Wobbler Fishing

A wobbler is a floating universal bait that resembles both the shape and color of a small fish or insect. Usually it is equipped with a blade, which provides active movement. Such a small "fish" has in its arsenal up to four hooks at once.

Catching a wobbler is perhaps the only type of fishing that gives rise to a huge number of conflicting opinions among fishermen. And the point is not at all that this bait is potentially more catchy, just in different situations not everyone knows how to use it correctly.

Let's try to understand the features of such fishing.

Wobbler fishing, especially of medium size, is best suited in shallow water. The bait up to eight centimeters long is buried at a depth of almost two meters, in rivers and lakes it is, as a rule, overgrown with water lilies backwaters and a reed border stretching along the coast.

You can fish both on the track and pick-up. Catching a wobbler in such cases is the most successful: fewer gears for grass. When fishing with such a bait in the backwater, it is better not to swim far, otherwise the whole fish will be scared.

There are several types of wobblers: swimming, diving, sinking and sharply diving. Experienced fishermen are well versed in which of them will be more appropriate to apply for a certain type of fishing.

For example, floating models are better suited for surface fishing. As a rule, they are made of wood for the necessary buoyancy. Such bait imitate the movement of a sick or wounded fish, and for authenticity, their characteristic movements are made or a stream of air is released.

As a rule, in fast-flowing water fishing on a wobbler is quite successful due to the special phenomenal stability of this bait. Floating models designed for the upper stream resemble a small step in shape. Their immersion depth is small.

Unlike their swimming counterparts, diving wobblers descend to a depth of two meters. The built-in blade that they are equipped with performs the function of a deep rudder, enabling the angler to control the speed of the game and the game.

At even greater depths, fishing on a wobbler, which is self-submerged at rest, is successful. This sinking variety of this bait is made of a material that has only negative buoyancy.

For example, in fast-flowing water fishing on a wobbler is quite successful due to the special phenomenal stability of this bait. Floating models designed for the upper stream resemble a small step in shape. Their immersion depth is small.

Experienced fishermen know that during spearfishing the most important is the correct assessment of the direction and strength of the current, therefore, being guided by such conditions, they correctly select the appropriate size and type of wobbler, which has the ability to work stably at water speed due to its vibration frequency .

During fishing on the track, it is necessary to carefully monitor the tip of the rod, which should constantly record the fluctuations of the wobbler. As soon as the top of the spinning froze, then you need to check the gear: it is likely that trash caught on it.

Fishing for zander on a wobbler is carried out with the help of a diving wobbler, which perfectly combes rocky ridges and eyebrows - the places where this fish is hiding. The method of posting is as follows: having deepened the bait, you need to evenly start the eyeliner so that its blades touch the bottom. At this time, there is a slight turbidity of the water, which attracts zander.

On river rifts, chub fishing is best done on a wobbler, as this bait is the best for him. She was able to safely squeeze out all the traditional nozzles, such as a worm, a chafer, etc.

On lakes and other calmer places this way you can catch pike and asp.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K3993/

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