Fashionable color wenge - what is it?

Color wenge is what

Of course, the color palette is not limited to seven shades of the rainbow. Between them there are still hundreds of tones and nuances. Modern designers claim that the color of "wenge" is now fashionable. What is this? - you are perplexed. In photographs of furniture or other details of the interior, one can see coffee, chocolate, golden brown, or even purple-eggplant. Let's try to clarify this issue. What color is worthy to be called "wenge", with what it is combined, and how to design a home for them.


"Coffee with milk" for all ordinary people is, first of all, a drink. And only with designers and textile workers it is color. The same thing happened with wenge. It is just a tree. It grows in equatorial Africa, has about forty species. The color of wenge depends on the variety of varieties, as well as on the age of the wood. It’s any kind of coffee (from “mocha” to almost black), chocolate, brown, as well as purple, eggplant shades. Yes, the palette is the widest. But not all of the above colors can be called wenge. The thing is in the structure of wood.

Distinctive feature

The young plant on the cut is golden brown. With age, it darkens, becomes almost black, like an ebony tree, but nevertheless, not to an anthracite hue. Wood has a coarse, coarse-fibered structure. Since it contains a large amount of oil, it is poorly polished. Furniture makers mainly use the waxing method for wenge wood. This slightly obscures the wonderful black veins. By the way, they are a distinctive feature. If you are asked: “What is the color of wenge?”, Boldly reply: “Brown with black veins”.

What colors does wenge go with?

Use in the interior

We need to work hard with the processing of wood wenge, but the result exceeds expectations. Flat fibers and resistance to fungi and parasites allows you to make excellent furniture out of it. But when dry, it may be susceptible to cracking. However, it is a “strong” tree that can withstand loads. Therefore, wood is used for the construction of stairs, ceiling beams, panels. For which rooms is the wenge color suitable? This is some chic, but at the same time strict interior. Living room, dining room, study. It can be used to decorate adult bedrooms. But for children it is clearly not suitable. By itself, this tree is "mature", "balanced", "calm." Therefore, you should not make out the entire room in a “weng” - it will turn out too gloomy and (in dark rooms) even dull. Combine this exotic wood with light ash, maple or olive.

What color is suitable for wenge

What colors does wenge go with?

In short, you need to proceed from your preferences. Most often, this tree is used in modern interiors, where the whole design is built on the contrast of light and dark. If you have wenge furniture, make sure that the walls or parquet are light. Come from the tone of wood. If it is golden brown, beige tones will do, if it is the color of black coffee - white and silver. In any case, wenge goes well with turquoise and blue, as well as with pink tones. When choosing accessories, pay attention to the color type of wood. Is it warm or cold? If the furniture is burgundy, chocolate, brown (in different shades), then it is easy to determine which color is suitable for wenge: it is orange, bright yellow, pistachio, red or green. But if your tree is purple or with a greenish tint, it will look good with gray, lilac, raspberry and blue.


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