Dream Interpretation. Heart: the meaning and interpretation of sleep

Have you ever seen a human heart in night dreams? Dream Interpretations of various authors decipher this vision ambiguously. It can be both positive and negative. Decryption depends on the context and details of sleep.

human heart

Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

The following is said about the human heart in the dream book of Simeon Prozorov:

  • If you felt heart pain in a dream, it means that soon you will receive unpleasant news that will greatly ruin your mood.
  • Rapid and loud beating is a symbol of an unexpected joyful event.
  • If in a dream you saw someone taking the main organ from you, then you are in serious danger. Someone wants to harm you or use for their own purposes.
  • If in a dream you acted as a surgeon who removes the heart from someoneā€™s chest, then you should change your tactics of communicating with others. You do not notice how you offend and upset them.
  • If in a dream you did a cardiogram, then in reality you should closely monitor your heart health.
  • A dream in which someone gives his heart to you testifies that in the near future you will learn about someone else's love for yourself. Take a closer look at this person, an alliance with him can be promising.

Family dream book

In accordance with the family dream book, the heart has the following meaning:

  • If in a dream you saw a cardiological operation, this means that in the near future you will have to go through serious tests.
  • A loud beating of the heart is interpreted by the dream interpretation positively. The vision symbolizes that the time has come for great beginnings and bold decisions.
  • The dream in which you held the heart of an animal in your hands symbolizes your determination and fearlessness.
  • The dream in which you were shot in the chest is a reflection of the experiences you experience in real life. Vision encourages you not to take what is happening to your heart.
  • If you dreamed of an unnaturally big heart, this symbolizes a victory over enemies.
  • If according to the plot of the vision you did not have the main organ, this can be interpreted positively. To some extent you can be considered an invulnerable person.
  • According to this dream book, a knife in the heart encourages you to show concern for loved ones. Perhaps one of them will face health problems or get into serious trouble.
sleeping girl

Indian dream book

According to the Indian dream book, a personā€™s heart can be interpreted as follows:

  • The dream in which your heart was taken out of your chest can be perceived as a symbol of strong love. Literally, your heart was stolen.
  • If you dreamed that your heart was not beating, it means that you are a rather cold and indifferent person.
  • Observe cardiac surgery is a welcome sign. Soon some difficult and troublesome business will end, which for a long time haunts you.
  • Buying a real human heart is a symbol of a big quarrel with a loved one.
  • Holding a beating heart in the hands of the dream book means intense excitement and anxiety.
  • Heart pain is a symbol of trouble in business and frustration in relationships with loved ones.
  • Seeing one's own heart is a sign of physical, moral, and energy exhaustion.

American Dream Book

According to the American dream book, to see the heart means the following:

  • Hearing how the heart pounds in your chest is a warning. Because of your own carelessness or gullibility, you may end up in a dangerous situation.
  • Pain in the heart is a symbol of feelings for a loved one.
  • If you have been diagnosed with a heart disease in the plot of your dream, then in reality there will be a serious obstacle to your goal.
  • A dream in which your heart did not beat symbolizes your passivity. You are unhappy with your life, but do not make any attempt to change it for the better.
  • Acting as a surgeon who performs heart surgery means that you have a difficult and very responsible business. If you deal with it successfully, you can significantly improve your position.
  • Cooking a dish from the heart is a symbol of a major family quarrel. It is possible that adultery will be the cause.
heart and scalpel

Dream interpretation of the twentieth century

If you dreamed of a human heart, in the XX century dream book you will find such considerations on this issue:

  • Pain in the heart is a symbol of extreme frustration and frustration. Most likely, this will be caused by a major quarrel with a loved one.
  • Holding your own heart is a symbol of health problems. You should undergo a medical examination and, of course, relax more.
  • Tearing a heart out of a large animalā€™s chest is a sign of victory over enemies.
  • There is a raw heart - this is a symbol of thoughtless risk, which impulsiveness and a selfish nature pushes you to.
  • A knife in the heart of the dream interpretation is negative. You are too gullible, because of which you run the risk of becoming a victim of major fraud. This will cause you not only moral, but also material damage.
  • A dream in which someone about you presented a fake heart means that someone is playing with your feelings. Demonstrating favor and affection, a person is guided only by selfish goals.

Miller's Dream Book

Here's what Miller said about the human heart:

  • If you felt like a heart was breaking out of your chest, it means that in reality you have a huge unspent potential. You suffer from a lack of self-realization.
  • If the heart hurts, the dream interpretation interprets this as a symbol of incorrectly chosen life guidelines. Stop adjusting to others, listen to yourself.
  • To rip out someoneā€™s heart is a warning. You are used to playing with people's feelings. But punishment may follow.
  • If you pulled out a heart from yourself, it means that you spend too much energy and do not think at all about its restoration. This will lead not only to reduced productivity, but also to health problems.
  • To eat the heart of a large animal is a symbol of victory over enemies. But it will not be easy.
sleeping family

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

From the interpreter Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima about the heart, one can draw such information:

  • The dream in which you underwent heart surgery may directly indicate any problems with this organ. The sooner you see a doctor, the more likely you are to maintain good health.
  • If in a dream you felt that your heart stopped beating, it means you are depressed. You feel discouraged and indifferent and need help from others.
  • Plastic sludge gypsum layout of the heart symbolizes deception. Most likely, this will relate to love relationships.
  • If in a dream you were holding a beating heart, it means that you have a great responsibility. It depends on you how the future life of a person from your environment will turn out.
  • If in a dream you realized that you have no heart, it means that in reality you are invulnerable to ill-wishers.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Here is what is said about the heart in the interpreter from A to Z:

  • A vision in which you are wounded right in the heart symbolizes major troubles. The reason will be the betrayal of a person whom you unconditionally trusted.
  • Heartache warns you of health problems. Most likely, in reality, problems will affect this particular organ.
  • Holding a huge heart is a good sign. Soon a favorable period will begin in your life, during which you can achieve great success.
  • If the heart in your dream was bloodied, it means that you will experience a major upset and disappointment. You will be overwhelmed by some news or someone else's action.
  • To receive the heart of an animal as a gift is a symbol of the fact that in the near future you will have to show extraordinary determination and courage.
  • If someone stabbed you right in the heart, try to remember who it was. On the part of this person, one should expect a blow and betrayal.
heart surgery

Dream Interpretation Fedorovskaya

In accordance with the information given in the dream book of Fedorovskaya, the human heart symbolizes the following:

  • If in a dream you clearly heard the loud beating of your heart, the vision encourages you to listen more carefully to your feelings. Only you know what you really need.
  • Cardiac arrest on a dream book means your indifference and indifference to others. But in doing so with others, do not be surprised if one day you come across the same thing.
  • Pain symbolizes the experiences you experience in real life. Most likely, there is a strong excitement for loved ones.
  • If in a dream you had a cardiological operation, although in reality you have nothing to do with medicine, then it's time to learn something new and unknown. It will bring you both moral and material satisfaction.
  • A heart drawn or made of plastic means that you love to dream and plan. But you still donā€™t dare to implement the ideas.

Esoteric dream book

Quite interesting information is contained in the esoteric dream book about the heart. The interpretation is as follows:

  • Holding someone else's heart in hands is a symbol of reprisal against enemies and ill-wishers. You will solve other people's evil plans and do not let them come true.
  • If in a dream someone presents you with a beating heart of their own, donā€™t doubt the sincerity and good intentions of this person.
  • If you had a surgery to transplant the main organ, it means that you are looking at some person through pink glasses. You attribute to him a lot of positive qualities that he does not possess.
  • If someone stuck a knife or some other sharp object in your chest, then you have to face betrayal. Moreover, it will come from a person close enough to you.
  • If you have been diagnosed with a serious heart disease in a dream, then in reality you may encounter an unrequited feeling.
mask for sleep

Modern dream book

According to the modern interpreter, dreams about the heart are deciphered as follows:

  • Cardiac arrest is symbolized by the fact that you have a tremendous responsibility. An error can lead to irreversible consequences.
  • If you were shot in the main body from a firearm, it means that you are an extremely incredulous person who always expects blows and tricks.
  • According to this dream book, holding a heart in oneā€™s hands means influencing someone elseā€™s life. Be careful with the tips and advice that others give you. After all, they unconditionally trust you.
  • A wound in the chest area symbolizes a lack of love and attention.
  • Painful sensations should alert you. This may be a reflection of real health problems.
  • Tearing one's own heart out of the chest is a symbol of unrequited love. You have strong feelings for someone, but the person does not care about them at all.

Idiomatic dream book

Here is what information about the heart can be gleaned from the idiomatic interpreter:

  • The heart of the animal is a negative symbol. This means that in the near future others may take up arms against you because of the originality of your views.
  • The dream in which you are trying to put your own heart back in place means that you have to struggle with the strongest emotional experiences.
  • If someone has presented you with a plastic organ layout, it means that someone is trying to manipulate your feelings. But behind beautiful words and loud promises, in fact, nothing is hidden.
  • If in a dream you wore a pendant in the shape of a human heart, it means that you canā€™t get rid of old love sufferings in any way. Memories prevent you from living fully.
  • Hearing a heartbeat is a warning sign warning you of danger.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

According to the dream book of Denise Lynn, visions of the heart mean the following:

  • Holding a lively beating heart is a symbol of hope for the best. But do not think that luck will come to you by itself. Will have to make a lot of effort.
  • If you had a heart attack in a dream, then problems are coming. It is possible that stress transferred due to difficulties will adversely affect the work of this body.
  • If in a dream you ripped out someoneā€™s heart, then in reality this person feels strong sympathy and affection for you. Do not play with other people's feelings.
  • Eating an organ is a symbol of the fact that for the sake of success you will not stop at anything. But do not get what you want by hurting others.
  • Drop to the floor - indicates that you risk making a serious mistake. Its consequences will be very unpleasant for you.
  • Hearing a beating of the heart is a symbol of your feelings and fears. Sleep indicates that they are not unfounded.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3958/

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