Alexander Purnov Trading School: reviews

In today's world, such a direction of earnings as trading is becoming more and more popular. Even online schools are being created where professionals in their field share secrets with other people. First you need to understand what this type of business is and what exactly traders do.

Trading: real earnings or a waste of time?

In plain language, trading involves the purchase of securities and stocks at the same price and their sale at a price higher than the purchase. For example, before you buy paper or metal, you need to wait for the maximum reduction in value, and after the purchase to resell when the price rises. Thus, a trader - a person engaged in such a business, makes money, the size of which is always different depending on the transaction. On the one hand, any person can do this, but on the other hand, certain knowledge and experience are needed.

If a person wants to try himself in this, then he needs to start with small amounts, so that in case of an unsuccessful transaction he does not go bankrupt. Professionals recommend that beginners first practice virtual money before testing their strengths in the real world. Moreover, you can do this either independently or by entrusting the management of your money to a professional. However, there may be a risk of being cheated and losing all your money.

Types of Trading

There are several types of trading:

  1. Financial - allows you to trade in securities, metals and other assets through the purchase or sale at a bargain price.
  2. Algorithmic - implemented using computers that can perform fast calculations. This allows them to independently conduct market analysis and make profitable transactions. Despite the fact that this method is convenient, it is still unreliable, because it can lead to a market collapse with a small turnover.
  3. Forex trading on the foreign exchange market enables people to trust their funds to Internet users, as a result of which both parties make a profit. You can start your own business with even a hundred dollars. However, this type of trade is considered difficult compared to other markets due to the large number of applications.

Where can I start trading?

There are several markets:

  1. Forex trading. Here, profits are obtained due to the growth and decrease in currency prices.
  2. Commodity exchanges. You can earn on the purchase and sale of metals and energy.
  3. Stock exchanges. A trader benefits by buying up shares of enterprises and selling them at a higher price.

What is the success of a good trader

According to statistics, a very small number of businessmen achieve success on such earnings. The mistakes of the others are lack of experience, greed and inability to overcome the excitement in time. That is, you can not rashly agree to a deal if there is no certainty that the victory is yours. You can learn this either by yourself or by using the help of professionals who open trading schools specifically for this.

In order to become a professional in his field, a market trader must be able to overcome the fear of losing all his money and greed after a successful transaction. Also, a trader needs to know the rules of trading and have good theoretical knowledge.

Transactional schools

At the moment, there are several trading schools that are successful. They can teach a beginner how to become successful by doing this. Training is conducted in the format of online courses, where you can study at any convenient time. In group courses, the teacher teaches several people at once. Individuals are held personally under the full control of a professional trader.

Trading schools include the following:

  • school of trading "A-Lab";
  • school of binary options;
  • Price Action School;
  • Alexander Purnov Trading School;
  • and etc.

Of the above, the most challenging issue is the Alexander Purnov School of Trading. Some consider him a professional liar, and some - a fairly successful person. In the process of his activity, Alexander Purnov still received negative reviews. What is he really like?

Biography of Alexander Purnov

He was born on August 12, 1978 in the city of Kamyshin, Volgograd Region. He graduated from the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. At the moment, he is known as a professional Russian trader, creator of a trading school and teacher. He maintains a personal YouTube channel and a website where he educates newcomers to making profitable deals. In the photo, Alexander Purnov looks like a pretty respectable person:

Alexander Purnov photo

Start of activity

Since 2007, Purnov tried his hand at the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange (MICEX). She specializes in both currency auctions and securities. Later, starting in 2009, the trader sold futures, financial documents that are concluded on the market when buying or selling certain assets, having previously agreed on the price and delivery time, on the FORTS derivatives market, where various financial assets are traded.

Having gained his own experience, in 2011, Alexander became a teacher at the school, where he taught beginners all the nuances of the market and the most profitable purchase or sale of assets.

Alexander Purnov course reviews

Teacher career

Thanks to the experience gained, Alexander achieved some success and decided to teach others about it by inviting him to informative and interesting webinars and online courses. According to traders, Alexander Purnov is really a professional in his field. It is known that he currently has about 100 students who are already successfully engaged in market trading.

Alexander is also the author of courses, which describe in detail the strategic approach to trading. In one of his videos on YouTube channel, Purnov mentioned that he “began to see the market more clearly”, which, according to him, is the success.

At one of the online courses

To make successful transactions, the trader studied the Ichimoku indicator, which was developed in the 1930s by the Japanese analyst Goichi Hosoda. The indicator allows you to analyze the state of the market and identify trends, as well as evaluate the profitability of a particular purchase or sale for the current period of time. Purnov later became interested in the VSA method (Volume Spread Analysis - volume or spread analysis), which made it possible to use the money volumes obtained during trading for a certain period of time. Thanks to this, it was possible to find large participants in the market.

