Tattoos on the arm: their meaning

Tattoos today are so popular that drawings on the body, even among adolescents, almost do not cause surprise or indignation among others. You can fill tattoos anywhere, the images are also very diverse. But in certain circles there are rules for applying such drawings.

Difference in terms

An ordinary citizen calls a drawing on the body a tattoo, and only in rare cases can the word โ€œtattooโ€ be heard. Most likely, it will be used in a negative context by a person who is categorically against such actions. But the term "tattoo" is often used by prisoners and people close to the criminal world.


Very often, arm tattoos are found in people who, for one reason or another, were serving sentences in various types of colonies, including for minors. If it is necessary to decipher the meaning of the โ€œringโ€ tattoo, it is worth saying that everyone who has been convicted (but not necessarily in prison) has it. The number of rings means the number of convictions in a person. Tattoos on the hand of prisoners are often black, blue or green. Depending on what ink they are filling. So, dark colors are associated with the zone, light - with hope, freedom. As for the picture, they are very diverse, but have a clear meaning. Most often, knowing the meaning, you can already find out by the ring what a person has served for. In addition, you can determine its place in the criminal hierarchy. Tattoos on the arm of prisoners can be religious, political, romantic and even pornographic in nature. Often tattoos of different meanings are adjacent or even combined into one (for example, โ€œBelieve in God, not communism,โ€ which depicts a crucifix glowing in fire). It is worth noting that the largest tattoos are applied to the shoulder of a person serving a sentence (if we talk only about hands). Various inscriptions may be impaled along the length of the arm. A special place for tattooing is the wrist, where you can also place a fairly large informational drawing. The value of the tattoos on the hands (as well as on the rest of the body) can be classified by gender: they are male, female, as well as identifying people with special sexual orientation in the zone (โ€œcocksโ€).

hand lettering

If in various types of correctional colonies tattooing is a fairly old art, then among the civilian population tattoo culture began to take root not so long ago, about a dozen years after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Various tattoos are popular today, including tattoos on the arm. They can be completely different. Often a person puts the desired picture, not especially thinking about its meaning. After all, ordinary people do not have such strict rules for applying drawings to the body as prisoners do. But unpleasant surprises can happen to such people, if for some reason they have to get into the zone. There, a similar tattoo, if it has its own gangster meaning, can very harm a person. Also, thieves' tattoos, inflicted by civilians on the loose, will have to be answered if it ever happens to catch the eye of a former convict. They donโ€™t like that, oh. Therefore, applying tattoos to the hand (inscriptions, drawings, rings), it is worthwhile to think carefully about how correct this is and whether they should be done at all.


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