Lenovo A7000: smartphone reviews

Chinese manufacturer Lenovo continues to delight with its new, affordable and functional devices. So, one of the devices that deserve the attention of buyers is the Lenovo A7000. Reviews dedicated to the gadget indicate that the model has all the advantages of a smartphone that can make it sold and famous.

We will not judge on this subject, based solely on the opinions of others. Instead, we suggest you familiarize yourself with our own review, which will help to reveal more information about what the mentioned device is. And the reviews on the Lenovo A7000 found on the network will help us better find out what flaws are hidden by the smartphone, and what the buyer should pay attention to first.


Traditionally, we begin our review with a description of what is offered with the device. So, opening the package, we find, of course, the smartphone itself, placed in a special recess. As befits, under it are other accessories. This is a charger, headphones, battery and instructions. We can conclude that the developers did not stint in the issue of equipping the phone.

Lenovo A7000 reviews

Of course, equipping the phone with such additions as a headset and a spare battery does not play a special role, but nevertheless it is nice to see some efforts by the developer to expand the proposed package.


However, we leave the package bundle and go directly to the exterior of the device. I would like to note right away that the device is presented in the “phablet” class. This means that it (with a screen size of 5.5 inches) is a cross between a full-fledged smartphone and tablet computer. Such a case, by the way, has become very popular recently due to the relatively compact size and wide possibilities that such a large display opens.

So, the device has a thin case, which is made of plastic of rather high quality. Externally, it is very difficult to say exactly what material the smartphone is made of. Elegance is given, firstly, by the color combination (Lenovo A7000 White smartphone is involved in the review; reviews also indicate that the Black version is also on sale); secondly, the sophistication of the body is given by the shiny adjustment buttons on the side faces. Although they are small in size, they are pressed clearly and confidently, so working with them is a pleasure.

smartphone Lenovo A7000 8Gb reviews

In addition to the side navigation elements, the Lenovo A7000 (reviews confirm) also has a front touch panel with three keys classic for Android gadgets).

The back cover of the A7000 model also looks attractive - the shapes decorating it are somewhat similar to how the Lenovo Vibe Z3 was designed (the same rectangular design features). A rectangular camera is placed on the left corner of the case, under it is a flash; and on the right side of the lid you can see the speaker mesh, also presented in a rectangular shape. The cover, by the way, is removed here - and this is really a convenient solution in a situation where there is a need to replace the battery, SIM card or microSD.


The characteristics of the display installed on the Lenovo A7000, reviews are called quite sufficient for everyday work. Looking at them, we will see the resolution of the HD format (which makes the picture on the device as realistic and deep as possible). This also allows us to talk about the highest density of dots per inch, and therefore, even with a thorough examination, it is not so easy to notice the grain effect on the display.

In addition, you can positively characterize the level of screen backlighting (the brightness margin is enough to work in sunlight); It is also possible to reduce the brightness to a minimum for comfortable reading when the lights are off.

Lenovo A7000 8gb reviews

As noted by the dedicated Lenovo A7000 reviews, the tilt angles here also retain a good image that does not fade or darken.


A chip from MediaTek is installed on the device we are describing, which, as you know, comes in combination with budget solutions. We are talking about the MT6572M model, which has 8 cores with a clock frequency of up to 1.5 GHz. Given 2 GB of RAM, we can talk about a fairly high level of device performance and good performance (in terms of interaction with “bulky" games on Google Play). During the review, we conducted a series of tests using various (currently popular) benchmarks that showed good results.

As for the device’s memory, it consists of two parts - this is the default amount available on the Lenovo A7000 8 GB. Reviews, as well as technical specifications, note that a total of 16 GB of physical memory are provided on the smartphone; however, half of them are occupied by system files, because of which we can only talk about eight.

smartphone smartphone Lenovo A7000 8gb reviews


Lenovo smartphones with powerful equipment, judging by the reviews, often suffer from low endurance, having batteries of small capacity. So, according to technical data, Lenovo A7000 (8gb), the reviews we were looking for, has a 2900 mAh battery. Of course, the site presents the results of official measurements of the endurance of this battery; however, they, as we know, do not always correspond to reality. In order not to repeat them, we’ll note more simply - when interacting with the phone in normal (everyday) mode (which provides 3-4 hours of active screen glow and periodic work with 3G / LTE networks for 30-40 minutes), the device can last up to two days on a single charge. Of course, if you use it more actively, this figure will decrease. In any case, reviews describing the Lenovo A7000 Dual will call the device insufficiently hardy - this is normal, given the level of charge on such smartphones.