Combining both methods of market research and trade, Alexander received the Ichimoku + VSA system. In his courses, the trader also acquaints students with a pair analysis, which is part of this system and allows you to successfully engage in trading. The essence of these methods is the analysis of the market situation and the preparation of a plan for the purchase or sale of assets. Judging by the reviews of Alexander Purnov, many people like his teaching methodology.

Alexander Purnov biography

What can you learn at the Alexander Purnov Trading School

On the official website of this school, everyone has the opportunity to enroll in courses on various topics. Different training formats are offered for selection:

  • listener - independent viewing of video lessons without the ability to communicate with the teacher;
  • participant - live courses where you can ask questions of interest.

Typically, the types of training vary significantly in price. According to students, Alexander Purnov takes such money not in vain: the result is worth it.

Students also have the opportunity to independently choose a package of practical exercises: 10, 20 or 30.

Each lesson in a trading school, as a rule, consists of a theoretical part, where the teacher explains the necessary concepts and essence of the business itself. Then there are practical classes, as a result of which the student, under the supervision of a professional, can try to make his first deal. Online courses are divided by level, that is, for beginners and people with little experience on the exchange. The site even has a “Closed Club” for traders, in which newcomers participate in the morning market review and have the opportunity to meet with a mentor.

The goal of such a club is to maximize the immersion of students in the buying and selling environment and increase their professional qualities. According to the creator of the site, at the end of the course in the Closed Club, “graduates” will have the opportunity to independently develop their knowledge, gain more experience and earnings on Moscow exchanges and become a successful trader. The entrance fee to such a club costs 15,000 rubles.

Opinions about Alexander Purnov and his activities

If you go to the main website of the trading school, you can see a lot of reviews about the trading school of Alexander Purnov, and all of them are positive. People write that they really like the pair analysis and thanks to it they have completed several successful transactions. Students also call Purnov’s lessons “interesting” and everyone finds something new and informative in them. Reviews about Alexander Purnov are laid out in audio and video formats.

In his blog, a link to which is also on the school’s main website, the trader writes that there are both positive and negative reviews about his activities, but the latter, according to him, only motivate to improve learning and encourage them to analyze their mistakes and never do not repeat anymore.

Alexander loves sports

Activities in doubt

Despite the fact that the trader is so optimistic about negative comments, there are many negative reviews about Alexander Purnov. First of all, the commentary of the trader’s teacher, Andrei Khlopin, who regrets and astonishes that his student “lies beautifully”, attracts attention. This review made some doubt the activities of a professional.

The next negative review about Alexander Purnov’s trading school was a comment about too high tuition prices, which can reach 130 thousand rubles. According to the author of the review, only A. Gerchik, who has truly established himself as one of the most successful traders, can request such amounts.

There are reviews where students express dissatisfaction with Purnov’s teaching tactics: tedious lessons, sometimes departing from the topic, too complicated approaches to achieving the goal with the existing simple steps.

Some people think that most of the trader’s courses are the usual retelling of T. Williams’s book “Market Lords” without adding anything new. The authors of such reviews are also outraged that at the same time, Alexander demands so much money for his lessons.

Inability to create a complete picture of the trader’s path to success is also attributed to the “minuses” of his activity - all information is blurred and there are no clear indications of actions.

Alexander Purnov Trading School reviews

Positive opinions

Despite a sufficient number of negative comments about the activities of the trader, there are also positive reviews about the school of Alexander Purnov, which form the following "advantages" of the training methodology:

  • maintaining an interesting information blog, in which you can find even more useful material than on paid courses.
  • Alexander conducts webinars in direct mode, which allows students to chat live with the teacher, ask him important questions, and also sort out some tasks regarding trading in the market;
  • using the VSA method, which is the most correct and logical market assessment, which allows you to monitor the trading situation and make successful profitable transactions at a certain point in time.
Alexander Purnov course reviews

Words of the trader

In one of his videos on YouTube channel, Alexander spoke about trading as follows: “The main problem is not even learning. The main problem is after training ... The problem is how you will be taught in real time. In fact, everyone has knowledge. We roughly understand what it means to “buy cheap”, what it means to “sell expensive” ... We approximately understand “bar up”, “bar down”, and we can’t always put it together in real time. “My task is to show the realities of the business.” According to him, unsuccessful transactions in trading, even for a successful professional, happen, you cannot do without them and you need to be prepared for this.

Thus, there are a sufficient number of both positive and negative reviews about the courses of Alexander Purnov. Some students consider his teaching methodology insincere and useless, while others, on the contrary, admire his talent for successful transactions, and it is clear that it is interesting to explain all this to people. No one knows for sure how Purnov’s lessons can help a novice trader, so before you give large sums for participating in online training, you need to think carefully or consult with knowledgeable people.


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