Planting Cabbage On Seedlings

Planting cabbage for seedlings begins with the preparation of seeds. Before sowing cabbage, you need to carefully select the seeds. To do this, they are poured for five minutes with a three percent solution of sodium chloride, then the water and the pop-up seeds are drained, and the remaining ones are washed with water and dried. Large and medium seeds are selected for sowing.

Planting cabbage for seedlings is produced by germinating seeds. To check the seeds for germination, they must be sprouted: a moist cloth is laid on a flat saucer, the seeds are placed on top, then covered with the same cloth and germinated at 20-25 degrees. The fabric should be periodically moistened so that it does not dry out.

If you want to know the percentage of germination of seeds, take 100 pieces for ease of counting. The germination of seedlings is determined by the seeds germinated within three days, and the germination is determined by those that sprouted within seven days.

Planting cabbage for seedlings is carried out only by disinfected seeds. Usually the seeds are disinfected from pathogens with a solution of potassium permanganate, after which they are washed with water. But such processing is considered ineffective.

A greater effect is obtained by heat treatment, in which seeds placed in a gauze bag are lowered into hot water for 20 minutes . The water temperature should be strictly 48-50 degrees, because if the water temperature is below 48 degrees, the effect will be lost, and at a higher temperature - germination. You need to warm the seeds in a large amount of water, since in this case the water will cool more slowly.

We offer one more method of seed disinfection: stir crushed garlic (30 g) in half a glass of water and let the seeds stand in this solution for an hour. Then the seeds are washed with clean water and dried.

Planting cabbage seeds for seedlings is carried out on time. In order for the seeds to sprout faster, they need to be soaked for 12 hours. Water should be at room temperature and only cover the seeds. Every 4 hours, water is changed.

Seeds should not germinate, but only swell, so if the time for planting the cabbage has not yet come, they are cleaned in the refrigerator, after being wrapped in a wet rag.

Before planting, the seeds are treated for three hours in a biostimulating solution. To prepare the solution, two tablespoons of wood ash are poured with a liter of water and insisted for a day, then filtered.

Planting cabbage for seedlings should be carried out with hardened seeds. This not only accelerates the germination of seeds, but also increases the resistance of plants to cold weather. After this, you can start sowing. So that wet seeds do not stick to your hands, they are dried.

Planting cabbage seeds for seedlings is carried out at certain times, which are easy to calculate, knowing that before the first seedlings take 8-12 days, and another 45-50 days before the formation of the finished seedlings. Thus, cabbage is planted in the soil at the age of 55-60 days. Knowing this, you can easily calculate the time of planting cabbage. The emerged seedlings need to be kept at a temperature of 6-7 degrees, not more, especially this temperature regime is important to maintain at night, otherwise the cabbage seedlings will simply stretch, and such seedlings are considered poor quality and often die.

For about a week they maintain a low air temperature, after which it can be increased to 12-15 degrees. The cultivation of cabbage seedlings takes place, as a rule, in two doses. First, seedlings are obtained from the seeds, and in the phase of cotyledonary leaves they are dived, placed in a greenhouse or in a box, but best of all - in special nutritional pots that are installed in the greenhouse and filled with a nutrient mixture.

And already from the greenhouse, seedlings are planted in the ground in a permanent place that needs to be prepared by digging the holes and filling them with sod-humus mixture to half. That's about how cabbage is planted on seedlings.


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