"Bangshill": reviews, instructions for use, description, composition

Diseases of the genitourinary system are often very insidious. They are quite difficult to diagnose, which means that problems arise with effective treatment. Complications and secondary infection lead to quite formidable consequences, but this can easily be avoided. It is enough to choose an effective remedy for treatment.

Today we want to tell you about the drug Bangshil. The feedback customers can leave is very impressive. People claim that with the help of this drug they were able to get rid of chronic diseases of the pelvic organs.

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Short description

First of all, natural origin and complete safety make the Bangshil drug popular. Reviews emphasize that the achievements of the pharmaceutical industry are not always safe. And if health is already at risk, there’s absolutely nothing to aggravate the situation. Then an Ayurvedic herbal preparation comes to the rescue, which normalizes the processes of urination, fights cystitis.

First of all, I want to emphasize the powerful bactericidal effect of this drug. It is for this property that Bangshil is known. Reviews say that doctors prescribe it for various disorders of the genitourinary system, in which it helps very effectively and quickly.

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Let's dwell on this moment in a little more detail so that you have a complete picture of the drug. As we have already said, its intended purpose is the treatment of disorders in the genitourinary system and urethra, chronic diseases of the kidneys and prostatitis, as well as fungal diseases of the mucosa and vaginitis.

In case of urethritis and prostate adenoma (typical male problems), candidiasis and trichomaniasis (problems of the beautiful half of humanity), cystitis and pyelonephritis (which can affect everyone), today most often doctors decide to prescribe “Bangshil”. At the same time, expert reviews emphasize its highest efficiency and gentle composition.


In fact, it’s quite difficult to list the substances included in the Banglish, because there are more than two dozen active components in it. That is why today the closest interest is shown in the drug "Bangshil". Reviews of doctors emphasize that such a combination of active natural components and determines its effectiveness.

The basis of the composition are mummy and gum of camphor. In third place in terms of percentage is iron sulfate. The remaining components are auxiliary. These are bamboo and cirrus lonea, sarsaparilla and elephantopus, licorice, orange pepper, Malabar bombak, Krateva bark, oil moringa, white eclipta and turmeric, round sieve, scindapsul, cedar and barberry, pepper and cardamom. Each of these components can cause an allergic reaction, so be sure to consult your doctor before using the drug. The composition is complemented by piglet and ginger, cinnamon and turpet root. The effect of the drug is enhanced by trace elements. These are sodium chloride and sodium carbonate, potassium carbonate.

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Mode of application

Practical experience with the drug shows that it is widely used as a dietary supplement. This became possible due to the large number of active substances of natural origin. After consultation with a doctor, it can be used even during pregnancy.

How do doctors recommend taking Bangshil? Instructions for use (price, reviews will be considered in our article) tells us that it is taken orally, and it is recommended to drink it with milk. During the course of treatment, it is imperative to adhere to a special diet. It is necessary to completely abandon alcohol. It is recommended to take 1-2 tablets per day twice a day. Drink the tablets preferably with warm milk or water.

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Can Bangshil harm your body? Instructions for use (prices, reviews are also valuable information, to which we will return) indicates that the drug is tolerated very well and does not pose any threat to your life and health. However, this does not mean that you can self-medicate. The drug is primarily contraindicated in allergic reactions to any of its components. Since there are so many components, it is very difficult to determine which one yielded such a result. Therefore, if you previously noticed a tendency to allergic reactions, then it is necessary to warn the attending physician about this.

Consumer Reviews

Today, this tool has become so popular that it is not a problem to find information about someone else’s experience in treating diseases with the help of the Bangshil drug. The instruction (price, reviews, unfortunately, are not given in this document) is a dry statement of pharmacological properties, a description of the composition and contraindications. Having become interested, we separately found information about the cost. The average price does not exceed 600 rubles, that is, it is quite affordable. Many stories in which treatment yielded excellent results can be reduced to the following points:

  • This is a wonderful uroseptic that enhances the effect of antibiotics.
  • The drug allows you to control the number of relapses after complex therapy.
  • If contraindications do not allow therapy with the usual drugs, then Bangshil will come to the rescue. It works great as monotherapy, as an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal property.
    bangshill and the forte reviews

Manufacturer Information

The modern consumer is interested not only in the composition of the drug, but also in the manufacturer, by whose rating they can draw conclusions about the quality of the products. The manufacturer is Alarsin. It has been a leader in Ayurvedic research since 1947. The production is based on unique recipes based on a symbiosis of ancient knowledge and experience of modern medicine. This is what makes it possible to launch unique drugs on the market that are reliable and safe for human health. At the same time, they allow very effective treatment and prevention of various diseases.

One of the most famous products is the Bangshil drug. Reviews (the price, by the way, surprises with its democratic nature) say that this is a reliable remedy for the most insidious chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, which are distinguished by a systematic return after any treatment with antibiotics and other modern means.

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The Forte by Alarsin

In fact, the company is not limited to the production of one drug. The most famous couple for treating the problems of the genitourinary system are Bangshil and Fortezh. Reviews say that if the first is most often used to treat women, the second is on guard of men's health. Although, based on the clinical picture, the doctor may prescribe them together or alternately.

The composition of the drug "Fortezh"

It is also distinguished by multicomponent and naturalness. The active substances are lentadia cinquefoil and brain, flour and medicinal sage, scented nutmeg and hyandropsis, white sandalwood, Indian ginseng, chamomile, cubeb pepper, ginger and black pepper, common calf and cloves. Individually, each of these components has certain properties, but in this composition they can also complement each other. The price of this drug is 750 rubles per pack (100 tablets).

bangshill application instructions reviews

Indications for use

These two drugs have a common purpose. For the treatment of the genitourinary system, "Fortezh", "Bangshil" are intended. Instructions for use (price, reviews will be given very soon) say that their effect is very similar, but Fortezh is ideal for men's health. The drug helps to increase sperm motility, improves the quantity and quality of sperm, and normalizes the genitourinary system as a whole. But there is a positive experience with women.

First of all, doctors prescribe this drug to women suffering from frigidity. In the process of admission, the reproductive abilities of the body improve. In parallel, the drug effectively fights chronic fatigue and hormonal disorders associated with the onset of menopause.

Combination of two drugs

Indeed, there are times when doctors prescribe both of these drugs at the same time. This does not dispute the Bangshil preparation. Reviews give a positive assessment to the application, all this reflects the real picture, since today the experience of treating diseases of the genitourinary system with the help of this tool demonstrates its highest reliability.

However, genitourinary infections - this is the sphere of influence of the drug "Bangshil", and hormonal disruptions respond much better to treatment with the help of "Fortezh". But it happens that the disease is complex, respectively, requires a similar approach. For example, in the case of prostate adenoma, it is good to combine the intake of the drug Fortezh and Bangshil. In this case, the result will definitely not keep you waiting, you will quickly feel better.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3970/

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