In fact, the communication capabilities of the smartphone are nothing special, even if you compare the A7000 with competing models. The phone supports 2 cards (you can understand this based on the name that the smartphone wears - Lenovo A7000 Dual Sim Black). Customer reviews related to the description of the device’s network support note that the phone has excellent communication, even in places where the signal is weak.

In addition to simply supporting the operation of the GSM module, Lenovo also has a Bluetooth option for transferring files; GPS module in order to determine the location and lay a further route; as well as Wi-Fi for connecting to high-speed wireless Internet. In addition, there is support for high-speed LTE communications (although it is more relevant for large cities).

smartphone Lenovo A7000 White reviews

operating system

Of course, Lenovo smartphones (A7000 is no exception) have Android OS installed. Since the device was released relatively recently, it posted a version of the 5th series. Probably, at the moment, the developers have taken care of the update to the 6th generation of Android.

True, one cannot count on a “pure” modification of the system - the Chinese have installed the Vibe UI graphical shell (initially, as you might guess from the name, it was installed on the Vibe Z3 model). Externally, this “add-in" somewhat distinguishes the interface from the "classic" Android; however, no significant features can be found here. Unless we can say about the new (for the 5th generation OS) user account management function, which has at its disposal a set of security options.

Software Features

Exclusive (from developers) Vibe shell has some additions that make working with a smartphone more comfortable. This is not a feature, since all of them can be installed on any other device - however, their selection, as noted by reviews on the Lenovo A7000 Onyx Black, provides convenience.

Lenovo A7000 8gb reviews

So, first of all, we note a novelty - the “live keyboard” function. It works with the help of a sensor for changing the angle of the device: on the screen, the user's finger is installed in the area of ​​the keys; then, tilting the device from side to side, you can type. In order to do this quickly, of course, you need to get used to it, but it is not difficult.

In addition, you can also note the new equalizer Dolba Atmos. Its description is a topic for a separate article; it is worth saying only that its wide range of functions allows you to improve the sound of the works, to personalize the settings and, thus, “adjust” the playback to your taste.


When writing a review, one should not forget about the cameras installed on the smartphone. So, according to the technical information about our A7000, two modules were placed on this model for creating images with a resolution of 8 and 5 megapixels (main and front, respectively). The rear camera is also equipped with a flash (which is harmoniously integrated into the design of the case - we mentioned this above).

The quality of the pictures received on the Lenovo A7000 smartphone (8Gb), reviews are mostly called satisfactory - taking into account the cost of the device, its positioning. However, there are those who think otherwise: they say that the detail of the pictures is too low, the color balance is poor, and so on. The review found that in poor lighting colors really “get off”; a certain “noise” occurs.

However, when working in more favorable conditions, there can be no complaints about the quality of the camera.


When writing a review, we tried to methodically refer to the opinions of some users who describe a particular device option. In addition, in a separate way, I would like to draw your attention to the shortcomings that customers write about. Indeed, in fact, knowing about them, our readers will be able to take a more objective position in relation to the described smartphone.

Just want to note that users do not name any serious flaws on the part of the manufacturer. The phone is really high-quality - its stability, speed, functionality - all this has already been confirmed by a lot of comments. Therefore, we name only minor flaws. These, in particular, include the back cover creaking on some devices; weak camera (already mentioned); low sound in the Dolby Atmos system; small amount of internal memory; color combination on the AMOLED display.

All these are optional flaws that may not seem to every buyer as such.

Lenovo A7000 Onyx Black reviews


Initially, the developers tried to make the smartphone Lenovo A7000 8 GB (customer reviews confirm such conjectures) ideal in terms of value for money. In this case, unlike other Chinese companies, they did not significantly lower the price, reducing the cost of high-quality components; they didn’t save on the chipset or display here - all this turned out to be really high-quality. In addition, the layout of the device, which has a powerful battery, attractive design, and an individual interface, is pleased.

By launching such smartphones, Lenovo can continue its growth in the mobile market, increasingly luring customers from the giants Samsung, HTC and others.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4001/

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