmitry Efimovich lived with her for only two years.

In a marriage with Pelageya, the same situation repeated. The singer also could not give her husband a baby. One of the most popular performers on the Russian stage, tours are scheduled months in advance. I had to choose: either a career or a child. And in 2012, after two years after the wedding, Pelageya filed for divorce, returning her maiden name. Efimovich is already under 40 years old, so his desire to have children is understandable. But among the causes of divorces was also called the infidelity of Dmitry himself.

Dmitry Efimovich photo


It is not known for certain whether Dmitry Efimovich, whose photo was once seen by one of the winners of the Battle of Psychics show Natalia Vorotnikova, knows about her prediction that he will have two more families. The psychic prophesied a civil marriage with a special woman much younger than him. It is she who will give birth to the director Comedy Woman the long-awaited child. But this union will not last long. He later marries a woman with whom he will be together all his life.

What to do and who is to blame?

Dmitry Efimovich is currently working on new television projects, which are expected to be released soon. What will they be? The director himself knows: everything that he has done so far is only a rehash of ready-made foreign content. Almost 98 percent of software products are purchased by Russian television abroad. The director many times wondered why foreigners are preferred over promotion of their own projects. Lack of staff, inadequate funding, crisis of leadership? Is there really no talent in Russia?

Dmitry Efimovich, whose biography in professional and personal life continues to be written further, according to the western horoscope Aries, and on the eastern - Kot (Rabbit). When combining horoscopes, a Wild Cat is obtained. It seems that the director of the series loves to "walk on his own." Efimovich’s personality is controversial, it is reflected in the conflict of his character: he left stable TV shows, broke up with his beloved women ... And this means that eternal questions will arise before him again and again.


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