How to put signs in the "Word"?

Microsoft Word is a computer program in which you can print documents, letters, record your essays and thoughts. It comes in the Microsoft Office suite and is indicated by a blue icon with the letter W.

Microsoft Office Icons

Advanced Word user can change the font, color and size of letters, add a table or picture. The program is crammed with a mass of additional services, useful and entertaining. Let's talk about one in more detail - the symbol table.

What are signs in the text for?

The most important elements of the work - letters and numbers - are located on the keyboard. There are punctuation marks on it, several frequently used figures - brackets (()), quotation marks (""), number (№), percentage (%). But the panel is not able to accommodate all the pentagrams used in specialized, thematic materials. How, for example, to print a number raised to a power? How to “draw” “degree”, “paragraph”, which will look more logical in the document than letter ones? Sometimes it’s important to emphasize a word, and this little dash is also a symbol that is absent on the “clave”.

I decided to write memoirs in numbers ...

Often, advanced users use pictures: phone, arrows, scissors, envelope, insert emoticons and flowers. These are optional items. But they decorate gray printed texts with a special mood. That's why non-letter images are needed. It remains only to understand where in the Word these signs are.

We are looking for the tab “symbols”

The most popular operating systems are Windows 7 and Windows 10. Many have the seventh version, and we will study in it. Work begins on the top line of the Microsoft Word window, which looks like this:

Word menu bar

We are interested in the top line - the menu bar, where the "Home", "Insert", "Layout" tabs are located, and so on. Press the "Insert" button: the toolbar of this tab appears below, the "Symbols" field on the right side of the panel. By clicking the button, we open a window with recently used emblems. If we want others, at the bottom there is a line “other characters”, click it.

Another option for opening a table is hotkeys. Regardless of the layout (Russian / English):

  • simultaneously press Win and R;
  • the "Run" window appears, where in the "Open" line we print the word charmap.exe (without quotes);
  • click OK - the table appears on the desktop.
Working with the Symbols tab

In the symbol table window, moving the slider (on the right), we find the desired cell. How to transfer the selected monogram to the working field?

  1. In your text, position the cursor where the logo should appear.
  2. After selecting a figure, click on it with the mouse and highlight it.
  3. Now on the bottom right, click the "Insert" button. Quite an easy way.

By the way: if you want to increase or decrease the inserted character, select it and select a size from the "font size" list.

Expanding opportunities

To add other icons, graphics, graphics, pay attention to the "Font" command. Not every font has, for example, fractions, graphics. To find a rare chip, you have to study everything. Changing the font, for example, to Wingdings 2, we find office chips with phones, scissors, a finger, a “tick in the box.”

The "Symbols" window we change the font

The Symbol dialog box has other insertion options. Notice the long button at the bottom of the Keyboard Shortcut. As soon as you click on the selected icon, a code appears here. Write down the codes of frequently used signs in Word on a separate sheet - it will be easier to insert pentagrams.

It is important to know that code numbers are dialed from the small panel, which is located to the right of the alphabet. Make sure it is on (Num Lock indicator on top). The order is as follows:

  • hold Alt, hold all the time while the code number is being dialed;
  • we type in the indicated combination on the additional keyboard;
  • release Alt - where the cursor is, the selected shape appears.

Here's what some combinations of numbers give when Alt is pressed:

  • 0167 - §;
  • 0176 - ° (degree);
  • 0177 - ±;
  • 769 - '(emphasis);
  • 0216 - Ø (diameter).

Codes and keyboard shortcuts can be found not only in your tab, they are on training sites. Print them, fasten them next to the computer - this will facilitate your work on creating original compositions.

By the way! You can put a checkmark without a box using the “Markers” button on the “Home” tab. A pop-up window will display the line “Marker Library”, where there is a pretty nice checkmark. True, it will mark the list or rows in the table.

How to make a footnote?

Often in fiction near a foreign or Old Slavonic word, above the last letter, there is a small number - a footnote. At the bottom of the page under the same code is an explanation of the meaning of the word. If the footnote is next to the name or date, a historical reference will be given. And how to make a footnote in the text?

  1. For the word, near which we will put the link, put the cursor (without space).
  2. In the menu bar, click the "Links" tab.
  3. In the toolbar we find the “Insert Footnote” command, click, the little one appears in the word.

The most important thing in this procedure - at the bottom of the page the same appears immediately, there you need to clarify the meaning of the word. If you want to delete the footnote, place the cursor between the word and the number and double-click (!) On the keyboard Delete (delete).

Square deuce

Of course, not everyone will need an exponentiation. And all kinds of square meters to print happen. And this, of course, is not a link. How to put a sign in the "Word" when indicating the size of the apartment?

Superscript and subscript characters

The tab "Home" is included in the menu bar;

  • print: 50 m2 - the usual two;
  • 2 - highlight with color;
  • in the toolbar we find the button “x 2 ”, click - the little two goes above the reference line;
  • final action - press the spacebar, the reduced cursor will move away from the two, but will remain small. Click on the “x 2 ” button again, this will cancel the reduction of further text.

You can delete a superscript number in the same way as a footnote - by double-clicking on Delete. Absolutely the same algorithm of actions, if you need to make a subscript: H 2 O

For mathematicians

Pentagrams are specific, for example, mathematical formulas. In the menu bar, select the "Insert" tab, find the "Symbols" field below, but click the "Formulas" button in it. There Newton’s binomials, square roots, fractions, other mathematical things open. It is unlikely to be needed, but suddenly ?! And you can learn how to correctly add the multiplication sign.

Remember, in high school, instead of a cross, we multiplied by a dot? Find a point of labor in the table among the lines and convolutions does not amount to. And the example will look like this: 2 ˑ 2 = 4. The only thing you need to do before inserting is to put spaces so that the dot does not stick to one of the numbers.

Multiplication can be inserted with hot keys:

  • we type (with spaces): 2 2219 2 = 4;
  • we put the cursor after the code (behind the nine), holding Alt, on the left we press the letter “x / h” (English X, you do not need to switch the layout);
  • release, we get: 2 ˑ 2 = 4.

If closer and dearer is the multiplication with a cross, you can insert it by switching to the English layout. We dial the code number on the right block while holding Alt - 0215. While dialing, the numbers are not displayed, releasing Alt, you will get a cross at the cursor location: 2 × 2 = 4.

The main thing is not to be afraid

Yes, a computer is a complex system for "adult minds" who grew up without these gadgets. But, moving in small steps, you can facilitate the work without stopping at actions with the mouse or multi-stage opening of windows and tabs. And how nice it will be to send friends a letter with flowers, hearts and other pictures.

When a specialist is nearby, everything is clear

Just do not get carried away - the number of characters in the Word should not overshadow the letters of information. Although young people today write understandable SMS from emoticons alone:

Weather ❆☁☃; ⌚ = 0; Mood - シ; You are ♛.

Sometimes among the thousands of stars and alphabets there is no hieroglyph that is needed in meaning, some kind of "Spikes" sign in "Word". Not a problem - there is a "Personal Symbol Editor" that allows you to compose more than 6,000 of your "curls." But this is the next level.


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