Labor Inspectorate of Saratov: location, possible reasons for applying

If the rights of the employee are violated by the employer, then he can file a complaint with the territorial unit of the labor inspectorate. This is a supervisor established at the state level, designed to monitor the observance of labor law by employers of all forms of ownership.

labor inspection of sarats

Knowing about your rights, you must have information about the location of the nearest unit. The address of the Labor Inspectorate of Saratov is ul. 1st Sadovaya, 104.

What does the labor inspectorate rely on in its activities?

Everything related to the activities of the labor inspectorate can be found in the following legislative acts:

  • Section XIII of the fifth part of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Government Decisions Nos. 324 and 156;
  • Order of the Ministry of Social Development No. 378n;
  • Rostrud Order No. 211;
  • Federal Law No. 58, 59, 294.

The responsibilities of bodies such as the labor inspectorate of Saratov include the following responsibilities:

  • supervision in the field of violation of labor rights of citizens;
  • consideration of administrative violations in this area, making decisions on them, taking preventive measures against negligent employers;
  • ensuring the restoration of workers' rights.

Moreover, in case of violations, administrative penalties can be applied to the employer, court proceedings can be initiated, the work of the company-offender can be completely suspended.

How to contact the labor inspectorate of Saratov

There are several ways to file a complaint. The Labor Inspectorate of Saratov accepts appeals on working days through the duty inspector, via electronic form on its official website. It is also possible to submit an application through the State Services portal.

Labor Inspectorate of Saratov

In the case of electronic methods of filing appeals to the labor inspectorate of Saratov, everything is extremely simple. Each of the resources has a form that you just need to fill out, following the prompts. A written complaint will need to be prepared independently. At the same time, there is no specific pattern; you should only follow some rules.

Written appeal

Such documents have uniform rules for registration. They are compiled exclusively in the framework of the official business style. The statements of swearing, threats and slander are not allowed in the text. It should be readable, and all facts coherent, preferably their construction in chronological order. An appeal may be drawn up by a single applicant or several. A collective statement will indicate the gravity of the offense and its mass character.

You should be aware that such complaints cannot be anonymous. They simply will not be considered. Therefore, in the heading of the complaint, full information on the applicant, including contact details, must be indicated. If nevertheless anonymity is required, then this should be indicated in the text of the appeal. In this case, such a condition will be surely met.

It does not make sense to forward your complaint to the central GIT. She will still be sent to the Saratov Labor Inspectorate for consideration, but this will take additional time.

If there are documents confirming the facts as part of the complaint, then copies of them must be provided as annexes. The inspection itself has the right to request the necessary documents, but perhaps the employer will have time to hide the "inconvenient" facts.

Terms of consideration of applications

The standard term for consideration of applications is set within 30 days. If complex events, initiation of inspections and implementation of requests are not required, then this period can be reduced to 15 days. And with sufficient complexity of the case, consideration may take up to two months.

labor inspection of sarats address

A separate provision exists on the facts of dismissal. The procedure in this case is regulated by article 373 of the Customs Code. Such applications must be considered within 10 days.


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