"Illusan", natural complex: reviews, instructions

"Illusan" is a natural complex, reviews of which do not allow you to pass by and not pay special attention to the drug. Despite the fact that this drug has not yet been registered as a medicine or an official pharmacy dietary supplement, some have already managed to experience its effect and share their experience of use.

Judging by the reviews of "Illusan," the natural complex in fact helps to improve well-being and improves the functioning of internal organs. The drug saturates the body with vitamins and valuable trace elements, removing toxins from it, pathogens and strengthening the immune system.

Supplement Benefits

While this multivitamin composition is not popular, although many have already tested it in practice. As the majority of positive reviews show, the Ilusan natural complex does not cause adverse reactions, as it is made exclusively from plant and animal components. The composition of the product is completely free of any synthetic additives - the manufacturer specifically refused to use them so as not to harm the health of patients with various kinds of chemistry.

illusan natural complex reviews
By the way, the statement about the antibacterial properties of "Illusan" does not mean at all that it contains antibiotics. Although the active substances in the composition of such medicines cure many diseases, they have a number of side effects and contraindications. Unlike antibiotics, Illusan:

  • does not destroy healthy intestinal microflora, but acts only on pathogenic microflora;
  • acts more gently;
  • does not harm other internal organs;
  • improves well-being by stabilizing the work of all systems in the body;
  • restores immune defense;
  • tones and gives a feeling of vigor throughout the day.

If you take into account that this drug cannot be found in a pharmacy, the logical question arises: "How do people even get to know about this dietary supplement?" Most often get acquainted with this tool on the Internet. The manufacturer does not pay due attention to product promotion - it is quite possible that the reason for the low popularity of the product is the lack of an advertising company as such. The natural Illusan complex (in drops or powder) is offered to customers in addition to other eminent bioadditives.

The course of taking the drug is recommended for those who are actively losing weight - this will compensate for the deficiency of substances entering the body and maintain health. The instructions to "Illusan" say that this dietary supplement will be especially useful for patients undergoing antifungal therapy, since it, by strengthening the immune system, can protect against re-infection. Given the antihypertensive properties of this plant complex, many patients take it with the goal of preventing the increase in blood pressure.

Does the drug have analogues?

drops illusan natural complex
Despite the fact that there are no analogues with an identical composition, the drug can still be identified several dietary supplements that have a similar therapeutic effect. Most of them relieve the body of parasites, removes toxins and toxins, and returns activity and vitality. These drugs include:

  • Vetoxic.
  • Intoxic.
  • Helmifort.
  • "Bactefort."
  • "Toxorbin."

Prevention of colds, flu and SARS

According to the reviews of Illusan drops, it is advisable to start taking the natural complex long before the period of winter flu epidemics and the increase in respiratory diseases. If you drink the drug in the fall, it will help protect against infection. It is unlikely that anyone will argue that prevention is better than any treatment. So why, instead of eliminating the consequences of a cold or SARS, simply do not take care of yourself in advance?

illusan powder natural complex reviews

An undoubted advantage in the piggy bank reviews about "Illusan" are the positive comments of patients. Most talk about the absence of any allergic reactions or side effects, easy tolerance of the drug and a wide range of indications. Compared to pharmacy antiviral and antimicrobial medicines, the Ilusan natural complex does not cause nausea, vomiting, or drowsiness. Its active substances are quickly absorbed.

The only thing that is still worth considering is the likelihood of individual intolerance to one of the components of the dietary supplement. In case of any negative reaction of the body (rashes, nausea, vomiting, headache and dizziness), it is necessary to stop taking drops or Illusan powder. The instructions for use say that it is possible to use dietary supplements without medical advice. And yet, if there are obvious violations on the part of the body, it is worth making an exception and going to the doctor.

Composition: what is in the dietary supplement?

