How to align text in Word. How to align text in height, edges and vertically

The Word program has been widely distributed among users of a wide variety of specialties. In fact, this is a small publishing desktop system. When working with text, the program provides simply unlimited possibilities. To understand all its subtleties will not be difficult even for an inexperienced user. In this article, we will examine in detail the question of how to align text in Word.

Horizontal Alignment

Working with Word, making text neat and beautiful is a snap. For alignment, for example, you do not need to perform complex and lengthy actions, working with the space bar and tab. Everything can be done much faster using the special tools of the program. So how to align text in Word?

For this purpose, the program has a paragraph group in the main menu. There are four buttons with dashes (second row). By clicking on the first, you can align the text to the left. Such formatting is set by default in the program. But sometimes, for one reason or another, you want to center the text. This method draws, for example, headers. In this case, press the second button on the left. Right-aligning text is very rarely used. However, such formatting is applied from time to time. For such a design, you need to click the third button on the left. Next, we'll see how to align text around the edges. This can be done by clicking on the last button in the row “Width”. In this case, by canceling the fixed length of the spaces, the text will turn out to be even on the sides. By the way, just such a paperwork is considered correct in most cases.

how to align text in Word

To align, you can also use the keys on the keyboard:

  1. Left Alignment - Ctrl + L.
  2. In the center - Ctrl + E.
  3. On the right edge - Ctrl + R.
  4. Width - Ctrl + J.

If desired, horizontal alignment can be done even after the text is printed. To do this, select the necessary text fragment with the mouse (right-click). Then you should click on the button that is required in this particular case. We hope you now understand how to align text in Word. In this case, there simply cannot be any difficulties.

Aligning text in a table

In the table, the text is aligned exactly as in a regular field. This is done elementarily. In order to change the position of words in all cells at once, the entire table should be selected with the mouse. Next, click on the desired button in the "Paragraph" group of the main menu. To change the position of the text in a separate cell, you need to select only it and perform the same procedure as in the case of the design of the entire table at once.

You can use another way. To do this, the cursor is placed in the desired cell and right-click. In the menu that opens, go to the "Cell Alignment" item and select the desired text position.

Line spacing selection

Next, consider how to change the distance between the lines. When working with text, this may also be needed. To do this, in the same group of the “Paragraph” main menu, click on the “Line Spacing” arrow (the last in the second row). As a result, a menu will appear in which you can select the desired value. In order to change the spacing between lines in already typed text, you just need to select the necessary fragment and click the right mouse button. Next, select the desired value.

how to align text in word

You can change the intervals using a set of styles. To do this, in the main menu in the "Styles" group, click on "Change Styles". Next, choose a style with a suitable line spacing. As soon as the cursor is over a specific menu item, the text will change accordingly. You can choose, for example, the style of Word 2003 (interval 1), Word 2007 (interval 1.5), etc.

Select paragraph spacing

So, we have figured out how to align text in Word in the horizontal direction and how to change the spacing between individual lines. Now let's try to understand the intricacies of paragraph design. Changing the distance between them in this program is also very simple. By default, paragraphs in a program are separated by a single line. In order to change this, you must first select the necessary paragraph. Next, on the “Page Layout” tab (or “Page Layout” depending on the version), go to the “Paragraph” group. Here you can set the value of the indentation from the left or right edge, as well as the interval “Before” (above) and “After” (below).

how to align text vertically

Align text to height

Aligning text in Word can be performed not only horizontally, but also in height. For example, when designing covers, you often need to make the text position in the middle of the sheet in the vertical direction. So you can emphasize the specifics of the page. Therefore, further we will consider how to align the text in height.

In order to achieve this goal, go to the "Page Layout" menu and click on the arrow (bottom right) in the "Page Settings" tab. After that, the corresponding menu will open. Here, select the “Paper Source” (last) section. In the "Vertical alignment", you can select the position of the text on the top edge, center, height or bottom edge. As you can see, the answer to the question of how to align text vertically in Word is also quite simple. The program allows you to do this in a few clicks.

how to align text in height

How to flip text in Word

If desired, the text in Word can even be flipped upright. To do this, go to the "Insert" tab, in the "Table" group (first in a row), and click on the arrow. In the menu that appears, select the item "Draw a table" and circle the text. Next, setting the cursor in the resulting field (not on the text), click the right mouse button. In the menu that appears, click on “Text Direction”. Here you can select the desired text position.

how to align text around the edges

Delete page

If you remove only the text in the Word, the page will still be saved, since on it, in addition to visible letters, there are also hidden characters (usually tabs and transitions between lines). They should also be removed by clicking on the “Display all characters” icon in the “Paragraph” group of the main menu (last row, last button). You can erase all characters that have become visible by highlighting them with the mouse and pressing the Del key. After that, the page will automatically be deleted.

Thus, you now know how to align text in Word horizontally, vertically, at the edges, and in tables. The procedure is quite simple. This program, designed for both professionals and ordinary users, allows you to draw up text without spending too much time and effort.


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