What a submarine dreams of: interpretation

Have you had to look for the answer to the question of what the submarine dreams of? This vision is both awesome and exciting. But what it means and what portends the dreamer, popular interpreters will help. The main thing is to remember as many details of the dream as possible.

submarine dream

Universal dream book

The universal interpreter gives such explanations as to what the submarine dreams of:

  • Sleep may be a reflection of the fact that the real state of affairs in your life does not correspond to what you want. Perhaps this is a signal to begin to change something.
  • Also, a submarine can be a symbol of a stormy romance. Relationships will be complicated by the fact that your partner will be bound by marriage.
  • If the submarine in your dream was sunken, this is a warning that you do not need to follow the advice of others. Do everything as you see fit.
  • If a submarine is sailing very slowly and with a loud drone, this means that in reality achievements give you a lot of trouble.
  • If the submarine in your vision sailed on the surface of the sea, it means that you are not fully using your internal resources. Do not be afraid to show your talents and abilities.

Dream Interpreter Grishina

If you are wondering what the submarine is dreaming of, look into Grishina’s interpreter. Here is what information you will find in this source:

  • If in your dream a submarine sailed near a huge ship, this means that in reality you will have an influential patron.
  • If in a dream you experienced discomfort when you saw a submarine, then in reality you have to feel fear of an enclosed space.
  • Sleep can be a symbol of your deep thoughts. Perhaps you should be alone for a while to get your thoughts in order.
  • If a boat makes its way through the water column quickly and unhindered, it means that in reality you love your work, it is given to you without much effort.
  • If you see a broken submarine washed ashore, this symbolizes your loneliness and boredom in real life.
submarine dream book

Family dream book

The family interpreter contains such considerations as to what the submarine dreams of:

  • A submarine under water is a reflection of your hidden talents. You should pay more attention to self-development in order to discover new abilities.
  • If the submarine sailed at the very bottom, this indicates your desire to "lay down". It may be worth while moving away from others to understand yourself.
  • If the submarine crashed into a rock or a large vessel passing by, a vision warns you of possible health problems. The reason is self-neglect.
  • If the screws of the submarine are entangled in strong fishing nets, this means that the ill-wishers are plotting intrigues against you.
  • Two submarines sailing in the same direction are a symbol of a happy marriage.
dreamed submarine

21st Century Dream Interpretation

If you are wondering what a submarine is dreaming of in the water, pay attention to the 21st century interpreter. In it you will find such answers to your question:

  • A sunken submarine is a symbol of stagnation. At the moment, nothing interesting is happening in your life. It is worth leaving the comfort zone to fill your life with vivid events.
  • If in a dream you were inside a submarine, this means that in reality you will be held hostage to some unpleasant situation. Unfortunately, it will not be in your power to change something, so you will have to take a wait and see attitude.
  • If the submarine, while under water, burned, this means that in reality you have a strong feeling for another person, but are afraid to admit. Perhaps in the near future you will be presented with a convenient moment for this.
  • If in a dream you saw a submarine float to the surface of the water, it means that people around you will soon find out a secret that you carefully kept secret from everyone.
  • Sleep can symbolize your seclusion and distrust of others. Perhaps you should be a more open person.
what does a submarine mean

Miller's Dream Book

Here is what information about the submarine can be gleaned from Miller’s dream book:

  • The desire to change something in life is what a submarine dreams about on the surface. You are bored with the familiar environment and familiar surroundings. You need a variety.
  • If you cannot open the hatch of a submarine and get out of it, it means that at the moment you are unable to change the situation. It is worth taking a break and gaining strength and energy for future accomplishments and achievements.
  • Soon all your thoughts will be occupied by some new promising business - that’s what the submarine is dreaming of. The result promises to be satisfactory.
  • Seeing yourself inside a submarine is a symbol of your shyness and self-doubt. You consciously drive yourself into a framework.
  • If there was a hole in the submarine through which water got, it means that there is someone in your immediate environment who is very unfriendly towards you.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4021/

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