Unfortunately, there is no additional information about the composition. To find out what is part of the drug, you can only from the instructions and its packaging. The lack of information about the components contained in the drug is a clear sign of fake. By the way, the manufacturer warns of frequent cases of fraud. When purchasing a dietary supplement, you should not lose vigilance - before use it is important to study the packaging and instructions in detail.

drops illusan natural complex reviews
The original "Illusan" includes more than 20 different components of plant and animal origin. Extracts, extracts, oils were combined in one formula of the drug. The main therapeutic effect is achieved due to the content of:

  • badger fat;
  • beaver musk;
  • ylang ylang;
  • ginseng.

Signs of a fake

It is worth noting that, according to reviews, the positive effect of the components of the Ilusan natural complex is not immediately felt. A noticeable improvement in overall well-being is achieved after completing the full course, since BAA substances accumulate in the body. You should refrain from buying the drug if:

  • On its packaging is not indicated composition.
  • There is no instruction for use.
  • The composition does not contain the listed components.

Here we can talk about the next addition of the "basement spill", which does not have registration and certificates. A properly designed label does not mean absolute originality of the product.

How to drink powder and drops?

Illusan Natural Complex
The person who received the "Illusan", as a rule, does not have problems with how to take the remedy. The instructions for the drug set out in detail the algorithm of action. By the way, the method of using the natural natural complex depends on the form of release. The powder is used according to this scheme:

  1. One teaspoon of the powder is diluted in 100 ml of liquid (water, juice, weak and non-hot tea).
  2. Take the drug on an empty stomach in the morning.
  3. The course of treatment is 30 days.

Drops are used differently. Unlike powder, they are used twice a day. There are two ways to take Illusan drops: dilute a tablespoon of water in a tablespoon or soak a refined cube with the preparation, and then eat it. Dietary supplement can be drunk both for adults and children, the drug has no age restrictions. For patients over 12 years of age, the optimal dosage is 10 drops in the morning and evening. For those younger, 5 drops twice daily before meals.

What do patients say about this dietary supplement?

Doubt that a monthly course of recovery will give real results, reviews on the Illusan powder do not allow. The natural natural complex has helped many to normalize the functioning of the digestive system, improve metabolic processes and even lose a few pounds. Women are satisfied with the condition of their skin, hair and nails, which become an external confirmation of their health and excellent health.

illusan instruction

"Illusan" has all the necessary quality certificates. After a series of tests, no expert commission raised doubts about the safety of the formula. As already mentioned, you can use the tool without a medical prescription. Consult a specialist only if there is no certainty about how the body will react to the composition of the drug or a specific component. Before giving Illusan to children, parents should get approval from the pediatrician.

Who was dissatisfied with "Illusan"?

A lot of the web can be found and negative reviews about this tool. Some patients believe that "Illusan" does not correspond to any word stated by the manufacturer. Allegedly this is a dummy, which is sold more often in addition to another ineffectively advertised dietary supplement. Buyers have not heard about Illusan itself before, but learned about it during the purchase of various means for losing weight or restoring the body tone, from fungal infection or hypertension. If you believe the reviews, the managers of online stores simply imposed a product, recommending to purchase it to increase the effectiveness of the product for which the buyer was already ready to pay.

illusan reviews

It is likely that the authors of negative reviews were simply victims of scammers. Unfortunately, the deceived people did not receive any therapeutic and restorative effect from the drug.

How much is?

"Illusan" costs about 500 rubles. The cost is quite ordinary, but no one would like to throw money away. In order not to fall for the crooks hook, it is important to be 100% sure of the quality of the purchased product. Before buying, it is important to study the instructions, remember how the original packaging looks. If there is even the slightest discrepancy, it is better to immediately refuse to purchase doubtful goods.

Where is it for sale?

You need to buy any drugs and dietary supplements in a pharmacy. If they do not appear in retail chains, then it is necessary to purchase directly from manufacturers. Most of them have official sites where you can place an order. In addition, such a deal without intermediaries and margins will be much more profitable for the buyer. According to reviews, some managed to get Illusan when ordering such products as Mangosteen syrup, Novastep ointment, and Desintox funds. Having left the application, the buyers were waiting for the call from the sales assistant, and it was he who was offering “Illusan” in addition to one of the indicated goods.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4005/

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